
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Monday, July 31, 2006

today is a gift

i woke up this morning thinking about what julia said in yesterday's podcast. each day IS a gift and how am i going to make the most of it? we do something similiar in yoga class by setting an intention and i find this concept to be so powerful and conscious. as you get up each morning, ask yourself "what am i going to do with today's gift to make a difference to myself or another?" it's a profound way to start your day. thank you, julia, for reminding us of this important sentiment!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:01 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, July 30, 2006

hip tranquil chick podcast #42: outer beauty 101

HTC: July 30, 2006 Shownotes

Welcome to the 42nd edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the Pink Palace in Washington, DC.

Today’s podcast is an interview with Julia Coney on outer beauty 101, topped of with a pose of the podcast, hip tranquil chick suggestions, and fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

Julia Coney was born in the small town of Leesville, Louisiana, and raised in Houston, Texas. After studying French in Paris in 2001, Julia came home a transformed American. Not only did she embrace the French aesthetic of amazing skincare it truly changed the way she sees beauty. She was always into cosmetics, but now the focus is on amazing cosmetics as well as amazing skin. Her philosophy is “all women want to feel beautiful. Flawless skin is the key to flawless makeup. You have one face, let’s cherish it.”

In March 2005, Julia moved to DC to experience life on the east coast and for a change of scenery. In January of this year, Julia lost her oldest brother. To deal with the sadness and grief following his death her doctor recommended yoga. Although she had taken a few classes before she in her words “wasn’t that impressed.” So, she took her doctor’s advice and begin to search for yoga on her podcasts in iTunes in February. She was immediately drawn to the logo for “Hip Tranquil Chick” and decided to listen. She listened to all the podcasts in one weekend, read the entire blog archives, and came to her first class at Tranquil Space. After the first class she was hooked. Tranquil Space felt like home.

She started her blog All About the Pretty because she loves all types of beauty products and wanted to inform women of all races in matters of skincare, makeup and other products. She has a Bachelors of Arts in English Literature with a minor in French and Psychology from the University of Houston. Julia lives in downtown DC, is an intellectual property paralegal and studio assistant at Tranquil Space. She is a Francophile, an traveler, a foodie, wine lover, a yogi, and a voracious reader. All the things she considers tranquil and pretty.

Top 5 Internal Tranquil Beauty Tips
1. Self-esteem, self-love, confidence
2. Sleep (rejuvenates the body)
3. Exercise (Yoga)
4. Self-Time (Me-Time); being selfish for yourself (journaling, baths, tea-sipping
5. Tranquil Thoughts (Positive affirmations); Beauty starts in the mind

Top 5 External Tranquil Beauty Tips
1. Water – the magic beauty elixir
2. Moisturizer/Sunscreen
3. Mascara
4. Blush
5. Lip Gloss

Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

A Beautiful Life by Kerri Diamond and Kevin Aucoin –– THE makeup artist to the stars

Bobbi’s Brown’s Beauty Evolution: A Guide to Lifetime Beauty by Bobbi Brown

Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women by Maya Angelou

In The Spirit by Susan Taylor

Pose of the Podcast:

Reclined twist

Au revoir:

We’ve expanded the community to MySpace and Frappr, please connect with me virtually there, too!

View the summer edition of tranquiliT times! Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com. Watch for scoop on hosting a Hip Tranquil Chick Signature Soiree with your fave gal pals when the book is released in November!

Have a burning question that you’d like hip and tranquil feedback on? E-mail me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com to have it featured and answered in our dear hip tranquil chick segment!

Be in touch—share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is Roll Credits by Mercury Sol. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music, at mercurysol.net.

Thanks for joining me for the 42nd edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:09 PM | 1 comments

    Saturday, July 29, 2006

    photo from our fave hip tranquil dude

    we have a dear listener from michigan whose wife and child (jo and claude) do yoga while they listen to the podcasts and . . . he's a self proclaimed hip tranquil dude! he sent me this lovely photo of lake superior. isn't it sooo tranquil? thank you, dear heath, for listening to the podcast and being such a lover of all things tranquil!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:48 PM | 0 comments

    Friday, July 28, 2006

    livin' large and shakin' things up

    so after a day of meetings and a fab yoga class at the studio, i couldn't bear to head home for my usual "computer date" with the beau (we both get on our macs for 3-4 hours and then go to bed). even though i have some items to prepare for a workshop and teacher meeting tomorrow, i decided to practice what i preach and DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY. while flowing through surya A tonight i had visions of beau picking me up after class and whisking me off to some place different for a few hours. we settled on a divey chinese place in old town, virginia and, of course, had to hit a bookstore (my third in 3 days!). total treat. it's funny how much delightful getting out of one's routine can be so therapeutic. i encourage you to play with this concept this weekend -- live large and shake things up! i promise you won't regret it.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:18 PM | 0 comments

    Thursday, July 27, 2006

    why study french?

    ok, so i'm sooooo excited about learning this new language that i'm checking out all the places in town to start my studies this fall. alliance francaise de washington comes highly recommended and lists the following 10 reasons to dive into this fine language on their website:

    You will find French speakers on all continents around the world. French is the native language of some 200 million people and is the second language of millions more. In Europe, it is spoken in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg.
    In the Americas, it is an official language of Canada and spoken in the Carribbean.

    It is the language of the well educated in parts of Southeast Asia, North Africa and much of Western and Central Africa. Being able to speak French is an asset for anyone interested in working in international organizations such as the Peace Corps.

    French is a key language in the European Union of twenty five nations, the world's largest economic entity.

    With a population of 350 million and a gross national product larger than the United States, the European Union is an economic superpower.

    French is a language of business. Today, American companies have over 2,000 subsidiaries in France, and French companies have over 600 subsidiaries in the United States. Major corporations with headquarters or subsidiaries in the United States and France include Du Pont, Hewlett-Packard, Xerox, Apple Computer, Michelin, Renault, Bic and many more.

    French is a language of technology and medicine. Dr. Luc Montagnier discovered HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The Chunnel under the English Channel, the TGV high speed trains, and the Concorde are only a few examples of recent French technological advances.

    French fashion designers, artists, writers, musicians, chefs and filmmakers have had a wide influence in the United States and the rest of the world.

    Impressionist painters like Monet, musicians like Ravel and Boulez, novelists like Flaubert and Camus have had an influence on world culture. Many recent American films like Three Men and a Babyor Point of No Return are remakes of French movies. Where would Julia Child be without French cuisine? Who hasn't heard of Christian Dior, Chanel, and Pierre Cardin?

    French is the language of influential, religious, and intellectual movements. Jean Calvin helped define Protestantism; Enlightment writers like Voltaire championed human rights; Simone de Beauvoir was a prominent feminist, and Michel Foucault was a founder of postmodernism.

    French is a language of tourism. Paris is the third most visited international city by Americans. France is the second most visited country in the world, and Quebec offers a taste of Europe in North America.

    i'm smitten. anyone want to join me? répondez, s'il vous plaît

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:03 AM | 7 comments

    Wednesday, July 26, 2006

    fave quote

    "develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music--the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. forget yourself." -- henry miller

    henry miller lived life out loud. this quote always nudges me to get out of my head and my little world to try to connect with the great beings, art, and culture that surrounds me each day. in what small way can you connect to the "rich treasures, beautiful souls, and interesting people" today? pick up a new book, learn a phase in another language, see an art exhibit, chat with your doorman or barista, see a play, go for a stroll.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 3:30 PM | 0 comments

    Tuesday, July 25, 2006

    let it flow, let it flow, let it flow

    you know, like let is snow! ok, i thought it was clever, but it IS late.

    tuesday's 6:30 class is filled with such amazing energy. it's still early in the week, people are upbeat, and since the church days (we were in a church for 2.5 years before moving to our current location) this class has been my favorite to teach. here's portions of tonight's sequence in case you'd like to try it at home:

    shavasana (what's not to love about starting here)
    spinal rolls up to standing forward fold
    warm-up sun salutes with variations
    surya A 5X
    utkatasana twist, back to revolved side angle, up to high lunge, vinyasa, other side
    warrior 1, warrior 2, rev warrior, extended side angle, warrior 2, half moon, vinyasa, other side
    dancer pose both sides
    utkatasana with breath of fire, standing forward fold, utkatasana, navasana
    janu sirsasana both sides, seated forward fold
    plow, balance with hands on knees and straight arms, shoulderstand for 10 breaths
    wheel 3X
    spinal roll to child's
    pigeon on both sides
    shavasana (a VERY well-deserved shavasana!)

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:12 PM | 0 comments

    Monday, July 24, 2006

    dear hip tranquil chick . . .

    Q: I share an office with a guy who really irritates me -- he's really loud on the phone, and somewhat abrasive, and it puts me on edge all day. I need to somehow make myself stronger or more immune to it, so I can still feel tranquil even when he's admitting non-tranquil vibes right next to me. I'd like to feel at home in my office, even with this person in the same room.

    A: Oh darling, this IS a tricky one. Our home and offices are sanctuaries and when the tranquility is thwarted, it can make for an uncomfortable situation. A few thoughts: can you gingerly share with your untranquil co-worker that you'd be grateful if he kept his voice down during calls as you have trouble concentrating and don't want to be an eavesdropper. Showing him how keeping his voice down will also benefit him (you won't hear his convos) may provide incentive.

    We're all unique. Some people like to write in a bustling cafe, I need total quiet and if you're like me, sharing an office probably lowers your productivity. You can present this to your manager and explain how this working situation is lowering your ability to function fully. This will help you speak his/her language as managers want a fully efficient team.

    Observe your reaction to this person. Take a deep breath. Is it really him or is it your reaction to him? The challenge with life is that we can't control other people (shocking, I know), BUT we can control our reactions to them. Maybe he's been put in your path to help you grow in some way, become more accepting, or it's a really bad working scenario that you need to get switched asap.

    Hang in there, see if you can address it directly with him. If that doesn't work, take action by addressing it with someone who can help you switch. Our work environment is VERY important. I devote a whole chapter in my upcoming book to Soulful Surroundings so I feel your pain as I know how important it is to have the optimum enviroment to be creative AND productive. Sending you lots of tranquility and courage to address the situation . . .
    Have a yoga or lifestyle question you'd like some hip and tranquil input on? If so, e-mail kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:51 PM | 1 comments

    Saturday, July 22, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #41: living off script creatively

    HTC: July 22, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 41st edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the Pink Palace in Washington, DC.

    Today’s podcast is an interview with Amanda Hirsch on living off script creatively, topped of with a pose of the podcast, hip tranquil chick suggestions, and fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    Amanda Hirsch believes everyone’s story is important, and has made a career out of using the Web to tell people's stories in compelling and creative ways. As the director of PBS Interactive, she worked with dozens of independent media makers to tell stories from all over the globe, with award-winning results. Having recently made the leap into freelancing, she looks forward to continuing to explore the possibilities of interactive storytelling.

    Amanda started her blog, Creative DC, to tell stories that were closer to home. She believes that there is an incredible creative community in DC, it can just be hard to find; she hopes Creative DC makes the search a little easier. Amanda is also an actress who performs with the local improvisational comedy troupe, Jinx – a group that delivers humor through the portrayal of authentic, believable characters. Amanda lives in Adams Morgan with her husband, Jordan, their dog, Cosmo, and a host of stories waiting to be told.

    Top 3 Tips for Living off Script Creatively
    1. Consistently carve out time for self
    2. Find ways to challenge yourself – small or large
    3. Hone in on what you admire in others and explore ways to add it to yourself

    Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

    The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

    Google Video
    Creative DC

    Pose of the Podcast:


    Au revoir:
    We’ve expanded the community to MySpace and Frappr, please connect with me virtually there, too!

    View the summer edition of tranquiliT times! Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com. Watch for scoop on hosting a Hip Tranquil Chick Signature Soiree with your fave gal pals when the book is released in November!

    Have a burning question that you’d like hip and tranquil feedback on? E-mail me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com to have it featured and answered in our dear hip tranquil chick segment!

    Be in touch—share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is Trouble in Paradise by DJ Cristo. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of his music, at djcristo.co.uk.

    Thanks for joining me for the 41st edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:24 PM | 1 comments

    Thursday, July 20, 2006

    when one mat shreds, another one appears

    after three glorious years, i've parted with my light pink yoga mat and replaced it with a thicker, vibrant hot pink mat. throughout my flow tonight in yoga 3, i was smitten by the feel and color of my new, clean, swanky, eco-friendly mat. letting go of the one that i've touted for years was hard, but the old saying "when one door closes, another one opens" is so true. the girl i was when i bought the baby pink mat is not the same girl i am today. and when i finish with this fabulous hot pink made by agoy in a few years, i will be a new woman. the beauty of constant evolution with regard to taste, preferences, and growth is powerful. let go of the old and make room for the new, girls. maybe it will come in something as simple as a new shade of lipgloss or yoga mat, or something more profound as a new career or beau. be open to the possbilities, you deserve it!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:51 PM | 3 comments

    Wednesday, July 19, 2006

    je ne sais quoi

    i am passionate about this beautiful language and determined to learn a bit more beyond my pathetic butchering of it. when in montreal last year for my birthday i would approach a local and ask, "parle vous anglais?" the poor souls would look at me with a big question mark. i quickly realized that my annunciation was way too off to be taken seriously so i'd simply say, "do you speak english?" that got WAY better results.

    so, it's time to do something about it beyond the purchase and skimming of entre nous: a woman's guide to finding her inner french girl. a cute book, i must say, but i'm dying to dive into the culture. just checked online for a local class and found one where i can make 8 out of 10 classes if i do a small amount of finageling. soooo excited. sure, who needs another thing added to their plate but come on girls, we're talking french here! the language where so many fabulous words evolved: fete, cafe, soiree, laissez-faire, oui, au contraire, au revoir, s'il vous plait, chic, boudoir.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:18 PM | 2 comments

    Tuesday, July 18, 2006

    potluck picnic in the park THIS sunday

    celebrate summer with the tranquil space community. first 40 people to arrive will receive a FREE yoga class! bring your yoga mat and a treat or drink to share. friends and family (including 4-legged friends) are very welcome.

    tranquil space will provide delicious dessert and i will lead a mini yoga session for anyone in the mood to move. or, if you're exhausted from your weekend away at the beach, feel free to use your mat to sit and mingle on while enjoying the setting summer sun with fellow yogis.

    23rd and p street park (before the bridge heading towards rock creek park)
    when: sunday, july 23 from 6-8pm

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:18 AM | 0 comments

    Monday, July 17, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #40: get your yoga on at home

    HTC: July 17, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 40th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the Pink Palace in Washington, DC.

    Today’s podcast is a yoga class to help you get your yoga on at home topped off with fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    Special thanks to Anji Bee for featuring the show on The Chillcast. The music during this practice includes tracks from Anji as a solo artist, and in her various projects including Lovespirals and Bitstream Dream. Check out Anji's music at her MySpace page and her podcast at thechillcast.com!

    Au revoir:

    We’ve expanded the community to MySpace and Frappr, please connect with me virtually there, too!

    View the summer edition of tranquiliT times! Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com. Watch for scoop on hosting a Hip Tranquil Chick Signature Soiree with your fave gal pals when the book is released in November!

    Have a burning question that you’d like hip and tranquil feedback on? E-mail me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com to have it featured and answered in our dear hip tranquil chick segment!

    Be in touch—share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is High Price of Mistakes by Hungry Lucy. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music at hungrylucy.com.

    Thanks for joining me for the 40th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:53 PM | 0 comments

    yoga class podcast tonight!

    dearest readers/podcast listeners,

    tonight's podcast will be a mini yoga class podcast. any requests? hip focus, heart opener focus, detox focus, etc? let me know as i'm happy to cater it to your summer needs! best wishes for an oh-so-hip-AND-tranquil start to your week.

    xo, kimberly

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:16 AM | 1 comments

    Sunday, July 16, 2006

    TranquiliT featured at indie designers show

    yesterday was a fun-filled afternoon at unsung designers showing the latest TranquiliT pieces. shoppers nibbled on grapes, cheese, and cake, sipped on champagne, and browsed the racks of this online boutique's showroom filled with indie designers from LA, NY, and DC.

    we're waiting to launch an updated online boutique featuring some of our new favorite things - a circle skirt that can also be worn as a tube top, lush bamboo armwarmers, a great new black and white print in some of our most popular styles, bamboo pieces in natural color, and more! shop online and save 10% with this link.

    a percentage of our sales are donated to my sister's place - a local organization that works to eradicate domestic violence. some of monday will be devoted to new designs so let me know if you're craving anything in particular for your yoga on and off the mat lifestyle needs! more lush, eco-friendly, flattering silhouettes coming your way!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:53 PM | 0 comments

    Saturday, July 15, 2006

    the joys of organizing

    last saturday night i spent the evening organizing my armoire in hopes of turning my dining table into a true table sans stacks of files and paperwork. finally, a real place to dine. no more eating standing up. last night i spent the evening organizing my linen/entertaining drawers. i created a candle drawer, a cocktail napkin drawer, a server plate drawer (complete with 12 new, lovely charger plates i purchased with a birthday gift card from tarjay), and a linen drawer (complete with cloth napkins, tablecloths, and hand embroidered linens from gramma). sure these two projects took a total of six hours, but the rewards are HUGE. besides opening drawers or an armoire that is tightly organized, i shed lots of unused paraphernalia, made space for new pieces, and reconnected with pieces shoved in a back corner.

    a few simple tips for creating mental and physical space through organizing:
    1. start small - a drawer, a piece of furniture, a closet.
    2. ensure lots of open time as these projects can take longer than anticipated. start them in the early evening when you can sleep in the next day in case you get carried away!
    3. pull everything out and place into various piles.
    4. put your new piles back into your space strategically.
    5. donate or throw away pieces that no longer serve you. i left a pile of old dishware and candles out by the trashcans and they were gone within hours. you city dwellers -- this is a huge plus!
    6. relish in the new found freedom that an organized space can provide!

    here's to carving out some time to organize our surroundings - sure to make your world more tranquil!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:20 AM | 1 comments

    Wednesday, July 12, 2006

    i love nicholas

    i must confess, i have a thing for older men. like much older. 80. i was at kramer books with a girlfriend tonight chatting about the foundation when the cutest man in a seersucker jacket, hat, and kahki pants was seated next to us. i can't help but notice. i'm smitten. he drops his napkin. i pick it up. he asks for a second glass of riesling. turns out we're drinking the same wine so i agree aloud that it is very good. finally, my girlfriend encourages me to go in for the kill. i asked him where he was from and 30 minutes later we're still chatting. he was born in nyc, boarding school in malta, foreign service, diplomat -- whole nine yards. SUCH a darling man.

    i've always had a soft spot for older men, ever since i was a little girl. my grandfather, who died of lung cancer when i was six, was (and is) my most favorite man ever. he could do no wrong. he stood 6'4" and was my biggest fan. ok, not hard to be a fan of your average six-year-old but he was special.

    tonight reminded me of the importance of reaching out. he kept saying how lovely it was to meet two nice girls from such a different place (we're from texas and oklahoma--kinda like another country). i gave him my card and invited him to come by the studio anytime during the afternoon for tea and cookies. i hope he will take me up on my offer during his 1-2 mile daily walks. (i learned all about this sweet soul tonight - his walking schedule, his history, his interests, his love for brooks brothers). reach out to that cute soul next to you. it may have happened for a reason.

    may you come across a nicholas on your hip and tranquil path . . .

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:36 PM | 2 comments

    Tuesday, July 11, 2006

    tranquil space foundation seeds planted!

    last night was our first official tranquil space foundation (TSF) planning session. we discussed ideas ranging from yoga in prisons to a "breathe in" to empowering teen girls. with a vision as broad as creating a tranquil space in our society, it is hard to determine our signature event in addition to our current charity community. the more i mull it over, the more i lean toward work with teenage girls. can you imagine the power of meeting mentors during those awkward formative years who remind you that you can be anything you dream, that you possesss a ton of potential (as we all do), and teach you to work with your body rather than fight against it? wow, now that could have the potential to make a profound effect on blooming women! so many options and i'm delighted to watch the vision unfold. if any fellow hip tranquil chicks have feedback or non-profit start-up suggestions, please pass them along!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:10 PM | 2 comments

    Monday, July 10, 2006

    yoga for a good cause by a fellow hip tranquil chick

    Join Angelyn Shapiro in this GREAT effort!
    When was the last time you spent an hour nurturing yourself, while at the same time meeting the deepest needs of people on the other side of the world?

    The medical needs experienced by women and children in Mali, Africa are staggering:
    Of every 100 children born in Mali, 12 will die in the first month of life.
    One in four of those who survive the critical first month will die before the age of five.
    33% of the children in Mali are malnourished.
    The average life expectancy in Mali is 43 years.

    Every one of these alarming statistics could be radically improved if simple health practices, such as hand washing, were introduced. To address these dire circumstances, I have committed to be part of the Mali Project, a comprehensive effort to build a hospital for women and children in Koutiala, a city in southeastern Mali. Reaching a population of well over 150,000 people, the Koutiala Hospital will provide specialized care for women and children—saving thousands of lives.

    On Saturday, July 15, at 2:00pm you have an opportunity to support the project by participating in a charity yoga class at Tranquil Space in Washington, D.C.’s Dupont Circle. For a suggested donation of $10 you can enjoy the benefits of a vigorous vinyasa practice and the satisfaction of knowing your generosity has made a difference in the lives of women and children across the globe.

    Please RSVP by sending an e-mail to angelynshapiro@yahoo.com or calling (202) 547-0357.

    At a time when our American culture says to erect walls between us and the Muslim people, the Mali Project provides an opportunity to build bridges and change lives. With so many worthy causes in need of financial support I greatly appreciate your consideration of this request.

    Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support –
    Angelyn Shapiro

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:18 PM | 0 comments

    Sunday, July 09, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #39: yoga on the road

    HTC: July 9, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 39th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the Pink Palace in Washington, DC.

    Today’s podcast is an interview with Alison Lemon Wadhwani on taking your practice on the road, topped of with a pose of the podcast, hip tranquil chick suggestions, and fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    Alison Lemon Wadhwani from yogafornomads.com teaches and practices yoga at Tranquil Space. She is a former adjunct professor of The George Washington University, where she taught Human Sexuality, yoga and pilates. She has traveled to over 20 countries as well as many U.S. cities. She sees travel as an opportunity take her practice on the road and has explored yoga studios throughout the world.

    Alison completed a 200-hour teacher training in Vinyasa Yoga with Kimberly Wilson at Tranquil Space, an advanced Yoga Therapy Training with Joseph LePage.
    She has a BA in public relations and psychology at Syracuse University and a master’s degree in health science from The Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health.
    Alison is currently employed as a health educator with the Food and Drug Administration. She lives in Washington, D.C., with her husband, Vince.

    Tips for doing yoga in your hotel room?

    Use Y adapter

    Lots of hotels are showing yoga videos on their closed-circuit tv.

    Look around the room for yoga props:

    There is usually an extra blanket folded in the top of the closet.

    Bolster-type cushions on the bed or couch.

    Take advantage of all the extra towels. Most hotels give you more towels that you could ever use in a month. Roll them up to use a bolsters for a under your knees, a supported backbend, or legs up the wall.

    Create your own practice.

    5 Hip and Tranquil Yoga On the Road Tips:

    1. Think of your yoga practice as something you take with you wherever you go.
    2. Do your homework and find a studio before you go.
    3. Pack with yoga in mind. Bring a travel mat and load up your iPod.
    4. Connect with other yogis to make the most of your trip.
    5. Create your own practice.

    Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

    Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert

    Travel Yoga Mat

    Pose of the Podcast:
    Legs up the Wall

    Au Revoir:
    We’ve expanded the community to MySpace and Frappr, please connect with me virtually there, too!

    View the summer edition of tranquiliT times! Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com. Watch for scoop on hosting a Hip Tranquil Chick Signature Soiree with your fave gal pals when the book is released in November!

    Have a burning question that you’d like hip and tranquil feedback on? E-mail me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com to have it featured and answered in our dear hip tranquil chick segment!

    Be in touch—share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is Make it Happen by Luminous. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music, at luminousrecording.co.uk.

    Thanks for joining me for the 39th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:18 PM | 5 comments

    Saturday, July 08, 2006

    dear hip tranquil chick . . .

    Q: I wanted to write a doctor of mine a thank you note, but I wasn't sure if that was appropriate, odd, or silly.

    It was my first visit and she was TOTALLY amazing and sympathetic to my situation; the situation being I am 23 years old, self employed, and uninsured. I have had run ins with doctors and staff members that lower their standard of care (read, act like jerks) when they hear that I am going to have to eat ramen for a month to be there so please be gentle and don't do anything to me that isn't completely necessary. Fortunately, this was not the case today!

    Alright, now that you know why the visit and experience meant so much to me, is it ok to send the thank you note??

    A: Oh dearest self-employed one. I understand the dilemma of living on ramen to do your passion AND get health care! My answer is simple: ABSOLUTELY! I can not emphasize the importance of thank yous--verbal, e-mailed, handwritten, blogged, etc. That special doctor was just doing her job. However, she did it in a way that was filled with compassion and spoke to you. Receiving recognition for that means a lot to most people as humans crave and deserve regular kudos and pats on the back. Please carve out the space to acknowledge this woman's contribution to your overall tranquility and be sure to share the love by recommending her compassion-filled services to your fellow self-employed ramen-eating friends!

    Have a yoga or lifestyle question you'd like some hip and tranquil input on? If so, e-mail kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:00 PM | 1 comments

    Thursday, July 06, 2006

    dear hip tranquil chick . . .

    Q: How do you stay hip and tranquil when right dab in the middle of important life changes? Right now I am barely coping with planning my November wedding and hunting for our own little tranquil place that we can call home. I could really use some of your tips on that and how I am to survive (with my sanity) the next 5 months.

    A: Oh darling, I'm sending you lots of good vibes. First things first. The key is to compartmentalize. Determine what your BIG steps are right now for wedding planning, (hire florist, finalize program, set music, send invitations), and house hunting (determine must-haves for new home, find new bedroom set). Once you get all that data out of your head and onto paper, you're off to a fabulous start. Chat with a girlfriend whose been through a recent wedding or move. Get insights from the "trenches." Ask for referrals. Create to-dos, daily action steps, and review your main objective daily. How about "To remain tranquil through these exciting life transitions?"

    Carve blocks of time into your agenda for your top time-consuming and important tasks. For example, Saturday 12-5 wedding planning, Sunday 1-4 house hunting, Wednesday 6pm yoga class (destress/me time), Friday 6pm pedicure.

    These life changes are EXCITING. Make sure you're taking the time to relish in the moment. Get clear on what you want (white or pink flowers, 2 bedroom or 1). Take time for you (or you'll lose all sense of tranquility). And don't forget to breathe!

    Have a yoga or lifestyle question you'd like some hip and tranquil input on? If so, e-mail kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:44 PM | 2 comments

    Tuesday, July 04, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #38: tranquil touches

    HTC: July 4, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 38th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the Pink Palace in Washington, DC.

    Happy, happy Independence Day!

    Today’s podcast is on small tranquil touches, topped of with a pose of the podcast, hip tranquil chick chat, and festive podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    - thank you notes
    - sugar cookies with sprinkles
    - floating fruit in water or a spritzer
    - white candles everywhere
    - accessories
    - china
    - linens
    - gift giving
    - stargazer lilies
    - fresh fruit
    - lighting
    - art
    - living creatures
    - music
    - ambiance
    - prepare meal with presentation: color, garnish

    Think of your life as an ongoing performance! You're the star!

    Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
    “I've been a fan of your podcasts and have enjoyed listening to all of them (sometimes twice!), but your last podcast on organizing and getting things done was *extremely* helpful! I am a student, working to support myself and also studying for the MCAT (medical admissions test) in August. With summer on its way and people around me going on vacation, I've been having a hard time concentrating and getting my studying done. The tips and advice from your organizing podcast not only allowed me to organize and prioritize my to-do's but to also reminded me to not forget my main goal of becoming a doctor. I've since gotten a planner and had it inscribed "What are you waiting for?" :) I'm quite on my way to becoming productive and organized to realize my dream!”

    Pose of the Podcast:

    Au Revoir:
    We’ve expanded the community to MySpace and Frappr, please connect with me virtually there, too!

    View the summer edition of tranquiliT times! Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com. Watch for scoop on hosting a Hip Tranquil Chick Signature Soiree with your fave gal pals when the book is released in November!

    Be in touch—share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is Shine by Laura Harley. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of her music, at lauraharley.com.

    Thanks for joining me for the 38th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen to any episode!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed.
  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:10 PM | 1 comments

    Monday, July 03, 2006

    i heart new york!

    what a beautiful, whirlwind weekend here in the big apple. i've always loved this city. even as a little girl in oklahoma, i used to write on my desk "i love the big apple" and dream of being a ballet dancer here -- even though i really had NO idea where nyc was in relation to oklahoma. it just sounded so much more exciting!

    friday night we hit the streets in search of an easy meal and landed upon a darling tapas place that served the most amazing fried mozzeralla in little balls. soooo tasty. then i said to beau, "you know what would top all this off . . . a bookstore!" so, we hit 2. headed to union square to hit the famous strand bookstore. i was in search of betty friedan's a feminine mystique. no luck but i came away with three new fabulous must-have finds including a woman's guide to finding her inner french girl and elizabeth I ceo. i was truly giddy. it's funny how easily entertained i am in new york city. i'm sad to say i know very little about elizabeth I but am fascinated by female leadership (my course of study for my MA) so i look forward to reading more about her.

    saturday we had brunch with some friends who were also in town. then shopping at century 21. wow, what a mecca! i'd never heard of this place. we also had a chance to view ground zero (right next door) which i hadn't seen since thanksgiving 2001, right after the horrible event took place. ahhh, truly heartbreaking. and then off to see swan lake at the MET. i LOVED acts 2 and 4. all white customes, tons of tu-tus, and beautiful sets. truly dreamy. we were waaayyyy up high but i was on the edge of my seat with glee the whole time.

    sunday consisted of an AMAZING class at jivamukti and the chance to catch up with my former assistant from a few years ago. sweet kat! then saw madonna at madison square garden last night and WOW what a performance. the attention to detail, the weaving in of statistics on AIDS in africa, the political photos, the dancing, the lights, the energy. truly impressive. she, of course, played her song from the new album about new york being an amazing city -- i totally agree!

    i'm still processing the weekend as we head back to dc in a matter of minutes. such a treat to see old friends, watch amazingly artistic performances, take great yoga, have 24-hour everything at your fingertips, and be pulled out of my routine for a few days!

    here's to a phenomenal celebration of freedom and independence, coupled with a reflection on who we are and where we're going. best wishes for a delightful 4th! podcast coming tonight or tomorrow. xo

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:50 PM | 1 comments

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