
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

tranquiliT smanquiliT

do you ever have those moments, days, weeks, when it is all you can do to get out of bed and face your to-do list? i giggle nervously about the fact that i know the secret to a tranquil life - regular yoga practice, healthy eating, positive relationships, lots of water, organized surroundings - but yet some days getting out of bed, putting on clothes and getting out the door feels like climbing mt. everest. as the days get shorter, darker, and colder, the desire to hibernate feels natural. i believe it is important to honor these darker times, take a mental health day, and know that a more tranquil path is right around the corner - after you've had your chance to rest in bed and rejuvenate the soul. without replenishing the well, there is very little to share with others.

enjoy this week's focus on gratitude, bringing to light the positive even in the negative. every challenge and struggle has a lesson or opportunity deep in its core. sometimes it is very hard to determine what that could possibly be or you may want to throw up your hands with a "i'm SO over the lesson, please help me out here" request to the universe. it's normal, we all struggle and i like to believe we're all doing the best we can. somedays we just don't have the energy to put our best foot forward, somedays it is better for us to show our best faces to the world by staying in bed! when you have the mindset of "tranquiliT smanquiliT," know that your yoga practice that day may be curled up on the couch with hot tea rather than eka pada bakasana (one-legged crow).

posted by kimberly wilson @ 4:01 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, November 18, 2004

create a passion-filled vision statement for your life

During the retreat I led last weekend with eleven delightfully open and receptive yogis, I emphasized the importance of assessing their current state of satisfaction in the various areas of their lives (relationships, education, career, financial, etc.) and to list baby steps on how to improve areas that lacked full satisfaction. This inner work reminded me of the importance of living and practicing a vision statement.

A modern girl must jumpstart her chic and consious path by establishing a vision statement for her life. A vision statement is a simple promise to the world that one’s presence on this earth is not in vain. The Hip Tranquil Chick chooses what she wants to accomplish in life and knows why is it important to her. Her vision can be as specific as opening a much-needed shoe store in her neighborhood or as global and grandiose as changing the world through activist efforts. She begins by noticing what moves her, what ignites passion, and what she admires in others. It is true that the unexamined life is not worth living, so she establishes a purpose. Once the vision is set, she begins aligning her decisions and goals in accordance with this vision. Until then, if there is not a clearly defined direction, she knows that the path towards an enlightened life will be very windy.

To help you determine your vision statement, take a moment to do some OMwork:
· Write 20 activities that bring you joy. Ex., running, writing, and listening to music.
· Write 10 causes that inspire you. Ex., feminism, bargain shoe-buying, and animal rights.
· Write 10 1-year and 5-year goals. Ex., getting certified to teach yoga, completing a business plan, or writing a book proposal may be 1-year goals. 5-year goals may be opening a yoga studio, getting published, or becoming a well-known speaker on feminist issues.

Do you see a common theme among these three lists? How can you weave them together to create a vision statement for your life? Write an affirmation of your purpose. A vision statement for these examples could be to inform others of the importance of living an empowered life through writing about yoga and feminist values. An affirmation would be: I will live in a way that blends my joy of yoga with my passion for feminism and encourage others to do the same through my example and writing. Once a clear vision statement and affirmation have been set, inscribe them on colorful note cards. Position them all around you – at work, in your planner, at home, in your fabulous handbag – so that you are constantly reminded of why you’re here and where you’re going!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:09 AM | 0 comments

Friday, November 12, 2004

true tranquiliT: breathe your way to inner peace

For the modern girl who finds that she’d rather be on the yoga mat than out with Mr. Not-So-Fabulous or dealing with her company's latest drama, here is a breath sequence to bring you back to balance:

Bring awareness to the breath. Is it fast, shallow, slow or smooth? Notice each inhale and exhale. Without altering it, just observe and begin tuning him (or the challenging situation) out. After a minute or so of simply being aware of the breath pattern, focus on your on the inhale, count silently 1, 2, 3, 4, and on the exhale, 1, 2, 3, 4. Take long, slow, fluid breaths in and out of the nose. After a couple of minutes here breathing four full counts, focus on drawing the breath into the belly, next the lungs, and finally the chest. Now exhale the chest, lungs, and belly. By placing your hands onto these three parts of the body, you can bring awareness into each area to ensure the breath is flowing there.

This simple breath technique can do wonders to restore balance and tranquility to a challenging situation. The 3-part yogic breath will assist you in overcoming the body’s automatic fight or flight response. Breathe fully and feel fabulous.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 5:29 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, November 11, 2004

what is a hip tranquil chick?

I am currently working on a book that blends the aspects of yoga with lifestyle in a chic and conscious way for the modern girl, Hip Tranquil Chick. Considering 82% of the 15 million Americans practicing yoga are women, I believe we deserve a book catered to us! With the creation of the book's concept, I've worked to bring to life who I want to be, what qualities I seek to embody, lessons I've learned along the way, and what I believe connects modern women to a mindful core while having fun along the way.

illustration by morgan l. johnson

A Hip Tranquil Chick: embodies zest for life, thinks outside the box, cultivates creativity in all she does, lives her yoga practice, thinks globally, remains grounded, lives her vision statement, handles money mindfully, challenges herself daily, doesn't play victim, seeks opportunity, seeks to inspire others, loves to watch other's eyes light up from her thoughtful gestures, takes control of her career, creates community, revels in throwing soirees that bring like-minded people together, doesn't shun change, creates an urban oasis to nurture her soul at home and at work, is in touch with her breath, loves flair, uses her yoga practice as a mirror for life, and believes in empowering others.

I began Tranquil Space and designed special workshops catered to women five years ago as a way to encourage others to live more consciously and creatively while also creating a community of women. What began as Wild Woman Workshops and Artist's Way Circles have now evolved into Hip Tranquil Chick workshops (visit our enlightening events page for upcoming ones) with a blending of yoga, creativity, and flair. The notion that you have control over who you are and who you become is both empowering and scary. I hope that we all are able to embody a little "Hip Tranquil Chickness" into our everyday lives.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:38 PM | 0 comments

Monday, November 08, 2004

the power of choice

This week felt like a roller-coaster at the studio. Tuesday I received elated text messages from friends delighted to stand for hours in line to make their voice heard, and students showing up wearing their "I voted" sticker with pride to receive a free yoga class. Then came Wednesday where the mood was very different - sullen, almost devestation. I began the class with an energetic focus to move through pent-up emotions and ended with a restorative focus, to quiet and calm. Throughout the remaining classes and into the retreat I led this weekend, I focused on reminding students of the power of choice.

We all have a choice about how we react to the results of this election. To me, nothing is worse than feeling powerless. Can you spend a few moments reflecting on how you can continue supporting causes you hold dear? How can you make a difference within this administration? How can you help make America stronger? How can the election teach the art of detachment? How can the election jump-start you to get involved?

I believe that our ability to make a difference has little to do with who sits in the Oval Office but more to do with what we tell ourselves. Feeling defeated does little to boost morale or move a country forward. Feeling defeated saps precious energy. And feeling empowered moves mountains. Every decision we make can have an impact. How you choose to spend your time and creative resources speaks volumes. Allow yourself to mourn or celebrate the results of the election while also reminding yourself that the choices you make on a micro-level can affect the world on a macro-level above and beyond the elected Commander-In-Chief. Continue moving mountains through your daily activities: tucking in a child, donating your time, writing an e-mail to lift another's spirits, saying "thank you," practicing yoga, sitting quietly, giving the world your best, pushing your edges, holding your boundaries.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:24 AM | 0 comments

Monday, November 01, 2004

the calm before the election storm

tomorrow marks a monumental day in america every 4 years - the election of the commander-in-chief. as a women's studies graduate, i'm always saddened to hear that single women are a missing population at the polls. this year, apparently, it is expected to be different and i applaude women for making this a priority. yes, the lines may be long. yes, you may not agree 100% with either candidate. yes, it is hard to know who actually IS telling the truth. yes, there ARE plenty of other people out voting. yes, they both promise to do a better job than the other. however, this is your chance to share your voice. how powerful is that? i love the quote, "everyone dreams of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing oneself." i think that is a gentle reminder that in order to change the world, we must not give our voice to others, we must take a stand, we must support the candidate that resonates most with our values, and we must get our bums out tomorrow and VOTE!! for every student who wears their "i voted" sticker to the studio on november 2, you will receive a FREE yoga class that day.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:24 PM | 0 comments

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