
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Saturday, December 31, 2005

hip tranquil chick podcast #13

HTC: December 31, 2005

Greetings! Welcome to the 13th edition of the hip tranquil chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on and off the yoga mat. Back in the Pink Palace, Washington, DC.

Today’s podcast is on setting intentions in the new year, along with a soothing pose of the podcast that helps detox a body full of holiday sugars, and more festive podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com.

To get 2006 started on the right foot, use the following 3-part hip tranquil chick practice:

1. Reflection

2. Intention

3. Action
  • set goals that are SMART: specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time bound.
  • make a collage, list out actions, draw, paint your "ideal."
  • put ideas on notecards.
  • reward progress--a few of my fave “rewards” include: hot baths complete with lush bath bombs and a tall glass of water with lemon to sip, browsing at a bookstore, walking my dog through rock creek park, a restorative yoga practice, eating a meal that nurtures my insides, dancing to Madonna’s latest tunes, sharing ideas over herbal tea with a good friend, a massage or pedicure, taking a new class—hip hop, knitting, sewing, ballet.
Pose of the Podcast: thread the needle

Share your thoughts, needs, and suggestions from your hip tranquil chick path with me at kimberly@tranquilspace.com. Visit tranquilspace.com and hiptranquilchick.com for additional sources of inspiration.

Sign up for the tranquiliT times at hiptranquilchick.com.

For my West Coast listeners, I’ll be in San Francisco over MLK weekend (Jan 13-16) at the YJ conference showing the tranquiliT line. Come down to the Hyatt Regency and see me!

Closing track: Snow Drop by Steffen Coonan. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music, at the podsafe music network.

Thanks for joining me for the 13th edition of the hip tranquil chick podcast. Namaste, and happy new year. May this be your best year yet!

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  • to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
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posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:32 AM | 0 comments

Friday, December 30, 2005

need a new year's boost?

a new year, a new you. spend the first day of 2006 using your flowing practice to reflect on living this year to its fullest. join me for 2 hours of practice catered to helping you connect within, set conscious intentions, and take inspiring steps in the next direction. bring pen and paper, an open heart, and a sense of excitement about the year ahead of you. all levels welcome. as always, tea and treats will be served. for details, visit tranquil space.

podcast coming on saturday focused on setting new year's intentions. here's to a fabulous 2006!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:38 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, December 29, 2005

hip tranquil chick manifesto

a hip tranquil chick is that girl we aspire to be. she juggles a busy life with grace, makes time for thoughtful gestures, gives of her resources, always has her best face forward, fills her body with nutritious treats, lives her practice, and lights up a room with her presence. yep, an ideal girl for sure. i, however, love filling my body with chocolate and red vines. that's why i'm a work in progress!

the hip tranquil chick is who i aspire to be. she embodies traits i admire in others, and has all of these great attributes rolled into one well-balanced, chic and conscious chick!

here is the hip tranquil chick manifesto that may serve as a guidepost along the way to "hip tranquil chickness."

i, ___(you!)_____ , will:

create a value-led vision for my life
unleash my inner artist through constant creativity
practice breathing through challenges
consciously carve my career path
host savvy soirees to expand my community
handle my money mindfully and practice conscious consumption
design an oasis to nurture my soul at home and at work
think globally through socially conscious actions
exude my signature style with a dash of flair
embody zest for life
think outside the box and seek possibility
remain grounded
challenge myself daily
seek opportunity and express gratitude
serve as an inspiration others
move my body and nurture my relationships daily
practice yoga on and off the mat constantly
surround myself with candles, flowers, and positive pals
nourish my body with oodles of water, fresh fruit, and whole grains
carry flavored lip gloss, powder sheets, and rosewater facial spritzer
schedule herbal tea sipping, bath tub soaking, and journal writing
find inspiration in the mundane

posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:51 PM | 0 comments

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

expressions of gratitude

as i finish up my last few thank you notes i hope others are doing the same. as a little girl, i was encouraged to write my gratitude the day of christmas to ensure that too much time didn't pass. gratefully this etiquette is still ingrained in me three decades later.

while passing a newstand on my way home from the studio tonight, i saw the cover of a paper (usa today, i believe) with a headline on the topic of thank you notes. it seems as if this small token of gratitude has become a thing of the past. in this fabulous age of technology, a handwritten note is as treasured (and rare) as striking gold.

over the past few years, i got into the habit of sending thank yous via e-mail. this year, i made sure they were handwritten. yes it takes more time, yes a thank you was said upon receipt, yes most people don't bother anymore, but don't you think a few minutes of your time to brighten someone's day is worth it? handwritten, sung, e-mailed, text messaged, collaged, telegraphed--whatever works for you--just acknowledge the effort that your special someone made to make you feel celebrated this holiday season and beyond.

hip tranquil chicks are busy girls, but never too busy for thoughtful gestures and everyday etiquette that ensure a life lived in grace, consciousness, and beauty. so break out your fave pen, gather together some sparkly notecards, and let your gratitude be heard during the holidays and festivities to come! honor the gift, and why not also acknowledge their role in your life? we all love to feel appreciated and acknowledged. begin today with yourself and those who have touched your life this holiday season.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:18 PM | 1 comments

Monday, December 26, 2005

buddhism basics

i came across the cutest book that i just had to share--girl meets bliss: zen and the art of modern life maintenance! it's a girl's guide to buddhism and breaks it all down in terms hip tranquil chicks can understand. by page 12 i declared to my beau, "i think i'm a buddhist!" he encouraged me to read beyond page 12 before making such a declaration. i'm loving this read and i hope you will too.

after taking 3.5 years off since my last buddhism/meditation training (my hips were sore and my mind needed this much time to recover from 1.5 days of silence), i think i'm ready to venture into level 2 of the shambhala training. i've found one in february, and if the stars align, i plan to be there. here's to creating a little more silence and space in the new year. . .

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:58 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, December 25, 2005

hip tranquil chick holiday

HTC: December 25, 2005

happy holidays hip tranquil chicks!

may you savor hot cocoa topped with mini marshmallows, veuve clicquot champagne fused with a dash of pomegrante juice and seeds, lavender infused bath products, the warmth of a crackling fire, the taste of candied pecans, a luxurious standing forward fold, the comfort of being surrounded by family and friends who know you well, and an afternoon siesta to make your special day even more fabulous.

enjoy this special mini-podcast/videocast providing a taste of what is coming in 2006. may this be your best year yet!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:12 PM | 0 comments

happy holidays from louis!

as you can see, louis made out like a bandit thanks to santa--compressed rawhide. i hope santa is equally good to all hip tranquil chicks (and dudes) everywhere!

may this be one of your merriest (and most tranquil) yet. remember, yogic breathing and restorative poses come in handy during extended (sometimes non-tranquil) family and travel time.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:00 AM | 0 comments

Saturday, December 24, 2005

merry christmas eve!

growing up, this was the day we opened our gifts from each other. on christmas morning we opened our gifts from santa--boy was i upset when i learned there really wasn't a santa in the third grade. it was always a treat because the youngest got to open first (me!), and i'd already partaken in a child's fave part of the holiday while most of my friends were still having trouble sleeping out of sheer excitement. ahhh, the memories.

now i spend a lot of the holiday downing vitamin c (over the past few years my body goes into a hibernation and sickness when given this time off), resting, reflecting, and enjoying just being. sometimes these pleasantries are hard to fit into a normal routine, but over the next few days, there are few e-mails, few business-related emergencies, and more open space. i hope this is the same for you. yes, there are family-related emergencies and drama which can seem like a job at times, but see if you can capture some of this open space, and cultivate some tranquility among the hustle and bustle.

may today offer you respite from routine, little drama, lots of love, and some festively decorated sugar cookies to boot! merry christmas eve.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:20 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

happy shortest day of the year!

can you believe 2005 is almost over? only 10 days left. i have stacks of journals and magazines to read, three more chapters to write in five weeks, the tranquiliT spring designs to finalize, a studio to oversee, relationships to nurture, and a holiday to boot! the city is starting to clear out, the pace slows (along with the amount of e-mail emergencies--yay!), and today marks the shortest day of the year.

as i prepare to leave on friday for a few days away, i'm gearing up to go through my reading materials (i love saving them for plane and car trips), lock myself into a room to write throughout the holiday (in between time with my beau's family), and spend some time reflecting on 2005. by noting the highlights, along with the lessons learned, i'm hopeful that i can turn it into better decision-making and intuition-trusting in 2006. we're always a work in progress, right?

as you also gear up for the holidays, remember to take care of yourself. do some yogic breathing when faced with challenging family members, take "time-outs" by curling up with a good book in your childhood bedroom, get in as much yoga movement as you can--even if it is just one forward fold, watch your intake as we are what we eat (does that make me a giant peppermint patty?), do some hip opening poses to help with emotions and traveling, and spend some time relishing in your highlights and growth this year.

may we all continue to grow into the best possible versions of our eccentric selves, and continue to live out loud! after all, you have lots to share, lots to say, and numerous lives to touch. happy winter solstice and 100th post of hip tranquil chick!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:56 AM | 0 comments

Monday, December 19, 2005

notes from today's presentation

greetings gals from accenture! as promised, here are the notes from today's session. keep in touch, and thanks for being such a great audience today.

10 tips for creating tranquility in 2006:

1. put “self-care” time into your schedule
2. get moving – yoga, dance, walking, running
3. write out your 2006 goals and reflect
4. clean out your closet
5. volunteer
6. reconnect with your relationships
7. challenge yourself
8.get organized
9. join a group of like-minded people
10. create soulful surroundings at home/office

fave ways to nurture at the office/on-the-go/while traveling:

reminder of demonstration -
1. interlace hands behind back to open shoulders
2. bend arms and place clasped hands to left hip, draw elbows toward one another. repeat other side.
3. eagle arms
4. 3-part yogic breath

fave recommended resources:

1. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
2. Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach
3. 12 Steps of Highly Creative Women by Gail McMeekin
4. Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:08 PM | 0 comments

hip tranquil chick podcast #12

HTC: December 19, 2005

Welcome to the twelfth edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle. On location in Annapolis, Maryland with Susan Turnock.

Today’s podcast is an interview with Susan Turnock who at the age of 24 founded What Fun!, a company that specializes in creating innovative bath products. Seven years later, 400,000 Soap Rolls have been produced and have been featured in more than 60 national magazines, newspapers, and TV shows, including QVC. Susan recently co-founded Itsy Bitsy & Bold with her sister, creating empowering goods that encourage kids to be creative, confident and powerful. We discussed what being a hip tranquil chick in business is all about. Learn more about her at what-fun.com and itsybitsyandbold.com.

Suggested books from the show:
Pose of the Podcast:

Closing: Share your thoughts with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com and visit www.tranquilspace.com and www.hiptranquilchick.com for additional sources of inspiration.

Closing track:
by Alen Mecan, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network.

Thanks for joining me for the twelfth edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste and happy holidays!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
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posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:15 PM | 0 comments

share your gift of gab

if you've been looking for a special volunteer opportunity, i have a great idea for you! tim (my beau), louis (my pug), and i have been searching for a place to spread some cheer over the holidays. we were lucky to come across sunrise assisted living at 5111 connecticut avenue--close by, allowed pets, and seemed happy to have interested parties wanting to volunteer.

yesterday we got a tour, filled out our paperwork, met some amazing residents and staff, and left feeling very good about how we spent our time. although our initial thought was to just do this over the holidays, we're all very excited about making this a routine in our schedules. the residents' faces lit up when seeing louis, enjoyed having company, and have such interesting stories--a Holocaust survivor, many war veterans.

if interested in offering your conversational and listening skills, please contact zakia at 202.966.8020. you are sure to brighten someone's day and spread a little karma yoga along the way.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:56 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, December 15, 2005

first 3 chapters to editor!

yay! don't you just love the feeling of relief when you've made a deadline and can breathe deeply? i haven't experienced a feeling quite like this since turning in papers during graduate school. i barely slept last night--may have had to do with the fact that my heater wasn't warming the place over 60 degrees--and was up early doing tons of last minute editing. since working in a law firm where we were required to put two spaces after a period, i'm having to reign myself in to only one space which can take a ton of time to eyeball on paper. so, early afternoon i simply couldn't look at the douments any longer and sent them off to my lovely editor. plan to sleep like a baby tonight. granted i have nine more chapters to write, and need to start outlining tomorrow, but tonight i plan to watch some mindless tv, do some pleasure reading (the latest O! mag), drink a cosmo, and take a hot bath. ahhh, the joys of finishing up one deadline before heading onto the next.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:32 PM | 2 comments

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

are you hot?

I was infomed of this great organization working to highlight women making a real difference in our society. Visit therealhot100.org, where they write:

"The REAL hot 100 are young women who are smart, savvy, and actively trying to make the world a better place. They contradict the popular notion that sex appeal is all young women have to offer.

We’re tired of the media telling young women how to be "hot"! Maxim Magazine’s annual "Hot 100" list exemplifies how young women are viewed in popular culture. The women featured in this leading men’s magazine are chosen solely for their appearance.

The REAL hot 100 shows that young women are "hot" for reasons beyond their ability to look cute in a magazine.

REALLY hot women are smart. REALLY hot women work for change. REALLY hot women aren’t afraid to speak their minds. And while some REALLY hot women might look awesome in a bikini, they know that’s not all they have to offer."

To nominate yourself or your fave gal pal, click here.

May we continue to be truly hot by making a difference in our community and beyond! Go hot women! xo

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:46 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

hip tranquil chick podcast #11

HTC: December 13, 2005

Intro: Welcome to the eleventh edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle. Back in the Pink Palace, Washington, DC.

Today’s podcast is on the top 5 things I’ve learned from my pug, Louis, along with the pose of the podcast, and more fabulous podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com.

1. Every day is exciting!
2. A little love goes a long way.
3. Ask for what you want.
4. Take naps.
5. Mark your territory.

Pose of the Podcast: Standing forward fold

Share your thoughts with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com and visit www.tranquilspace.com and www.hiptranquilchick.com for additional sources of inspiration.

Closing track: Always the Same by Sunburn in Cypress, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network.

Thanks for joining me for the eleventh edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste.

  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Download the episode directly here (mp3).
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:49 PM | 0 comments

    Sunday, December 11, 2005

    one year of dewey/louis

    Today marks an official year of having little Louis in my life. (Don't ask where Dewey came from - it rhymed with Louis and seemed to get his attention!) Anyway, I included three milestone marker photos to show his growth over the year - a wee puppy photo, his graduation from puppy school photo, and, of course, his 1-year birthday photo! (yes, we had a 1-year birthday party for louis - don't all puppy parents??) What a year it has been since we picked him up from his family in Springwater, NY. We had a choice between him or the "pick of the litter." I had read that you should avoid picking a puppy that seemed to have a runny nose or any signs of breathing issues.
    As soon as I picked him up, he sneezed all over me, and I knew I had to have him over the so-called "pick of the litter." To me, Louis is the pick of the country! This dog has brought more joy to our lives that I could ever imagine. He's hard to control when he gets excited, loves to lick and sneeze, eats everything in sight, and wakes me up every morning between 1-4am for his breakfast! However, I can't remember life before him as he's become so ingrained in our lives. A few lessons that Louis has taught, and continues to teach, me:

    1. Every day is exciting! He never wakes up in a bad mood as everyday is a new adventure for our canine companion. Imagine bolting out of bed every morning excited about what the day will hold.
    2. A little love goes a long way. Louis is never short on affection. He wants to be involved in everything we do, appears content just to be in our presence, and asks for very little in return (except constant attention!) Douse those you care about with attention and care.
    3. Ask for what you want. Sure 3am breakfast may seem insane, but you'll never know if you don't ask. Be bold and request what you need.
    4. Take naps. When the going gets tough, Louis gets sleepy. A little self-care goes a long way for all of us!
    5. Mark your territory. Ok, so we all know what I'm referring to here. However, we can take it a step beyond the male dog definition and work to carve out a niche for our lives. How can we leave our mark on the world?

    May we have many more years of lessons learned from this wheezing, sniffly, non-pick of the litter!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:29 PM | 0 comments

    Saturday, December 10, 2005

    my fave home practice sequence

    i'm a hip girl, LOVE hip-opening poses. anytime a teacher asks for a request, i wave my little hand begging for anything hip related. my home practice is no exception. i'm sharing my fave home sequence as a hope that it will inspire you to bring life into your hips, and take a little you time during the harried holidays. (if these poses are not familiar to you, check out yoga journal for all the scoop)

    1. connect to your breath.
    2. begin with sun salutations to awaken your spirit and get your yoga juices flowing.
    3. take a few of your fave standing poses: warrior 1, warrior 2, reverse warrior, side angle, revolved side angle, triangle, revolved triangle, pyramid, etc.
    4. take your fave balancing pose: dancer, tree (perfect for the season), warrior 3, big toe stretch, eagle, etc.
    5. hips, hips and more hips: pigeon, dove, cow face, double pigeon, lotus, baddha konasana, half splits, full splits, lunge with back knee dropped, etc. ahhhh, these are the BEST, especially this time of the year.
    6. take a backbend or two: bridge, camel, wheel, etc.
    7. inversion: shoulderstand, legs up the wall, forearm stand, handstand.
    8. shavasana: your reward - soak up the benefits of your practice!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:43 AM | 1 comments

    Friday, December 09, 2005

    home spa recipe: sugar body polish

    i came across a lovely idea that i just had to share involving brown sugar (something most of us have handy in the cupboard to add to our morning steel cut oatmeal) and aromatherapy oil (something all of us should have handy to invoke a dose of tranquility at any moment).

    you need 1/2 cup of brown sugar and 20 drops of your fave aromatherapy oil to make a sugar body polish. mix the sugar and oil together (in the shower makes it less messy), and rub over your body (with the water turned off), to exfoliate dead skin cells and to smooth your skin. rinse off and viola, your body is sugared and soft!

    ideas on essential aromatherapy oil blends: lavender, chamomile, and spearmint! mint leaves a lovely tingling feeling and what's not to love about lavender? enjoy!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:33 AM | 0 comments

    Wednesday, December 07, 2005

    hip tranquil chick podcast #10

    HTC: December 7, 2005

    Intro: Welcome to the tenth edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle. Back in the Pink Palace, Washington, DC.

    In the spirit of the season, today’s podcast consists of a positive spin on retail therapy, fave gift ideas, a seasonal pose of the podcast, and more fabulous podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com.

    Practice your yoga during harried holiday shopping. Wisdom from Retail Therapy: Life Lessons Learned While Shopping by Amanda Ford - how shopping with self-discipline, patience, and hope assists us in cultivating these qualities in everyday life. Retail therapy CAN be a way to practice off the mat!

    3 types of gift ideas:

    Thoughtful gifts

    Luxe “Necessity gifts”

    Self-care gifts

    Remember to think globally - Support other women-owned businesses and buy certified fair trade products, when possible. We love a bargain but look for the balance towards conscious consumerism!

    Pose of the Podcast: Tree Pose

    Closing track: The Way You Are by 46Bliss, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network.

    Share your thoughts with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com and visit www.tranquilspace.com and www.hiptranquilchick.com for additional sources of inspiration.

    Thanks for joining me for the tenth edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podast. Namaste.

  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Download the episode directly here (mp3).
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:47 PM | 0 comments

    Sunday, December 04, 2005

    sharing feedback

    i received the sweetest e-mail from a former tranquil spacer who has now moved to boston:

    "I wanted to let you know that I've recently entered the world of blog publishing, and in taking a closer look at your blog, I am overwhelmed with admiration for the level of dedication you put into it. It is a beautiful, informative, warm place to hang out. Additionally, now that you have Podcasts, I can feel Tranquil at home, with your voice guiding me in all sorts of centering lessons during my work day. Thanks for sharing your creative blessings!!"

    receiving e-mails such as these help reinforce why i created the blog, the podcast, the studio, the clothing line, the trunk shows - anything i do creatively is to bring like-minded women together with a hope of empowering them and inspiring them along the way. since i never dreamed of running a business (as a psyche major who wanted to help others in crisis, i didn't even understand what business was), nor thought i was capable of such an endeavor, opening up my living room to strangers in the fall of 1999, unbeknownst to me at the time, was quite a bold risk. my hope is that through my creative endeavors, i can help others take bold risks that seem elusive. i truly believe that if this little girl from oklahoma with no business experience or education can create a tranquil space that serves so many washingtonians tranquility, YOU can do anything you desire, too!

    thank you, meridith, for sharing your feedback. may we all continue to inspire each other to take steps bigger than we thought possible on our own!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:52 PM | 0 comments

    Thursday, December 01, 2005

    the celebration of female creativity

    "eternally, woman spills herself away in driblets to the thirsty, seldom being allowed the time, the quiet, the peace, to let the pitcher fill up to the brim." ~ anne morrow lindbergh

    this saturday, tranquil space is delighted to host 25 female creators of products and businesses into our sacred space. i began these trunk shows in 2004 as a way to feature the amazing work that local women are doing with a true focus on empowering women to create! i love seeing women who have been making jewelry in their living rooms while working full-time jobs in a totally unrelated field, show their wares, get great feedback, and venture into the exciting (and scary) world of entrepreneurship.

    i included the quote above by anne morrow lindbergh (AMAZING author of every woman's must-read a gift from the sea) as a lovely reminder of the importance for women to nurture and indulge in creativity. by taking the time to fill our own "pitcher," we are more able to assist and inspire others. reconnect with your own creative urges, spend time "coloring outside the lines," be original, and support women's creativity journeys by encouraging and honoring their dreams. our lives are meant to be lived boldly and creatively.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:21 PM | 0 comments

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