
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

we're opening on friday!

i got a call from our contractor this morning that we had passed our final inspection. woo-hoo. i can't believe how smooth this process has been considering what we had to work with. it looks like we're set to open on friday.

tonight is our final class on p street, followed by a farewell to p street tea from 8-9 (all invited and i'll have homebaked cookies), and a late night of packing. the next few days will be one big blur but i hope to share photos and stories if space permits. thank you for all your well wishes. it's exciting to see something come to fruition that started in february 2007!

attached is our new 17th street schedule. it's really purple but transferred to this funky shade in the upload. come see us!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:55 AM | 4 comments

i'm so proud . . .

one of my dearest friends (and yogi of tranquil space since one of my first living room classes) had a goal to stand on her head by her 40th birthday. we met about six times over the past few months to practice headstand and see her amazing progress. this photo was taken on her birthday on a san francisco sidewalk. she practiced nightly for months despite an insane work and travel schedule. go m.h. sooooo proud of you!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:02 AM | 9 comments

Monday, April 28, 2008

guest house by rumi

Happy rainy Monday in DC!

The weekend was spent shopping for must-haves before opening and recovering from this crazy bout of "allergies." Mama is in Virginia so she'll be here early evening. Not sure where we're gonna put the sweet thing!

I hope you had a delightful weekend and are enjoying this lovely spring rain. Perfect for snuggling up in layers with a good cup of tea and book nearby!

Last night we had a special sneak peek into the new space with our teachers. During a mini-practice, I read this poem which really speaks to me as a reminder about our role as teachers and practitioners of yoga. Please enjoy:

This being human is a guest house
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:44 PM | 9 comments

Saturday, April 26, 2008

the essence of yoga

tonight i met a lovely lady whose grandfather lives in a tiny village in india. he says yoga makes you personally perfect and socially useful. i liked that. yoga is all about service and i love the simple reminder of it through his message. speaking of which, i have a professional crush on dharma mittra although i haven't yet studied with him. his message oozes love, devotion, and ahimsa. i think that may be professional development 2008 or 2009. he seems like a true yoga gem!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:55 PM | 0 comments

Friday, April 25, 2008

the calm before the storm

the next few days are unscheduled except for studio move preparation so i feel like a kid in a candy store. i'm organizing paperwork that arrived last week, filing new insurance policies, tearing out new studio must-haves from catalogs, finalizing fall samples, and cutting checks. it feels oddly comforting to be pulling so much together before next week's exciting storm.

went to the doctor today and was told my "virus" is allergies. allergies??!! i've never had allergies feel like this but hey, i'm not a doctor so i took his meds and word for it. supposed to feel 90% better by monday he promises. who would have known that allergies could make your whole body ache. hmmmm.

we passed our building inspection today. HUGE hooray. only one more to go on monday so keep your pinkies crossed. it's funny to think that my whole world will be changing within a week. i mean, i've walked to p street now for five years, i've been working out of my home most of the past few years, and now i'll be walking, practicing, and teaching on 17th street, along with moving into my own tiny office in that space. we hired two new amazing managers who started this week and have been a welcomed addition to our lovely tranquiliteam.

although my body aches and my face feels full of air pressure (darn sinuses), i'm loving gearing up for the journey ahead. mama sent photos of her mini van packed full of bolsters and meditation cushions. she hopes to find space for her suitcase. details, details . . .

last night i spoke at an event promoting the book life entrepreneurs. the author interviewed me and warren brown of cake love who is also featured in the book. it was fun to share stories about our journeys and to be reminded of our very humble beginnings. i always like to remind people that if i've built a business, anyone can. i have no business training, only a lot of tenacity, passion, and dedication to the cause. remember, it's all about putting one step in front of the other every single day. for every two steps forward, there is going to be one step back. keep your chin up, take deep breaths, drink oodles of h2o, do your yoga, read up on your topic of interest, and watch the world unfold for you. you deserve it!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 5:50 PM | 2 comments

Thursday, April 24, 2008

a gnat flew into my lipgloss!

this week has been somewhat comical (if you're sadistic) as beau was sick, i've contracted some annoying virus, and we're gearing up for the a very high-energy week as we move our current studio to our new one. after sleeping almost 12 hours, i woke up feeling horrible but had to rally for an 11am meeting downtown. as i'm hailing a cab, a gnat flies onto my lip and gets stuck in my lipgloss. i had to laugh (after i removed the little booger).

sometimes life throws such interesting curve balls our way and i always try to remember that we're never dealt more than we can handle. it's hard to believe as i look around my tiny home filled with black animal hair, loads of boxes, bins of inventory, and heaps of kapok filling for the tea lounge pillows. ah, thank goodness i have a sense of humor! mama wilson (as she's lovingly known to my friends) is heading to in next week to drop off the meditation pillows and bolsters she's been sewing away in oklahoma for the past month. rather than shipping them, she's driving them in in her mini van and will be staying with beau, louis (pug), matisse (cat), bonnard (cat) and moi for a few days! should be an interesting next week or two! i'm looking forward to having the extra set of loving hands around.

in light of today's antics, i just had to share this DARLING photo of hip tranquil chick carolyn's new pup lola in her tranquil space tee. can you stand it?

also, check out tranquil space's mention in the washiongtonian.

finally, i promise to get back on the podcasting bandwagon once we get through this move. save the date for our grand opening soiree on saturday, may 17 6-9pm. you are ALL invited! xo

posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:33 PM | 4 comments

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

happy earth day!

in celebration of this special day, below are some fave tips on ways to be more eco-chic:

use reusable shopping totes.
wash your yoga togs in cold water.
buy food at your farmer's market.
use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
get a bike.
give homemade goodies.
shop eco-friendly designers and reused clothing stores.
turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
sip fair trade tea.
plant trees.
start a compost.
use low-flow faucets and toilets.
recycle your newspapers and pass your glossies along to a friend.
practice on an eco-friendly mat.
sip your water from a reusable water bottle and skip the plastic bottled water.
carry your tea or coffee cup with you to have refilled by your favorite barista.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:19 AM | 4 comments

Sunday, April 20, 2008

back from boulder

my journey to colorado was lovely. i got home around 11pm last night, taught a 3-hour workshop on spiritual activism today, soaked in a LUSH bath bomb-filled tub, ate a yummy mexican meal, handled e-mails, and am about to crawl into bed early. before catching our plane, BFF and i drove through the mountains in awe. so majestical and so humbling. mother nature has a way of putting everything in perspective.

the last few days of our training offered us an amazing chance to connect. after spending two weeks together (one in january) and baring our souls, it was sad to say goodbye. i always get a bit sentimental about goodbyes. we practiced tonglen the last two days and it's a practice that i'd like to embody more often. click on the above link to learn more.

i'd hoped to get a podcast out tonight but instead i'm crawling into bed early to listen to the rain outside and rest in front of the fire. our 600-square-foot "pink palace" is jam-packed with boxes in preparation for our studio move and it's important to find solace in any way i can at the moment. rain and fire are sure fixes!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:05 PM | 2 comments

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

blazing fire beckons

got back from 8 hours of training and decided not to leave the room to return to our evening session on leadership for a mulicultural age. despite the 80 degree weather the past two days, today brought a gorgeous snowstorm and the unused fireplace in our room was beckoning me. as great as tonight's workshops sounds, i'm in need of some spaciousness and an early evening to bed. last night after our evening workshop, BFF and i dashed over to a yoga studio at 9pm to get more yoga in, then back to our rooms to handle the day's e-mails.

one big thing i'm recognizing throughout this training is the need for more spaciousness in my life - less back-to-back meetings, less planned days (although i'm a cancer and crave structure - don't have to be booked until 10pm), more being in the moment when i'm with others. a consistent theme that i see emerging is a need to retreat, crawl back into bed, and savor the simple joys of life. once i return to dc, life heads back into full swing with the transition to our new studio home and getting settled. that's my next month in a nut shell - oh, and finalizing the fall TranquiliT designs. fun, fun!

as i gear up for this exciting transition, i know that i have to conserve my energy. as a strong-willed introvert carving out space such as tonight is critical to my survival. yesterday's meditation teacher mentioned how in today's fast pace we treat our bodies like machines and i totally related. Q: how to treat it like the sacred shell it is and listen to its longings - for healthy food (AND cupcakes), for deep sleep (complete with lavender-scented eyepillows and earplugs), for naps, for legs up the wall, for yoga, for a run, for some deep twisting? A: by paying attention to your deep desire to crawl into bed and savor the warmth of a blazing fire while the snow pours down outside. listen.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:02 PM | 3 comments

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

bonjour from boulder!

boulder is gorgeous this time of the year. so different than the blizzard and insane wind we encountered in january. it feels good to be back in our cozy b & b and to be focusing on professional and personal development for the week. tonight we (BFF and i) got in a yummy yoga class and dined on a tasty strawberry and pear salad. i'm feeling refreshed and ready for the 10 hours of learning ahead over the next few days.

today's return to our work together and contemplation practice began with a reminder that no matter how many times we fall off the horse, we just have to get back on. our teacher was referring to our meditation practice and practice of the tools we're learning in the authentic leadership program. i liked that reminder. although i constantly fall short from being the perfect soul i want to be, i shouldn't wallow in guilt or self-pity - just simply need to dust myself off and return to the meditation cushion/horse! resonate?

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:43 AM | 3 comments

Sunday, April 13, 2008

crazy busy anyone?

while bookstore browsing this evening, i came across a great book called crazy busy: overstretched, overbooked, and about to snap. strategies for handling your fast pasted life. hmmmm. it felt like the right book at the right time. of course i came home and searched for his website and found his 10 principles for managing modern life. i love his reference to "screensucking." this totally hit home and he talks about treating clients for this addiction!

while i start each day next week with a contemplative practice (meditation) before learning about authentic leadership all day coupled with evening sessions, i hope to play with some of the author's suggestions. checking e-mail less frequently, slowing down, and giving the experience my full attention. oddly enough, i find that tons of ideas come up for me during trainings such as this. good for the ideas but bad for the fact that it prevents me from being fully present with what is being taught. life is FULL of lessons! i hope to have some insights to share during my time away.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:23 AM | 3 comments

Saturday, April 12, 2008

meditation cancellation

in 2002 i completed my level one shambhala meditation training. i've wanted to return for years and the weekend level two was offered never quite jived with my schedule. many months ago i saw it scheduled and marked my calendar. last night i showed up for it as an eager student and left wondering if i'd return for two 9-6 days before dashing off for a week of training at naropa. during a long walk home last night, i decided that i would benefit more from having two open, unplanned days before leaving town for a week. what a treat! today i took two yoga classes, a nap, got a massage, and enjoyed dinner with a guest teacher in from san francisco.

sometimes you simply have to reevaluate commitments and ensure that they feel best with where you are at the moment. yes, i want to go through the level two training but i don't think this weekend is the best time to make it happen. i'll save it for a future goal and enjoy the time i have to pack tomorrow, get prepared to be away through saturday, walk my dog, and just be in preparation for 5 action-packed days of learning. meditation cancellation was a good move toward overall tranquility.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:00 PM | 3 comments

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

the daily special

this morning my alarm went off at 7:30am. ugh! i snoozed for 10 minutes and then got up to await an 8am call from the daily special. check out our way-early morning phone interview here.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:29 PM | 3 comments

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

sweet surprises

last night was a surprise party for a dear friend who is also a huge sex and the city fan. her birthday cake said "sue and the city" and had a post-it note with "happy birthday sue" on it. if you've seen the post-it note episode, you get it. too clever. it was a lovely evening filled with laughter, discussion of our embarrassing passion for rock of love 2, yummy dining and tea sipping - the restaurant actually has a tea sommelier!

as we gear up for the transition to our new home (anticipated opening date of may 2!), it's so important to have nights like this that allow for a brief respite from the oodles of decisions and challenges that present themselves daily. click here for a glimpse into the ongoing developments of our new home - including the latest youtube video unveiling the three studio names: earth, bamboo, sky!

many people have asked if this was my vision when i began teaching in my living room. i wish i could say i'm that strategic. tranquil space and my other babies have grown organically into what they are now. i continue to try to define my overall vision but with life happening so fast around me, it can be hard to clarify it. instead, i plug away with ongoing goals and this allows me to stay on track with moving forward. stagnation is one of my biggest fears.

continue to search out sweet surprises along the way. a post-it left for a loved one (that isn't breaking up), a compliment, an offer to assist, a pat on the back, a canceled appointment that leads to open space, the bloom of a tulip, the smell of a lilac candle - all these are true treats to offer and receive while life continues to spin around us.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:19 PM | 5 comments

Sunday, April 06, 2008

hip tranquil chick podcast #126: living your yoga

Bonjour! Welcome to the 126th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, living your yoga with the Jiva Diva in Off the Mat, and we’ve got Omwork for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

On the Mat: forearm plank

Off the Mat: A life-long obsession with sound has guided Alanna in the direction of music and vibration. Through the teachings of yoga, she has found a home for her spirit within the pulsations of the heart. She was born with a hearing impairment, but was taught from an early age that this is neither a setback or a difference. Instead, it is a way to thrive and shine. And so she has, by becoming a vocalist, a teacher, a musician, a writer, and a lover of music, sound, meditation, inspiration and vibration.

Her teachers are Sharon Gannon and David Life, the creators of Jivamukti Yoga. Sanskrit scholar, Manorama, has graced Alanna with a deeper knowledge of how sound profoundly affects us on an energetic and cellular level. Her practice has also been heavily infused with the love-filled influence of Shri Dharma Mittra, a teacher who revealed the true, devotional nature of asana practice. As an Advanced Certified Jivamukti Instructor, she fills her classes with Nada (sound), Bhakti (devotion) and Shraddha (faith). Her classes feature an unyielding spirit for bringing yoga off the mat and into the world. Her face forward, charismatic style are the perfect platform for classes that are masterful, artistic, and always feature an element of mystery.

While on her world tour, she has lead kirtans (devotional singing concerts) and has also performed with Dave Stringer, who has been a musical inspiration to Alanna. Recently, while in Sydney, Australia, Alanna found herself in the midst of a tidal wave of opportunity, and through riding that wave, she had the opportunity to write, create and produce her newest album, Shine. This inspirational and eclectic album has been described by her friends as 'eclectic lounge pop that you would want to listen to on a coastal drive'. It features several of Australia's prominent jazz musician and other Australian talent. Shine includes 2 songs in Sanskrit for your energetic body, and the rest of the groovy tracks are in english to ignite the soul.

Alanna also produces a yoga podcast called "Yoga Jam with the JivaDiva". The success of the JivaDiva Yoga Jam podcast has given Alanna a worldwide audience of nearly 400,000 listeners. Every week, people tune in to receive the vibrations and teachings of yoga from Alanna. The podcasts feature a variety of formats and include Alanna's own music in the background. Alanna, the JivaDiva has been featured on Lime.com and Body + Soul Magazine.

She teaches at the Yoga Journal Conferences, and is on staff with the Omega Institute. Her article about loving mantras was published in the October 2007 issue of Yoga Journal. In the February 2008 issue of Yoga Journal, she was named as one of Jivamukti Yoga's "Who's Who," and in the March 2008 issue, she was profiled as one of the next generation of yoga teachers shaping yoga's future (see the article).

Alanna's believes that faith (shraddha) can accomplish anything, and that belief has, over and over again, allowed her to achieve the seemingly impossible.

Omwork: To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:

1. In what ways do you practice your yoga?
2. How can you incorporate it more into your life?
3. What is your favorite sutra?

Signature Style: NEW bamboo legwarmers

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats: Celebrate a WHOLE week in Costa Rica August 30-September 6. Join me for workshops and book signings in Ft. Lauderdale in June, San Francisco in July, Lexington in October. In addition, we've got a week of hip and tranquil chickness at Omega June 2-6 and Kripalu August 10-15. Details for all special events at kimberlywilson.com. I hope we'll get to connect!

Next online creativity circle starts June 9. Our first group of girls graduates this week. GREAT work, ladies! If you finished your OMwork in time, watch for your tranquility toolkit coming via snail mail shortly!

Join us for our next le chic teleclass chat focused on "Sultry Summer Sadhana (spiritual practice)" on Monday, July 15 at 9:00pmET. Details here.

Mentoring: Interested in diving deeper into hip and tranquil topics 1:1 with moi via e-mail, phone or in-person? If so, view all the scoop here.

Chic Community: Mingle with fellow HTCs on our forums. We’re on Facebook, so please connect with the community virtually there, too! Make sure you're getting the hip tranquil times by signing up at the bottom of any page on hiptranquilchick.com. Check out our YouTube page at youtube.com/hiptranquilchick. More fun stuff coming soon!

Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Trite by Di Johnston from Promonet. You can find where to get more of her music at dijohnston.com.

Thanks for joining me for the 126th edition of the HTC podcast.
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posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:37 PM | 2 comments

Friday, April 04, 2008

bed day is coming . . .

been knocking to-dos off since i got home at 9 and can't wait to hop into bed for the next day. hope to hop out for a quick yin class tomorrow but otherwise, don't want to move. i'm super-excited about this excursion into relaxation. the body demands a recharge and nothing does it for me like bed. truly one of my favorite places to be - especially if i have my beau, pug, laptop, a good book, and some yummy tea.

i wanted to share the print piece of my usnews & world report interview that is in this week's edition: mindfulness meets money.
check it out on the newstands, it has the pope on the cover.

if you're a tranquil space yogi and have any insights to share on how we can spread more tranquility, please complete this online survey, s'il vous plait!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:39 PM | 4 comments

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

whimsical wednesday

transition is exciting and flurry-like. my morning began with a lovely tour of our new home as i meet weekly with my contractor. lots of the paint colors we chose last week are on the wall - gorgeous subtle shades, the bamboo flooring is down in the second studio, and it's truly beginning to take shape. i walked away feeling zombie-esque. it's easy to succumb to decision paralysis and i think i hit the limit this morning. however, the whole experience is super-exciting and rewarding on many levels.

last night i was delighted to have finished off some pending projects so i begged beau to take moi and pug down to see the moonlit cherry blossoms along the tidal basin. en route we called a dear friend and asked if he'd like to join. we picked him up and had a lovely moonlit walk along the tidal basin while catching up and sharing the latest. as we were almost to the car, the sky opened and we got soaked. i loved it. nothing beats running around the cherry blossoms with the rain falling. my poor pug was less than pleased. yay for throwing a little adventure into the everyday!

my weekend travel to denver has been postponed so i am delighted to have four days open up on my calendar. one day involves yoga and reading, another involves a yoga workshop and writing, and the other two have been filled with meetings and more yoga. finding space is such a treat, especially since the next few months will be a bit harried with the move, opening, and travels/teaching in june. i'm headed to the midwest yoga conference to show TranquiliT and then off to omega to lead a week-long hip tranquil yoga chick workshop. join me if you can! omega is so lovely and is where i spent a month last year in the jivamukti teacher training. july opens up for some breathing space.

in the interim, i'm trying to carve out a little breathing space whenever i can. yesterday i had 2 hours in between a meeting and teaching so i dashed off to a nearby cafe and caught up on some e-mails and writing. then i ventured into the moonlight to see the cherry blossoms. i've got a study date with my BFF tomorrow and a writing date with a girlfriend in georgetown on sunday. all these respites provide welcomed relief from the daily routine. how can you, too, find some spice to throw into your oh-so-busy schedule? do tell.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:13 PM | 1 comments

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

ways to spring into spring

last night's teleclass participants included a lovely lady from the UK who called in at 1:30am her time. now that is dedication! i wanted to share some tips that we discussed during our call for those of you who weren't able to join.

1. try something new: bike around town. go on a solo adventure. start a blog. listen to a different genre of music. wear something red. listen to a podcast.

2. plant something: try bulb forcing. plant an herb garden – try basil and mint. pot impatiens for oodles of color until the first frost.

3. get moving: garden. dance. do yoga. pull out those roller blades. swim. run. walk.

4. drink up: douse your h2o with lemon, cucumber, or orange slices. carry a water bottle with you to refill. add emergenC for a jolt of vitamins. hydrate your system.

5. go green: buy in season. shop the local farmer’s market. carry your reusable bags (bamboo/organic cotton ones en route to tranquil space). switch to green power – cleancurrents.com. wash in cold.

6. practice ahimsa: avoid gossip. breathe. send mindful e-mails. reduce meat consumption. be kind to yourself. think nice thoughts as they lead to words and actions. exude compassion.

while searching for the perfect spring quote, i came across this one:
if i had my life to live over, i would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. i would go to more dances. i would ride more merry-go-rounds. i would pick more daisies. – nadine stair
keep dancing, picking daisies, and riding your merry-go-rounds!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 3:05 PM | 2 comments

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