
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Saturday, June 30, 2007

bed in

after a morning massage, i returned to bed and didn't leave until i went to visit bonnard at the vet tonight. considering my past four birthdays had me in spain, mexico, montreal, and new york, my 34th was not your typical "celebration." after my much needed massage, i spoke with the vet who informed me that bonnard was not doing better and she recommended surgery. in they went to remove the rubber band from his intestines. little booger has a bad habit and we're going to do a much better job of hiding these from him.

so in protest of my need to do something special for my special day, i decided to take advantage of a day with no plans by vegetating with a "bed in." what a treat. sure, lamest birthday ever, but i feel revitalized and ready for my three scheduled meetings on sunday, coupled with a bead show! (oh, and to top today's party off, after the vet beau and i hit mcdonald's for some fries and hot fudge sundaes)

a BIG thank you for your well wishes regarding chubby bonnard (who looks even larger with his shaved belly) and my birthday. i have a fun podcast to share with you tomorrow. unfortunately last night's speech didn't record because my recorder was low on juice. i hit "record" and when it was over the screen said "low battery." ugh, technology.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:52 PM | 3 comments

Friday, June 29, 2007

like mother, like cat

poor bonnard (pictured here and named after the fabulous artist pierre bonnard) has been sick all week. can't keep anything down. he has a passion for eating rubber bands, always has. usually he indulges in it, gets sick, and is back to normal. this rubber band is different. poor booger hasn't recovered. he's in good spirits but clearly misses his full belly (and you can see in the photo that his belly is quite full - vet said he's like a 400lb person - so we've been limiting his obsessive eating).

today i woke up with a queasy belly and had to cancel a few meetings for the day to rest up. you know that "ughie" feeling but you can't really explain what it is? in addition, i've had this weird "gurgly throat" thing for a few months, tried a couple rounds of test meds and nothing is making it go away. it's nothing painful, just odd. when the vet mentioned yesterday that bonnard may need a barium swallow, i exclaimed, "my doctor says i may need one of those, too!" um, i don't think she was as excited as i was to need the same procedure as my cat.

anyway, i laughed when i realized that bonnard and i had similar issues. you know how people claim that dogs start to look like their owners, apparently we can also have similar gastrointestinal issues, too!

tomorrow is my birthday (34 youthful years) and i have a massage scheduled, may drag poor beau to a bead show, and then a lovely, chill dinner. tonight i'm giving a graduation key note speech at george washington university that i hope to record and share with you all. until then, signing off and curling up under the covers for a few hours. sadly, was supposed to go dancing with some pals tonight but i don't think my current state will allow for it.

best wishes for a beautiful weekend!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:00 AM | 8 comments

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

costa rica . . . here we come!

i bought my airline ticket last night and am sooooo excited to return to this gorgeous country. i've been to this spa to lead and participate in retreats four times over the past few years. i hope you can join us as the retreat was scheduled over a holiday weekend (september 1-8) to allow you the opportunity to only take 4 days off work to receive 7 days of rejuvenation.

in addition to two daily yoga and creativity sessions in this lush setting, we'll go on two eco-excursions to poas volcano and the gorgeous la paz waterfall gardens. in addition, all participants will receive a 30-minute 1:1 mentoring session during the retreat.

what i love most about this spa is that everything is taken care of for you - even transport from the airport. all you have to do is show up and someone will be waiting there with a sign with your name on it. (always makes me feel like a queen)

please consider joining me and our fabulous registrants so far for this phenomenal experience walking through coffee plantations, swimming in the pool, eating yummy foods, and swinging in the hammocks (my favorite!).

here are a few retreat testimonials:

"Just wanted to say thanks for such an inspiring, motivating weekend! I came home and was just overflowing with creative energy and momentum. I used the collage we made as part of an alter....something that I haven't done in a while. Every morning I get up and do my yoga in front of the altar and am reminded of all of my intentions. It's amazing how quickly the universe seems to respond when one is clear about what they want in their lives! Anyways, I think that you orchestrated a wonderful retreat that just had so much to offer and I wanted to say THANK YOU!"

"Just so you know, I've already starting taking some of those action steps I set forth for myself (got in touch with an old friend who I've missed dearly and we have lunch plans for this week; plus I've started cleaning out the clutter in my bedroom space to make room for new, beautiful flair-filled items)...I am so very grateful to you for inspiring me."

to get more scoop or register, call 888.767.7375. hope to engage in creative practice and play with you there!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:16 AM | 5 comments

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

share your creativity!

jenny's genius creation and sharing of lobotome got me thinking about how wonderful it would be to share my readers/listeners creations with each other. it's like our own little indie creative community! if you have a product or service that you think hip tranquil chicks would love, please tell me about it and/or send a sample to:

kimberly wilson
c/o tranquil space
2024 p street, nw
washington, dc 20036

as you know, hip tranquil chick is ad free and although we will accept products and service ideas for review, this does not guarantee a mention if the product or service does not seem to be a good match for the hip and tranquil community. this may lead to a forthcoming podcast featuring some our talented tranquilistas! showcase us your creative genius.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:45 PM | 3 comments

Monday, June 25, 2007

marvelous monday

or so i'd like to think. began with a 9am session and my last meeting went over, getting me home at 10:30pm. lovely, lovely day despite a yucky headache. where do these things come from? ugh.

so, i've hit the streets in my new bike. walkers and drivers beware. i'm a menace on the streets plowing through traffic in my white single-speed cruiser . . . but i LOVE it. didn't ride today (first time since the bike got put together) because it was supposed to rain and i didn't want my bike or wicker basket to get wet. i know, gotta get over than one. anyway, so i dolled up in my new leopard print rain boots and layers because the thermostat said 73 when i left with chance of rain all day. of course the sun was in full bloom most of the day and it was terribly humid while i trudged around in my all-black layers (where even my barista stated "i notice you wear a lot of black"), umbrella in hand, and heavy rain boots. ah, mondays.

wanted to share a review of hip tranquil chick on the worsted witch. enjoy! here's to a tranquil tuesday. xo

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:35 PM | 2 comments

Sunday, June 24, 2007

hip tranquil chick podcast #88: launching

Welcome to the 88th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, an insightful interview with Ladies Who Launch Co-Founders Beth and Victoria on Launching in Off the Mat, and we’ve got Omwork and Savvy Sources for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

On the Mat: Cow face

Off the Mat: Launching

Victoria Colligan brings a breadth of business expertise and creative experience to Ladies Who Launch. Prior to starting Ladies Who Launch, Victoria worked as Director of Content and Business Development for Amsale, a high-end wedding gowns designer, where she re-launched their website, started an online magazine and developed numerous strategic partnerships. Before joining Amsale, Ms. Colligan was Director of Business Development for The Wedding List, an online and in-store wedding gifts and registry company now owned by Martha Stewart Inc. Victoria began her career as a corporate lawyer at Kelley Drye and Warren in New York. Ms. Colligan holds a JD / MBA from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, and a B.A. with honors from Brown University. Ms. Colligan has lived and studied in Madrid and Buenos Aires.

Beth Schoenfeldt is highly trained to work with ladies who are launching. As co-founder of Ladies Who Launch and creator of the flagship Ladies Who Launch Incubator Program, Beth has received critical attention from Vogue, Elle, Essence, Health, and New York magazine as a powerful force in helping people make transitions, shift organizational culture and design lifestyles that truly reflect an individual's or company's desires and goals. Prior to Ladies Who Launch, Beth launched a highly successful Learning Solutions Company, FLOinc, and developed Marketing and Sales programs for such organizations as Clinique, ibeauty.com, American Express. Beth is a graduate of Texas A&M with a Bachelors Degree in Finance and an MBA from Columbia University. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

Omwork: To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:

1. What do you dream of launching?
2. What small steps can you take today to get you closer to your dream?
3. Write a press release in future tense announcing your most fabulously hip and tranquil life.

Savvy Sources:

Ladies Who Launch: Embracing Entrepreneurship & Creativity as a Lifestyle

Haute Stuff Shoppe: Shop online for the book, CD, leopard print scarf, or crystal tee.

Signature Style: B/W Cross Front Tunic

Connection Corner: Connect with other hip tranquil chicks. Check out our desktop, ecards, and forum on our connect page!

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats: Sassy Sadhana (spiritual practice) Le Chic Teleclass Chat coming up! Also, I’ll be in Albuquerque, NM next month at Yoga Now and in Taos, too! Escape with me and like-minded women to our first international excursion to Costa Rica in September. Details for all special events at hiptranquilchick.com.

Au Revoir: Share your hip tranquil chickness with me, request show ideas, or pass along feedback by e-mailing me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com. We’re on MySpace and Frappr, so please connect with the community virtually there, too!

Have a burning question that you’d like hip and tranquil feedback on? E-mail me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com to have it featured and answered in our dear hip tranquil chick segment found on the blog.

I’ll be doing a special segment where I’ll take your questions and answer via a mini-mentoring session on the podcast. Can be anonymous. If you have a question that you think others will relate to, please e-mail me to be featured or call 206-984-0717 and leave your question or any comments/requests you may have.

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music by new and independent artists from Promonet. Today’s selection is Slipping Away by Cling. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of her music at scrubrecords.com.

Thanks for joining me for the 88th edition of the HTC podcast. Get your launching on! Namaste.
  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click on the player at the top of the post or click here to listen to older episodes!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed
Interested in starting a podcast for yourself, your organization or your business?
Check out nineball media.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:48 PM | 0 comments

Friday, June 22, 2007

guess who's back . . . back again

yep, lyrics from slim shady. why do i have such a crush on that man?

back from the cabin and regrouping. most "cabin goals" were not accomplished. between getting the TranquiliT summer solstice newsletter out, eating, napping, sending a hip tranquil chick times note, beading six new necklaces, and organizing tons o' paperwork, the week flew by.

i wanted to share some fabu products from a fellow hip tranquil chick, jenny. she has created lobotoME and sent me some samples of the pack me, help me (honey do list for beau), and weekly calenders. all with such a great creative scheme. in addition, she created the CUTEST postcard with some of the following statements on it: plant a tree, eat breakfast everyday, let it go, there is enough good in the world for everyone, energy flows where attention goes, floss, giggle, practice self-care, my life is an incredibly opportunity to laugh, love & play, be adventurous. soooooo cute. say "bonjour" and check her out.

if you have a hip and tranquil product you'd love to share with fellow hip tranquil chicks, please pass it along to me at the studio. thank you, jenny, for being so fabulous and creating goods to keep people sane. (her genius tagline)

finally, if you're interested in our next teleclass on sassy sadhana (spiritual practice) on wednesday, july 25 at 8:30pm EST, please join us! it's a $10 donation to the tranquil space foundation and will be used for purchasing the goods for the girls' goody bags! we'll dive into living our practice off the mat in a mindfully extravagant way.

toodles and best wishes for a delightful rest of your week.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 4:39 PM | 5 comments

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

bonjour from the cabin

Out here with beau, pug, and two good pals. I've just finished a luxurious bath in the cabin's jacuzzi tub - complete with three packets of Japanese bath milk and salts that my lovely executive assistant gave me yesterday. Unfortunately I wasn't thinking about my first grade color mixing class and combined colors that turned the water a lovely shade of light brown. Hmmm, I'll remember that whole color-combo thing next time.

Oddly enough I'm writing this muse from the loo. There is a print in here that I just had to copy and share titled "Native American 10 Commandments:"

• The Earth is our Mother, care for her.
• Honor all your relations.
• Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit.
• All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect.
• Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more.
• Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
• Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each new day.
• Speak the truth; but only of the good in others.
• Follow the rhythms of nature; rise and retire with the sun.
• Enjoy life's journey, but leave no tracks.

Isn't that soooo gorgeous? Gives me chills and well worth copying in the loo.

BIG apologies as I didn't get a podcast out last week. Second week in almost two years that we've missed since the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast began. I had the best of intentions but preparing to get away for this week of rejuvenating took a bit longer than anticipated.

To top it off, I was on calls the whole ride out yesterday and this morning began with a podcast interview with the lovely Ladies Who Launch co-founders. I also had a 45-minute call with the publicist at my new publishing house. No more calls during my "vacation." Promise. I have to laugh though because this cabin doesn't get good cell reception so I had to drive up the road, pull over with my laptop, cell phone and headset in hand to take these calls. Spent the rest of the day doing yoga on our deck, beading - 2 fab new necklaces - napping, eating phenom soy dogs and steamed broccoli, and reading. Yum.

I must confess that when my pals arrived yesterday I asked what our cabin goals were and wrote them down so that we would stay mindful of them throughout the week. Who writes vacation/cabin goals? Somehow it felt right but I think all others find me a bit . . . odd. Nothing wrong with being different, eh? Here is a taste of the group's cabin goals:

• galavant in the towns of Front Royal and Luray
• write business plans
• take pug to local pet spa for some grooming/play time
• journaling
• beading
• collaging
• winery exploration and wine sipping
• finish numerous half-read books
• design spring 08 TranquiliT line
• cooking
• eating
• tubing
• redo website
• relax!

Ok, gotta get back to vacationing. Sending you all good retreating vibes. Take a moment to create your own home retreat even if you aren't away this week. Here are a few ideas:

• soak in your tub with some yummy essential oils
• take a throw, good book, and bottle of sparkling h2o to your local park
• get a pedi
• take your yoga mat to an outside setting for your sun salutes
• cook an uber-healthy meal
• pack a yummy lunch and eat it leisurely under a tree outside
• pull out your favorite crafty endeavor

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:11 PM | 3 comments

Sunday, June 17, 2007

a glorious sunday

a carafe filled with water and lemon slices.
a burning honeysuckle candle.
a pug settled onto my lap.
overflowing folders labeled with various projects and ideas.
beads and beading tools.
my planner pad.
electronic yoga tunes playing in the background.
an aromatherapy diffuser sharing the sacred scent of lavender.
burning nag champa incense.
an overflowing purse filled with way too many must-haves.
a french phrase book.
a pink journal.
colored pens.
chanel eyeglasses that i should be wearing but sit in their case.
a white iBook computer.

these are the items that are sitting on my "desk" (kitchen table) or projecting nearby. i'm nestling in to do some writing and decided to start here. happy, happy sunny sunday from the pink (600 sq. foot) palace in washington, dc.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:07 PM | 2 comments

Friday, June 15, 2007

gem candy

today began with some exciting chair yoga at my local volunteer gig and it is always such a treat to spend time with these inspiring seniors. then off to a catch-up lunch with a former colleague and off to meetings. my creative excursion was visiting the home of a fellow tranquil spacer who understands and encourages my passion for gemstones - the designer of gem kitty. since her parents wholesale gems, she had a box full of my favorite chunky stones. i went crazy - like a kid (or a kimberly) in a candy store. rose quartz, clear quartz, moonstones, and more! she also let me borrow this fabu book - get your sparkle on. what a genius title (wonder why i love it so - get your yoga on) and she has a fun website - femmegems.com. after teaching 3 hours of teacher training, i hauled my new gems home and they're waiting for me in my "studio" (on my kitchen table). i can't wait to start stringing. i even subscribed to bead style and it all began because of my podcast interview with amy. funny how hearing someone else so excited about a topic generates excitement!

tomorrow consists of a TranquiliT trunk show at tranquil space bethesda, teaching at 1:30, and a tranquil space foundation pilot at joe's movement emporium. woo-hoo! beau's away - partaking in boys' weekend at a cabin - so i'm loving the solitude with my 4-legged friends and the quiet sounds of the city outside.

we're heading back to a cabin in luray, virginia with another couple (and louis!) next monday through friday and i'm so looking forward to some down time. i have some calls scheduled, the spring '08 line to design, tons of books to read, and a lot of napping to do.

best wishes for a joy- and gem-filled weekend!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:25 PM | 0 comments

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

hip and tranquil hotline!

dearest ones,
i hope your week is moving along swimmingly. i can't believe it's already wednesday night. i'm about to crawl into bed and watch a documentary while the rain falls outside. but before i do, i wanted to share a new feature i've added to our connections - a phone number where you can call to leave questions, suggestions, and ideas for the hip tranquil chick community! the phone number is 206-984-0717. i'm SO excited to connect with you this way.

also, a reminder that i'd love to do an interactive segment with your dear htc questions, so please contact me if you have a question you'd like featured in an uncoming podcast - basically a live (and complimentary) mentoring session!

finally, don't forget to pass along your suggestions for our 100th episode which is right around the corner. i can't believe it! we've come soooo far together. i got word from my new publisher that the book's second edition has been sent to the publisher. woo-hoo.

keep shining, girls!

p.s. never fear, the hip tranquil chick recommended reading list has been taken down so we can get it updated. it will relaunch on the left side of the blog shortly. in the meantime, i must recommend my new fave book on my nightstand - the 4-hour work week.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:49 PM | 2 comments

Monday, June 11, 2007

retreat photos

a picture is worth a thousand words. enjoy this album taken by our fabulous carrie. it shows weekend intentions, our altar with sentimental objects from each of the participants, creative projects, yoga, discussions of "sassy sadhana," and passion for living a hip and tranquil lifestyle. a *BIG* thank you to the amazing group of women who joined me on this journey!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:44 PM | 2 comments

hip tranquil chick podcast #87: scentology

Bonjour! Welcome to the 87th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, an insightful interview with Yamilee Bastien on Scentology in Off the Mat, and we’ve got Omwork and Savvy Sources for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

On the Mat: Reclined twist

Off the Mat: Today’s podcast is on scentology with Yamilee Bastien. Yamilee Bastien is an international business advisor, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur. Her career and life path have been guided by the deeply-held belief that we are here to facilitate the realization
of human potential. This belief brought her to the field of international development, where she served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Benin (West Africa) and then worked for 12 years on social and economic development programs in Africa and the Caribbean. Now as her guiding principle is evolving to include spiritual growth and creativity, her activities revolve around conducting transformational leadership workshops, coaching people through career transitions, and leading yoga retreats. She has led 6 yoga retreats in Africa, the US, and India. When not running to catch a plane, Yamilee makes her own aromatherapy skincare products and raises funds to support entrepreneurship training programs for young people in Africa. She has recently launched an import/export company and is writing a children’s book on the 8 limbs of yoga.

Omwork: To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:

1. What is your favorite scent?
2. How can you incorporate more play and scents into your everyday?

Savvy Sources:

Yamilee’s recommendations:

Aromatherapy for healing the spirit
The A to Z guide for healing with essential oils
Subtle Aromatherapy
The Aromatherapy Bible

Haute Stuff Shoppe: Shop online for the book, CD, leopard print scarf, or crystal tee.

Signature Style: The lovely Jenn Hwu is donning TranquiliT's Asymmetrical Tunic.

Community Corner: Share what fun hip and tranquil events around the book and/or philosophy you have going on. Check out our desktop, ecards, and forum on our connect page!

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats
: Escape with me and like-minded women to our first international excursion in Costa Rica in September. Details for all special events at hiptranquilchick.com.

Au Revoir: Share your hip tranquil chickness with me, request show ideas, or pass along feedback by e-mailing me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com. We’re on MySpace and Frappr, so please connect with the community virtually there, too!

Have a burning question that you’d like hip and tranquil feedback on? E-mail me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com to have it featured and answered in our dear hip tranquil chick segment found on the blog. I’ll be doing a special edition where I’ll take questions live and answer on the podcast. If you have a question that you think others will relate to, please e-mail me to be featured.

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music by new and independent artists from Promonet. Today’s selection is Segue by Di Johnston and the Shanghai Restoration Project. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of her music at dijohnston.com.

Thanks for joining me for the 87th edition of the HTC podcast. Get your scentology on! Namaste.
  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click on the player at the top of the post or click here to listen to older episodes!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed
Interested in starting a podcast for yourself, your organization or your business?
Check out nineball media.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:06 PM | 0 comments

Saturday, June 09, 2007

bonjour from the retreat!

what an AMAZING group of women! so far we've covered our intentions, self-care, the challenge of difficult relationships, yummy yin yoga, values, and our personal visions. so much more to go - complete with a late-night viewing of the documentary shut up and sing about the dixie chicks.

i feel incredibly blessed at the moment to be connected with such a dynamic group. after lunch we had a big pow-wow about our planner pads and michelle assures me we should have a planner pad convention. yep, i know, who would have thought that one could get so excited over an organization system? joanna wants to teach people how to customize them. i shared the stickers i use that help bring splashes of color to the pages. we all had a giggle over the ridiculousness of the moment. life is full of such silliness if we will only take a deep breath and embrace it.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:10 PM | 6 comments

Thursday, June 07, 2007

dashing off . . .

dearest htcs,

i'm all packed and off to capture a few zzzzs before my 6am alarm. whew, that's early! then a 7-hour drive to the catskills and i get to spend the weekend nestled in a farmhouse with fellow htcs. how fabulous. we've got modules on self-care, signature style, visionary work, creativity, collaging, nutrition, and sassy sadhana (spiritual practice) plus oodles of yoga and meditation. a VERY full weekend.

best wishes for an equally hip and tranquil weekend.

sending you much love, kimberly

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:32 PM | 3 comments

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


i can't believe it's been so long since i've written. this week has been a fog - probably due to my pringles/payday dinner coupled with late night shopping and all day at a tradeshow booth, long delayed flight home (where i curled up like a sleeping dog behind a counter at the airport for a nap - earplugs and all), non-stop meetings since monday at 11am, and prep for this weekend's EXCITING hip tranquil chick retreat. we still have 2 spots left in case you can join us for a spontaneous exploration of hipness and tranquility.

as i finalize the submittal of edits to my new publisher, i'm crystallizing my next book idea. many of you gave SUCH great feedback in the hip tranquil chick survey and it helped to clarify where you'd like hip tranquil chick to go. i've come up with the concept "tranquilology" which would address spirituality, entrepreneurship, and creativity. it's still in the design stages - need to write the book proposal and really think it through but i wanted to share my initial concept thoughts. does this resonate with you?

i wanted to pass along another idea i had tonight (you know those lightbulb moments) - bring the "dear hip tranquil chick" segment to life in a podcast. if you have a burning question that you'd like to discuss with me via phone for our phenom podcast, please e-mail me your question, why you think it would benefit other listeners, and what result you're seeking with the resolution of your question. i'm so excited about how beneficial this could be to fellow listeners also struggling with the same yoga lifestyle dilemma.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:43 PM | 3 comments

Sunday, June 03, 2007

hip tranquil chick #86: ayurveda 301

Bonjour! Welcome to the 86th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, an insightful interview with Anne Thiel on Ayurveda in Off the Mat, and we’ve got Omwork and Savvy Sources for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

On the Mat: bow

Off the Mat: Today’s podcast is on ayurveda with Anne Thiel. Anne is a teacher and the prenatal program coordinator at tranquil space. She has worked as a midwife in germany and delivered 450 babies before moving to the united states to enter a PhD program in german studies. She later left the academic world and has since then worked in various positions in environmental NGOs. Initially, she began practicing yoga to find relief from stressful dissertation-writing process, but has discovered that it is much richer than just a stress management tool.

: To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:

1. What is your dosha?
2. In what ways can you incorporate more cooling practices into your everyday?

Savvy Sources:

Haute Stuff Shoppe: Shop online for the book, CD, leopard print scarf, or crystal tee.

Signature Style: Capelet

Community Corner: Share what fun hip and tranquil events around the book and/or philosophy you have going on. Check out our desktop, ecards, and forum on our connect page!

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats: Escape with me and like-minded women to our first international excursion in Costa Rica in September. Details for all special events at hiptranquilchick.com.

Au Revoir: Share your hip tranquil chickness with me, request show ideas, or pass along feedback by e-mailing me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com. A reminder that we’re on MySpace and Frappr, so please connect with the community virtually there, too!

Have a burning question that you’d like hip and tranquil feedback on? E-mail me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com to have it featured and answered in our dear hip tranquil chick segment found on the blog.

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music by new and independent artists from Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is World’s Apart by Mavro. You can learn more about Mavro, including how to get more of his music at myspace.com/mavromusic.

Thanks for joining me for the 86th edition of the HTC podcast.
  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click on the player at the top of the post or click here to listen to older episodes!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed
Interested in starting a podcast for yourself, your organization or your business?
Check out nineball media.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 4:44 PM | 2 comments

farewell, gramma, pringles, online shopping

here's a photo of me and louis saying farewell to my dear jeep last wednesday. louis never liked the whole lack of air conditioning thing in my old jeep. au revoir dear friend. thanks for the memories and contribution you're making to last chance for animals.

i got a call from my mama today all upset about my 94-year-old gramma's high blood pressure. in between clients at the tradeshow booth i counseled mama and called gramma. i began with "why's your blood pressue high, young lady?" (she has an amazing sense of humor). she immediately responded, "who told on me?" well, i lectured her on doing more chair yoga, to stop canoodling with the men at the assisted living center (always gets a chuckle out of her) and to eat more fruits and vegetables. she mentioned partaking in celery and carrots at lunch but avoiding the tomatoes. by the end of the conversation, she asked if two tomatoes would fix her. i said that four for sure would! this evening i googled all sorts of high blood pressure diet for seniors articles and passed them along. this woman is a pistol and i can't imagine life without her.

tonight i got back late to my room after 12 hours at the booth, a deep tissue massage, and some groovy kirtan singing with a concert by sean johnson and the wild lotus band. i was a bit hungry so i hit the mini bar and devoured a payday. well, a little bit later, i got back into the mini bar and pulled out the pringles. yikes! i'm lecturing gramma on tomatoes while i dine on a payday and pringles! thank goodness i don't think she reads the blog.

next i did some online shopping for almost 2 hours searching for the perfect flat faux leather tall black boot. not an easy find. after reading all the testimonials on the gabriella rocha bree boots at zappos.com, i was ready to take the plunge. then, they didn't have the black in my size. gasp! so i ordered a size smaller.

tomorrow i fly back to dc in the evening. chicago has been such fun but i've had no self-control in the evenings. it's been such a treat to have a big room to myself that i've stayed up late working, surfing online, doing yoga, meditating, and channel surfing. since i'm supposed to be at my booth at 7:30am, i should probably go to bed. ever have those days when life seems too full to take time to sleep (even though sleeping is a must-have and delicious endeavor)? 'night!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:35 AM | 2 comments

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