
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Friday, March 31, 2006

transitioning from tobago

what an amazing group! this photo captures the retreaters (dan, rhodo, rose, nick, tim, lisa, melissa, suzanne, amanda, beth, nick, me, david) sans tony, amy, and lynette who were out galavanting during photo time. hear some of them share their experience in this weekend's podcast and see my muse below on how to carve out a little space for your own retreat. we laughed until we cried, yogaed until our bums and hamstrings were in shock (4 hours each day), danced, drank caribs and rum punch, basked in the sun, ate amazing local cuisine, meditated, hiked, swam, and spent lots of time connecting within. 5 of the 18 fabulous retreaters made their way to my 6:00 class tonight after rising at 4:30 am DC time this morning. talk about rock stars!

tobago timeline:
thursday: arrival in tobago around 8pm
friday: yoga, lunch at treehouse on beach, more yoga complete with setting of intentions
saturday: yoga, beach time at englishman's bay (named a top 10 beach by conde nast), more yoga
sunday: yoga, naps, yoga and sunday school (a weekly tobago phenomenon of dancing and drums--yogis gone wild)
monday: day off to recover filled with excursions, naps, beach time, and more naps
tuesday: yoga, photo shoot with the fabulous amy mullarkey, discussion on yamas & niyamas and creating a home practice, yin yoga, and dinner on the beach complete with limbo and drumming
wednesday: partner yoga, downtime (because everything else was so exhausting), yoga, closing circle, and last hurrah filled with barbeque, drummers (some of us got a quick lesson), more dancing and caribs
thursday: early, early morning topped off with more yoga at the studio

as i mull through the e-mails and regroup after a week of disconnection, i look forward to reflecting more on the experience and incorporating a little bit of tobago into my everyday life. thank you, retreaters, for sharing your beautiful spirits with me!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:02 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, March 30, 2006

the art of disconnecting & retreating

written from tobago:

sit quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself. - zen saying

as i shut my computer connection to the internet for the last time on thursday, march 23, i felt a combination of elation and fear. i have not been offline for an entire week in almost two years thanks to my handy treo phone and a not-so-slight addiction to being connected. however, as i write this from a lounge chair overlooking the caribbean sea in tobago, i must confess that this disconnection has done a body (and spirit) good.

before i left last week, i encouraged blog readers to also play with the concept of disconnecting—from a habit or to simply escape routine for a few days. as i continue to find “doing things differently” to have a profound effect on my overall well-being, i also am finding disconnection to be therapeutic. the ability to lose track of time, not know what day it is, and not worry about little things that are out of my control is underrated.

sure you may not be able to escape to the caribbean for a week-long yoga retreat but there are other ways to find yourself in the flow with still keeping an urban-dweller’s busy schedule. to practice the art of disconnection and retreating, try these 5 tips:

1. schedule down time—one sacred hour to browse a bookstore, an afternoon off to walk through the phillips collection and sip tea in their cafe, a weekend away holed up in a cabin within the shenandoah region, a solo sojourn to a new country, a month-long bike ride through france.
2. let loved ones and colleagues know an emergency number, that you’ll be out of touch, and set up an e-mail auto-reply so that any expected (or unexpected) peeps trying to get in touch are made aware of your inaccessibility.
3. leave ability to connect to outside world to a minimum.
4. take your journal, a pen, creative tools such as sketchbook and colored pencils, comfy clothes, loads of water, reading material, healthy snacks, your yoga mat, and a beginner’s mind.
5. let go of expectations and embrace the experience.

this retreat has allowed me to sleep more than i thought humanly possible (amazing how tired i am when i’m forced to slow down), dive into my practice in between naps, read while swinging on the hammock, observe my aching and “over-yogaed” glute muscles, and savor the taste of the caribbean. by disconnecting from a habit that you hold dear, you may find yourself coming face-to-face with your truly undistracted self. and i promise, the undistracted self will have lots to share with you if you will only disconnect, retreat, and listen. happy disconnecting and retreating!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:22 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, March 23, 2006


i said a very sad goodbye to little louis as we dropped him off at "camp" tonight and now i'm saying a say goodbye to fellow hip tranquil chicks as i'll be sans internet connection for a WHOLE week. it's been a whirlwind the past few days as i prepare to lead a week-long retreat in tobago starting tomorrow. we have an amazing group of yogis coming and i'm delighted to spend a week diving deeper into my practice without the distraction of modern day technology (no cell phone either!). ahhhh, i may go into withdrawal but i'll come back a saner person!

my wish is for each of you to also have a moment of disconnect over the next week. by disconnect i mean a removal from a habitual pattern. for me it is being online/accessible constantly, for you it could be as simple as having 1 cup of coffee instead of 2 or fruit and nuts instead of a candy bar midday. whatever your vice, may you enjoy a moment of disconnection that ultimately results in a deeper connection to who you are and what truly makes you tick.

thanks for being you and sharing your beautiful selves with me. we're all so unique and have such fun idiosyncracies that make us even more special. embrace this during your disconnect. embody self-compassion. watch your spirit bloom this spring.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:23 AM | 3 comments

Sunday, March 19, 2006

hip tranquil chick podcast #24: a rockin' yoga lifestyle

HTC: March 19, 2006 Shownotes

Welcome to the 24th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the 600 sq. foot "Pink Palace" in Washington, DC.

Today’s podcast is on my exploring what yoga means to you and how to live it daily both on and off the mat—not JUST an asana practice, topped of with a pose of the podcast, book suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and fun music from a local yogini! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog and check out the cover of the upcoming book on the homepage!

Check out our Frappr!I have been so pleased to hear from people all over the US and around the world--being a hip tranquil chick definitely trancends borders! I wanted to share the expansive listenership with others so I set up a virtual map at Frappr. Please take a brief moment, click on the link, and stick a pushpin on that map.

Yoga 101
8 limbs for the modern girl: episode 16 – get your yoga on

On the mat
Tuning out of your head and into your body

Off the mat

Integrating yoga into lifestyle – no one way. Borrow elements that speak to you. Remember, yoga and life are ALL about exploration!

A few journal writing ideas:
1. What does yoga mean to me?
2. In what ways do I live my yoga every day?
3. How can I incorporate more yoga (on and off the mat) into my daily life?
Pose of the Podcast: Wide legged forward fold http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/693_1.cfm

Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

SEED: the feminine way to create business
by lynne franks

retail therapy: life lessons learned while shopping
by Amanda Ford

Tea Here Now: Rituals, Remedies, and Meditations
by Donna Fellman & Lhasha Tizer

the diamond cutter
by geshe michael roach

Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
"I can't believe it's taken me this long to email you, I've meaning to for ages. I just wanted to say how much your podcasts have changed my whole life, you have introduced me to so much! I have bought loads of the books on your recommended reading list which have led me onto even more books once I got started on their recommended reading! All I am doing is getting to know myself really but it's something I have never done.

In Living Out Loud at one point Keri Smith says "I trusted the opinions of others over my own" and that really hit me because I've been doing that all my life, I would always first ask my dad and my boyfriend what I should do about a decision rather than make my own choice. I now think if I had made my own decisions in the past I would be doing a different job to now and maybe be happier because I'd have followed my own heart, not someone elses. But at least I know now.

My favourite podcasts are the creativity one, journalling one and top tips ones. I know you are doing another journalling one soon which I am really looking forward to! I have started my own journal after hearing that podcast which has been brilliant getting out all my thoughts and feelings. It's now like a best friend. And I have started making an art journal but that's something I need to work on as I am never completely happy with what I create but it is very therapeutic."

Closing: Share your locale with fellow hip tranquil chicks—we’ve added Frapper to the blog. Listen to my interview at Yoga Peeps with the amazing Lara.

Let me help you grow. How can I help support you and your hip tranquil chick path? I hope to add workshops, teleclasses, retreats, online forums, and more so please let me know if you have ideas!

Share your thoughts, needs, and suggestions from your hip tranquil chick path with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog. Visit hiptranquilchick.com for online sources of inspiration. Sign up for the tranquiliT times at hiptranquilchick.com and view the latest spring issue in the archives.

Offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June-July, details at tranquilspace.com. Off to lead a retreat in Tobago this Thursday-Thursday and will be offline for the first time in almost 2 years. Gasp!

To close out the show, we’re playing music one of TS’s very own beloved yoginis – Tranquil Monsoon by Heather McAuliffe. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of her music, at Heather's page on cdbaby.com.

Thanks for joining me for the 24th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:50 PM | 1 comments

    Saturday, March 18, 2006

    yoga peeps feature

    earlier in the week, i recorded an interview for the yoga peeps podcast with lara cestone. lara is committed to sharing the yoga lifestyle and community through podcasts and vidcasts. check out her website at yogapeeps.com and listen in on our chat.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:15 AM | 0 comments

    Friday, March 17, 2006

    dear hip tranquil chick . . .

    Q: I would love for you to address the issue of how you can self-care when you're married or in a relationship where it's not always easy to have your own space. Do you carve out time for just yourself, for things like baths and yoga? Or do you do them with your partner? Do you have to set some limits of what you need for "you" time? I'm so busy and I feel like it's hard enough to make enough time to spend with my husband, let alone on my own self-nurturing. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this balance.

    A: Great question! It is never easy to balance it all, is it? I just finished my chapters on self-care and relationships so your question comes at a great time where so much material is fresh. In order be fully accessible and present for anyone--managers, family, beloveds, pets--you must be taking care of yourself. No ifs, ands, or buts about this one! Sometimes simply closing a door and doing legs up the wall for a few minutes can help replenish your well. Other times, you need much more such as a mini solo retreat to a museum, yoga class, hot bath, movie, or weekend (or more!) away to refuel. It's great to have common interests with our partners, but I believe it is most important to have a solid, comfortable, and loving relationship with ourselves. Unless we love, honor, and respect who we are, it is hard to give all these things to someone else, much less expect it from them.

    We're all so very different so what I need will be different from what you may need. Growing up, I always thought it was odd that my mother delighted in my father's trips away. Now I understand how sacred alone time can be for people in partnerships. Some of us need it more than others. When my beau has a concert or something going on that I'm not interested in attending, I savor the night in journal writing, reading, taking a hot bath, and just being. SUCH a delight. Notice what helps keep you replenished so that you can be running with all the internal fuel you need--then you can be a very open and loving partner, friend, employee, etc.

    Carve out some "you" time and watch what unfolds! Chat with your partner about ways to blend self-care with "couple time." He may be open to pottery or yoga classes, hiking in the woods, or taking a weekend away! Hope this helps!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:39 PM | 1 comments

    Thursday, March 16, 2006

    inspiration from lynne franks

    one of my favorite books is called the seed handbook by lynne franks and it is such a powerful resource for female entrepreneurs. i came across the text below on her website and wanted to share. please enjoy and keep planting those seeds, you'll be amazed at what will bloom! xo, kimberly

    Starting a business should be organic, something that grows naturally from who you are as a person. It’s about taking responsibility for your own life and enjoying the results. SEED is all about giving women the practical and emotional skills to create a business based on the feminine values of integrity, connection and personal growth.

    1. Planting the seeds

    Preparing to start a business is like planning a garden. We have to nurture our seeds - or ideas - and allow them to bloom into a healthy plant - or enterprise.

    2. Clearing the ground

    It’s important create the right environment to grow your vision. You need to clear the clutter from your life, internally and externally. You’ll need physical space to work – a desk, kitchen table, so get set on clearing away all the excess stuff to make room.

    3. Finding mental space

    When starting up your own enterprise, you need to listen to your inner voice. Finding quiet time must become an essential part of your daily routine if you want to succeed. You need to clear away the noise in your life to prepare for your new venture.

    4. Be true to yourself

    Pin-point your strengths and weaknesses and learn to recognise the gifts and passions that will help you become a successful entrepreneur. Knowing what you do best is vital to the success of your venture.

    5. Work on your vision

    Feel your way into your future by thinking about the qualities and feelings you want in your business. Create a vision book of all images and words that inspire you and are important to you. Keep adding to it and not only will this help you to create your enterprise, but it will be a constant source of inspiration to you.

    6. Money talks

    Many women feel uncomfortable talking about money. Creating a budget is essential to running a successful business. Follow this basic rule: whatever money coming in has to cover what is going out. And don’t give up your day job until you’re at the point where you’re sure of the viability of your enterprise.

    7. Creating a community

    Even if your business is a one-woman enterprise there’s plenty of ways to connect with other people. Connect through networking, partnerships and co-operatives. Always carry business cards and don’t be shy about distributing them.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:20 PM | 3 comments

    Wednesday, March 15, 2006

    Where in the world are hip tranquil chicks?

    Check out our Frappr!I have been so pleased to hear from people all over the US and around the world--being a hip tranquil chick definitely trancends borders! I wanted to share the expansive listenership with others so I set up a virtual map at Frappr. Please take a brief moment, click on the link, and stick a pushpin on that map.

    Also, pleased to report that I finished my next three chapters today on relationships, career, and finances. Three more to go--style, surroundings, and social consciousness! I can't wait to share this book with you. Thank you all for being part of the juicy hip tranquil chick community. xo

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:00 PM | 1 comments

    Tuesday, March 14, 2006

    taste bud temptation

    oh my! move over lavender margaritas, make room for the most amazing tea i have yet to find. while picking up my papaya this morning at our local whole foods (i have a slight addiction to this tantalizing fruit), i came across a blueberry green tea from the republic of tea. i have a large tea basket filled with great finds but i always manage to pick up more when strolling the aisles. it was on sale, how could i resist? and, to top it off, green tea is good for us, blueberries are rich an antioxidants, so how could i go wrong? during a brief writing break i decided to bust open the lovely tin filled with 50 tea bags. i poured my agave nectar into my pink mug, added the tea bag and water, and much to my delight, it is the most amazing tea i've had to date! what an absolute treat. run, don't walk, to your nearest tea outlet. this stuff is powerful and soooooo good for us! happy sipping girls! xo

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:13 PM | 3 comments

    Monday, March 13, 2006

    book cover unveiled

    i'm soooo excited to share the cover of hip tranquil chick: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. we wanted to capture a true lifestyle vibe so please note the fire, cup of tea, numerous books, leopard print rug, chandelier, yellow flowers, tranquiliT wear, louis the pug, kicked off kitten heels, yoga pose, and pink purse. hope you love it as much as we do! now, back to writing . . .

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 5:48 PM | 2 comments

    Sunday, March 12, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #23: bliss-producing practices

    HTC: March 12, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 23rd edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the 600 sq. foot Pink "Palace" in Washington, DC.

    Spring has almost sprung! Yay! Today’s podcast is on my fave bliss-producing practices, topped of with a pose of the podcast, book suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com.

    My fave bliss-producing practices:
    1. Journal writing
    2. Herbal tea sipping
    3. Knitting
    4. Rolling out my yoga mat
    5. Gardening
    6. Singing
    7. Buying fresh cut flowers or easy to care for lucky bamboo
    8. Taking a spring stroll
    9. Doing things differently
    10. Reaching out to a loved one
    11. Reading with a pen in hand
    12. Walking little Louis
    13. Lighting candles and incense
    14. Straightening up/organizing
    15. Connecting with like-minded women
    16. Becoming self-sufficient
    17. Creating anything
    18. Eating dessert and yummy greens
    19. Bathtub soaking
    20. Buying a new fabulous outfit on sale
    21. Road trips
    22. Going through stacks of magazines and newspapers
    23. Crossing things off my to-do list
    24. Sitting in front of a fire
    25. Taking a nap
    26. Opening windows on a cool night while sleeping
    27. Eating fresh papaya
    28. Wrapping a gift beautifully
    29. Finding a good deal
    30. Diving into fresh high thread count sheets
    31. Thunderstorms sans tornados
    32. Hugging my beloveds
    33. Sipping a bellini (champagne mixed with peach schnapps)
    34. Indulging in spa treatments (facials, pedis, massage)
    35. The color of lemons in a bowl
    36. Browsing at a bookstore
    37. Walking through a museum filled with Impressionist paintings
    38. Smelling the forest
    39. Healthy snacking
    40. Petting a puppy

    Pose of the Podcast:
    Side plank

    Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

    office spa
    by darrin zeer

    girls' night in
    girls' night in: spa treatments at home
    by jennifer worick

    Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
    "I wanted to share some things that in my journey to date I have come across that I think are so important and help with the risk-taking attitude, goals, etc...

    Yoga and flexibility. I read somewhere "As our bodies become more flexible, so do our attitudes". I tell you what, if not for my mental flexiblity, I think I would have lost it (as in my mind). I've been planning and researching, writing down my dream for my studio, telling it to people, etc... to make it happen. Luckily I am flexible in this planning and not attached to any particular outcome. For instance, I thought I had found THE PERFECT studio. Price was right, location was hot, vibe was good. There were some things I was willing to settle on but overall it was the place. Had the lease ready to go, did one more check with the county for zoning and Ooops! it's not zoned for a yoga studio type of business. If I wasn't flexible and non-attached with my attitude I could have been seriously bummed. But it was just a minor set back and I believe the universe telling me, "your studio is somewhere else".

    Another example of the necessity of flexibility ... I'm teaching some free classes in my community as part of a community service program for yoga. They JUST started Monday and I've had to rearrange the schedule for Wed and Thurs this week due to maintenance issues at the building. I had to call people, email people to let them know. I could have freaked, gotten angry at the situation but that would not have changed it. Instead I stayed calm, did what I needed to do to keep people informed and it's all ok. The guy in charge of the building thanked me for my flexibility. I told him yoga is about flexibility in more than just the body.

    I know my yoga practice, and not just asana, is responsible for my flexible attitude. It certainly makes life easier to deal with."

    Let me help you grow. How can I help support you and your hip tranquil chick path? I hope to add workshops, teleclasses, retreats, online forums, and more so please let me know if you have ideas! Share your thoughts, needs, and suggestions from your hip tranquil chick path with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com.

    Visit hiptranquilchick.com for online sources of inspiration. Sign up for the tranquiliT times at hiptranquilchick.com and view the latest spring issue in the archives.

    I'm offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June and July. Details at tranquilspace.com.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from podsafe music network. Today’s selection is a fave of this podcast – Anji Bee with Earth & Flesh. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of her music at Anji's website and her page at the podsafe music network.

    Thanks for joining me for the 23rd edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:32 PM | 1 comments

    Saturday, March 11, 2006

    tranquil timeline

    have you ever thought of your life in relation to milestones? i find myself referring to many things these days by the date ("oh, that was so '04," etc.), so i have begin carving out a timeline in my mind. i thought it may be a fun to share with fellow readers to gain insight into the tranquil space story, along with encouragement for you to also explore the highlights that have defined you or made you proud. happy timelining!

    - june 30, 1973 born in lawton, oklahoma. yep, die hard midwestern cancerian.
    - 1981 began journal writing and opened first savings account for my $2/week allowance.
    - may 1991 high school graduation.
    - may 1995 college graduation and got mary engelbriet sunflower tattoo.
    - july - september 1995 backpacked around europe on money earned while working in college.
    - october 1995-august 1996 live in summit county, colorado skiing, snowboarding, selling clothes at DKNY, and working for keystone resort. take first yoga class.
    - july 1996 bought my jeep.
    - september 1996 drive to dc with everything i own in my jeep.
    - september 1996 start georgetown paralegal program, work as receptionist and get my first e-mail address (the rest is history).
    - september 1997 finish georgetown paralegal program.
    - september - november 1997 drive to alaska and down west coast camping, and enjoying nature.
    - december 1997 - august 1999 work at intellectual property law firm as trademark paralegal.
    - june 1999 take first yoga teacher training.
    - september 1999 - july 2000 work at georgetown university and help run the paralegal program.
    - august 1999 begin teaching yoga at a gold's gym on capitol hill.
    - october 1999 open up living room to strangers and begin offering yoga classes.
    - january 2000 got nose pierced.
    - july 2000 take a 2-week teacher training in california and decide to take the plunge into self-employment. double life became too hard.
    - summer 2000 took up and running course at women's business center, nia and pilates teacher training. offered first wild woman workshop.
    - fall 2000 - may 2003 rent beautiful parlor space at church on 16th street.
    - january 2001 began offering creativity circles.
    - fall 2001 began master's program at GWU in women's studies.
    - december 2001 took teacher training with cyndi lee.
    - february 2002 led first international yoga retreat to costa rica.
    - march 2002 offer first teacher training and bring on board such original talent as lisa, peg, siobhan, danielle, and carol. studio grows by leaps and bounds by word of mouth.
    - july 2002 took teacher training with shiva rea.
    - november 2002 secure new space on P street.
    - december 2002 released first yoga cd--an intermediate practice.
    - june 2003 after numerous red tape delays we moved into our new home on P street. turned 30 and took myself to ibiza, spain for my first real vacation in years.
    - july 2003 took 2nd teacher training with shiva rea.
    - september 2003 took teacher training with baron baptiste.
    - october 2003 solidified book idea. began buying tons of books on writing a proposal and getting published.
    - december 2003 released 2nd yoga cd--vinyasa yoga for the newbie yogi.
    - january 2004 began dating beau.
    - spring 2004 began designing own tops and additional pants. tranquiliT bloosomed.
    - june 2004 featured lady on ladies who launch.
    - august 2004 finished master's program and buy my first home (600 sq. feet of raspberry and leopard print embellished pure bliss).
    - october 2004 got book agent and began blog.
    - december 2004 tranquiliT featured in shape magazine and get little louis the pug for christmas from my beau.
    - may 2005 hip tranquil chick article featured in fit yoga magazine, tranquiliT featured in washingtonian magazine, and show tranquiliT at first yoga conference in midwest.
    - june 2005 spoke at women's business conference on leaving a legacy and started hip hop classes.
    - september 2005 began hip tranquil chick podcast.
    - september - december 2005 returned to ballet classes after an 18-year hiatus.
    - october 2005 signed on with publisher inner ocean.
    - november 2005 story featured in book starting from scratch.
    - january 2006 took first knitting class.
    - march 2006 tranquiliT featured in daily candy and interviewed on martha stewart living radio.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 4:39 PM | 1 comments

    Friday, March 10, 2006

    tranquiliT is in today's daily candy!

    sooooooo, i'm very excited to share that tranquiliT is in today's washington, dc daily candy! remember the tranquiliT tube i was raving about a few weeks ago (that i've worn every day for weeks)? well, see the editorial below or go to dailycandy.com for all the scoop! xoxo

    March 10, 2006 Send to a friend

    Cotton may be the fabric of our lives, but you can’t make a fence out of it. Wool is warm, but don’t try feeding it to a panda. And acrylic’s machine washable, but you still can’t stir-fry it.

    Which brings us to our point (and, yes, we do have one): Bamboo is the best thing ever.

    Wear your admiration for the miracle material on your sleeve with the new line of bamboo clothing from tranquiliT. Each piece is 95 percent bamboo, a fabric that’s super-soft but doesn’t pill, and is machine washable and totally breathable.

    Plus they look really good, too. Try the cap-sleeve tie top or the sleeveless tunic. And best of all is the tube dress, which can be worn as a strapless frock, long skirt, or short skirt.

    And since bamboo is one of the most sustainable natural fibers, you’re being extra ecofriendly when you wear it.

    Which is more than you can say about that rayon sandwich you’re eating.

    Available online at tranquilitboutique.com.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 3:34 AM | 0 comments

    Thursday, March 09, 2006

    snail mail rocks

    this week i received two pieces of personal mail on the same day! wow! personal mail is such a rare treat these days and so very treasured. two fellow hip tranquil chicks sent sweet notes (via USPS mail . . . again i emphasize) and one included a copy of her darling zine on "making and keeping creative visual journals." i can't express how much such a generous and thoughtful gesture means to me. taking the time to handwrite a sweet note and to include a personal creation can brighten another's day. why not draft a "thinking of you" message off to a dear friend in need of a pick-me-up or who has been inspirational to you? writing a letter is truly an art and you can use that darling hot pink monogrammed set you got as a gift!

    a HUGE thank you to dear melissa and eliza for making my day! xoxo

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:17 PM | 2 comments

    Wednesday, March 08, 2006

    dreaming & doing!

    The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do. ~Sarah Ban Breathnach

    So after a crazy day, I spend the evening editing (doing) chapters 4-6 and plan (dreaming) to finish chapters 7-9 by next wednesday's deadline. I stumbled upon this favorite quote of mine by the author of Simple Abundance. Isn't it funny how life can begin to feel so overwhelming at times--dog gets sick (louis has a bald chin from overindulging on his bone), you feel achy, help is MIA, and to-dos continue to add up? It truly is so cyclical. However, this quote reminds me to keep dreaming, keep shooting for the stars, keep putting myself out there AND take action. Without dreaming, we'll stay still. Without doing, our dreams will never be reality. In what small ways can you begin to dream AND do? So today wasn't the best day. Well, take a hot bath, sip some chamomile tea, and write in your journal but . . . dust yourself off and start with a fresh face tomorrow. Happy dreaming and happy doing, my loves!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 6:45 PM | 1 comments

    Tuesday, March 07, 2006

    dear hip tranquil chick . . .

    I want to integrate yoga into my busy life. Do I have to buy a whole new wardrobe?

    No, have fun with pieces that can be worn in multiple ways. The hip tranquil chick gets bored with the typical black leggings and yoga tee (although she's ecstastic that leggings are spring must-haves). Coupled with charming (and cheap) accessories, she is able to throw a ballet style wrap top over the same cami and black pants she practiced in for an evening out.

    The hip tranquil chick has the following staples in her chic and simple closet:

    • Multiple black pants in assorted fabrics (terry, cotton, velvet, blends), lengths (capri, floor-length, ankle-length), and styles (leggings, boot leg, flare, low-rise)
    • Fun, fitted tops in black and white (maybe a dash of pink too) and fabrics (rayon jersey, bamboo, organic cotton) that stretch and allow ample mobility during practice, shopping, and being creative at work
    • Cover-ups such as wrap tops and tunics keep even the most modest yogini comfortable en route to the studio
    • The tranquiliT tube to wear over yoga pants or alone as a long or short skirt and also as the perfect little black dress
    • A slip dress or cross front tunic that can be worn over yoga pants or alone
    Long skinny scarf to tie around your waist, in your hair, or wrap around your neck
    • Ballet style slippers, kitten heels, or wedges are perfect for wearing to the studio and then to the café
    • A cute and comfy yoga mat bag to tote your sacred mat around town
    • A functional and fun bag, large enough to hold all her pre- and post-practice yoga goodies such as small items of luxury: body wipes (to clean up before heading out and about post-practice), lavender facial hydrating mist (lavender mixed with h2o in a spritzer), rosebud salve (glosses lips, controls hair frizzies, and soothes dry skin all in one little tin), and white musk perfume oil (from the body shop) to dab behind the ears
    • Smile and good attitude--something a hip tranquil chick can never leave home without

    Viola, you're refreshed, have the staples to help you easily transition from the mat to the matinee, and you've got that post-yoga glow!

    Blog readers click here to save 10% off your order on any tranquiliT must-haves.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:45 PM | 0 comments

    Monday, March 06, 2006

    hip tranquil chick creativity circle this summer

    “and the day came when the risk to remain tight it a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - anais nin

    do you long for more fun, more flair, more focus, more creativity? spend four sultry summer saturday afternoons with me reviving your spirit, unleashing your inner artist, taking action toward the life you desire, and relishing in a supportive circle with other like-minded women. during our time together, we will work through the bestseller the artist’s way by julia cameron, while also playing with concepts from 12 secrets of highly creative women by gail mcmeekin and my book, hip tranquil chick, due out november 2006. we will also be setting creative goals, practicing yoga, and participating in artistic play.

    for insight into the program, read below:

    "thanks again for running such a wonderful group. the artist's way has really changed my life of late. since it started i have sent out a new book proposal, gotten into digital video, and started a children's book with a friend who is an artist. what an amazing yield!"

    "thank you, the circle has truly enriched my life. it was a safe, fun environment to start exploring some hard issues — and i finally got to read that damn book that was sitting and gathering dust on my book shelf for so many years! the women in the group were also wonderful. all in all, it really made living in dc better for me — i feel like i'm not alone in my journey to creativity and joy."

    "i realize all i have done over the course of the circle that i probably wouldn't have done if i hadn't been prompted or encouraged by the group. camping in the woods, attending various retreats, made some great friends. i feel like i've made enormous leaps and bounds in other ways. i like where the process has taken me, and am looking forward to seeing where else i might go."

    materials needed: the artist’s way by julia cameron, 12 secrets of highly creative women by gail mcmeekin, journal and/or sketchbook, yoga mat.

    4-week intensive on saturdays: june 10, 24, july 8, and 22, 3:30pm-6pm, $275.

    where: at tranquil space: 2024 p street, nw. convenient to dupont circle metro.

    to register: sign up online at tranquilspace.com or call 202.223.9642. limited space available, early registration encouraged.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:38 AM | 0 comments

    Friday, March 03, 2006

    in the zone

    last night began with lavender margaritas (wow-it was like sippable aromatherapy topped off with lavender salt on the rim) and dinner at hotel monaco (where the presentation far outweighs the substance). then off to join the many fans who hit the mci center to see coldplay and fiona apple. this is my second time seeing coldplay in the past six months and i am soooo impressed.

    i have a confession. during the show i checked e-mail numerous times on my phone and have come to realize that i have a problem. is there a 12-step program for such addictions? i recently read that multi-tasking and constant e-mail checking lowers your IQ. uh oh. i'm surprised i can still hold conversations at this point. good news, off to yogaville (yes, there is actually a place called yogaville) in a few hours to lead a fun weekend retreat where my cell phone does not work. will i experience withdrawal? it's a good test.

    anyway, what a show, what passion, what talent! i still get teary eyed at the beginning of concerts--like a proud mama watching a performer so in the zone. we've all seen this "in the zone" moment. tori amos on the piano. mick jagger at superbowl half-time (the only part i watched). tiger woods on the golf course. a designer at their fashion show. martha stewart in her garden. so we've seen this unfold, but how often do we get to personally experience this feeling of flow? there are great books all about flow and i feel as if it is crucial to our well-being to have these moments where everything else is peripheral and we're completely absorbed by the moment.

    as i head off to yogaville in a few moments, i encourage you to reflect on how to get more "in the zone" moments. i will definitely do my best to be filled with flow this weekend. it's hard not to be though when you're surrounded by beauty, away from technology, doing yoga, making collages with a focus on what i want in live, and eating oh-so-healthily! best wishes for a flow-filled weekend!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:46 AM | 4 comments

    Thursday, March 02, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #22: mindful relationships

    HTC: March 2, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 22nd edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on and off the yoga mat. On location at Tranquil Space studio in Washington, DC.

    Today’s podcast is an interview on mindful relationships with Carol Collins, topped of with a pose of the podcast, book suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com.

    Carol loves helping people learn about themselves through yoga. She focuses on mindfulness, encouraging students to reach within themselves to find truth and wholeness in their body and mind. Carol is the Postnatal Yoga coordinator at Tranquil Space where she has been teaching since 2002. She has developed her own style of hands-on "baby and me" yoga classes where parents gather to share common experiences, strengthen and open their bodies, and bond with their babies through "yoga play". Carol enjoys the graceful way in which vinyasa yoga flows through the asanas, develops stamina, strength and flexibility. Carol earned a black belt in the Korean martial art of Tae Kwon Do in 1994. Yoga is constantly teaching her the balance between competing toward an edge and accepting the grace of the moment. Carol also holds a Master's degree in Education and is a former school teacher and private math tutor.

    Pose of the Podcast: Headstand

    Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:
    Brand new show has come out called lipgloss and laptops. Click here to hear all about it.
    Found another fabulous podcast called yogapeeps. Check it out at yogapeeps.com. Watch for Lara’s interview of me on their show mid-March.

    everyday blessings
    by jon kabat-zinn

    if the buddha dated
    by charlotte kasl

    if the buddha married
    by charlotte kasl

    Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
    "I am a fiber artist/ teacher/ stay at home mom and I create all kinds of visual and wearable art. I use Merino wool and make floral pins, felted jewelry and beads, and The Artist’s Clutch Bag. I am an extremely creative individual and I have returned to yoga to help me focus on my creative dreams. I wear many hats in my family and I struggle with finding time to take my art to the next level. I want people to enjoy it. Since I’ve discovered you, I listen and practice yoga more. It’s my retreat to my passion of creating art. While doing yoga I calm down and visualize my creative goals. It’s a great start in the right direction. Thank you for being so inspirational to me."

    Closing: Let me help you grow. How can I help support you and your hip tranquil chick path? I hope to add workshops, teleclasses, retreats, online forums, and more so please let me know if you have ideas! Share your thoughts, needs, and suggestions from your hip tranquil chick path with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com. Visit hiptranquilchick.com for online sources of inspiration. Sign up for the tranquiliT times at hiptranquilchick.com. View the latest issue in the archives.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from podsafe music network. Today’s selection is Accusations by Bloodwire. You can learn more about Bloodwire, including how to get their music, at their website and the PMN.

    Thanks for joining me for the 22nd edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:51 PM | 0 comments

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