
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Friday, September 30, 2005

ten tips to help you reconnect to your practice this fall

a continuation of my ten tips geared to the modern yogi. enjoy and here's to a challenging, innovative, conscious and chic fall season....

1. put “on the mat” time into your schedule. make your yoga practice part of your daily routine. maybe it begins slowly with an early morning sun salutation and a before bed child’s pose. the duration is not as important as the discipline to do it daily.
2. schedule quiet time. you’ve got to set aside some quality private time to replenish. some of my faves are journal writing, meditating, herbal tea sipping coupled with daydreaming, long walks, yoga, gardening, cooking, and bookstore browsing.
3. write out your fall goals and reflect. what steps can you take now to get you closer to what you had hoped this year would look like for you? where are you now and where do you want to be? how have you grown this year? what would you like the next three months to look and feel like?
4. clean out your closet. spend some time mulling through your closet and shedding what you no longer wear. donate these items to charity or schedule a swap with your gal pals. this process is cleansing and opens up space for a few new seasonal must-haves.
5. host a charity-centered soiree. reconnect with your fave friends and invite them all over to raise awareness and funds for a special cause dear to your heart. this month’s focus is breast cancer awareness. how can you help others think pink?
6. self-nurture with a girl’s (or boy’s) night in. gather all the ingredients needed for a decadent evening at home – aromatherapy oils, your fave bubbly beverage, an organic oatmeal facial scrub, and heaps of chamomile tea. indulge in some sacred candlelit bath time with your favorite lime flavored sparkling water nearby.
7. challenge yourself. take up a new hobby, start writing that novel, schedule a vacation alone, study a foreign language, learn to knit, or sign up for that salsa class you’ve been thinking about for years. take yourself out of the comfort zone and watch a new, exciting world unfold.
8.get organized. clean up your finances, clear off your desk (or kitchen table), sort through your kitchen cabinets, organize your paperwork into files, and put your accessories into labeled drawers. clearing clutter frees the mind and opens up space for renewed creativity.
9. join a group of like-minded people. how about a political group, entrepreneur group, volunteer group, book club, toastmasters group, or knitting circle? these connections will help you grow and open up new possibilities.
10. create soulful surroundings at home. set up an altar with photos of loved ones and/or teachers, scatter your favorite scented soy candles throughout your home, light nap champa incense, invest in easy-to-care-for plants such as philodendrons, play invigorating and inspiring music, and learn to love your special oasis.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:28 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

hip tranquil chick podcast #1

Intro: On location in Cabo San Lucas. Welcome to the first edition of the hip tranquil chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on & off the mat. What is luxe? Think cashmere meets your most yummy yoga pose!

My top 10 tips to help the hip tranquil chick start fall out on the right foot:

1. Write out your fall goals.
2. Clean out your closet.
3. Host a soiree.
4. Self-nurture with a home spa day or weekend.
5. Carve your career path.
6. Challenge yourself.
7. Get organized.
8. Schedule quiet time.
9. Join a group of like-minded women.
10. Update for more soulful surroundings.

See the full post here.

Closing: Watch for special discounts on the tranquiliT line mentioned in future podcasts. Check out the latest feature of the line at My Cicy.

Watch for ideas on creating a home practice, how to create a signature style, figuring out headstand, tips for creating an oasis at home, hip opening yoga sequences, home spa recipes, bringing creativity into your everyday, throwing soirees, interviews with fellow Hip Tranquil Chicks, and all sorts of other lifestyle-related tips for living your practice in luxe fashion.

Share your thoughts with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com and visit www.tranquilspace.com for additional sources of inspiration.

Thanks for joining me for the first edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podast.

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posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:17 AM | 0 comments

Monday, September 26, 2005

ten tips to help you start fall on the right foot

1. Write out your fall goals. Reassess your new year’s goals. There are three months left in 2005. What steps can you take now to get you closer to what you had hoped this year would look like for you? Where are you now and where do you want to be?
2. Clean out your closet. Fall fashion is SO fabulous this year. Spend some time mulling through your closet and shedding what you no longer wear. Donate these items to charity or schedule a swap with your gal pals. This process is cleansing and opens up space for the season’s must-haves (gauchos, shrugs, chunky necklaces, bohemian tiered skirts, Victorian-inspired lace, cowboy boots).
3. Host a soiree. Reconnect with your fave friends who’ve fallen off the radar due to summer travels. Invite them all over for swapping clothing, mingling over mimosas, raising awareness about a special cause, or noshing over your fave pumpkin soup or pecan pie recipe.
4. Self-nurture with a home spa day or weekend. Gather all the ingredients needed for a decadent day at home and indulge in a facial, pedi, mani, and aromatherapy bath. There are tons of great recipes online and in books that will help you turn your studio into a spa!
5. Carve your career path. Take a moment to assess if you’re heading in the right direction of your dreams. Do you long to write but are currently organizing fundraisers? Why not begin taking writing classes, subscribing to writing publications, connecting with authors, and setting aside time to write? Remember that taking one baby step each day towards your dream is a sure way to attain them.
6. Challenge yourself. Take up a new hobby or that salsa class you’ve been thinking about for years. Schedule a vacation alone, learn a foreign language, quit talking about learning to knit and do it.
7. Get organized. Clean up your finances, clear off your desk (or kitchen table), sort through your kitchen cabinets, and put your accessories into labeled drawers. Clearing clutter frees the mind and opens up space for renewed creativity.
8. Schedule quiet time. You’ve got to set aside that private time to replenish. Some ideas are yoga (of course, I HIGHLY suggest incorporating this amazing practice into everyday!), journal writing, meditating, long walks, gardening, cooking, bookstore browsing, knitting.
9. Join a group of like-minded women. How about a social group like Urban Divas, a political group, entrepreneur group, volunteer group, book club, toastmasters group, or knitting circle? These connections will help you grow and open you up to new possibilities.
10. Update for more soulful surroundings. Does your home or office scream you or is it a hodgepodge of hand-me-downs? Never fear, you can make minor updates on a tight budget. Buy some new curtains at discount stores, search for used shabby chic style furniture, get that paint brush out and color your walls pink, or buy that fabulous animal print rug you've been eyeing for years. A little bit of feng shui goes a long way.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:08 PM | 0 comments

Saturday, September 24, 2005

home spa aromatherapy blends

As a continuation of my home spa and self-care encouragement, I wanted to share some scoop I found on aromaweb.com. What a riveting website! I can't wait to get my hands on some essential oils and solitary bath time surrounded by lavender scented candles. Yum.

To create a calming blend:

1 ounce carrier oil such as sweet almond
10 drops Roman Chamomile
5 drops Lavender
Directions: Mix the oils well and add to a clean, air-tight dark glass container. Massage gently into the feet of the individual who requires increased calm. Giving yourself a foot massage with this relaxing oil is also delightful. Roman Chamomile has a strong sedative effect, so do not plan to drive or concentrate after using this blend.

If you prefer to make a diffuser blend, make a blend with a ratio of 2 drops Roman Chmomile to 1 drop Lavender and add to your diffuser.

To create a bath oil:

2 ounces carrier oil such as sweet almond
20 drops lavender or 15-20 drops of your own blend of essential oils (be sure they are EOs that do not provide skin sensitization)
Directions: Blend the oils together and store in an amber or cobalt glass bottle. Do not use all 2 ounces of bath oil in one bath. After you have drawn your bathwater, add about 1/4 ounce (7-8ml) of the bath oil blend to your bath water. If you intend to use this bath oil with children, ensure that the oils that you have selected are safe for administration to children and use a smaller amount of the blend in the child's bathwater.

Mix well to ensure that the blend has dispersed well in the tub and hop on in. It's best to add the bath oil just before getting in the tub instead of while the water is running so that the oils don't evaporate before you get into the tub. Using this bath oil blend is safer than adding pure essential oils directly to the bath water. This is because the essential oils can settle in one spot on your skin and cause irritation.

To create bath salts:

3 cups Dead Sea salt, regular sea salt or Epsom salt, or a blend of two or three of these salts. Sea salts typically come in several grain sizes. Combining multiple grain sizes can make your salts more appealing. Keep in mind, however, that more course grains do take longer to dissolve in the tub.
15-24 drops of your selected essential oil or essential oil blend. Be sure and take heed in the safety data for the oil(s) you choose to use.
1 tablespoon fractionated coconut oil or other carrier oil for moisturization (optional)

Place the salt mixture into a bowl. Add the drops of your chosen essential oils. Mix very well with a fork. Add the mixture to a pretty jar, salt tube, or container that has a tight fitting lid. After a day, you may wish to mix well again to ensure that the oils have blended very well.

Add 1/2 - 1 cup of the salts to running bath water. Mix well to ensure that the salt has dispersed well in the tub before entering. To keep the essential oils from evaporating too quickly, you can add the bath salts just before getting in the tub instead of while the water is running. Sitting on undissolved chunky bath salts can be painful, so make sure the salts have dissolved well before entering.

To Color to Your Salts:

For the most natural bath salt recipe, leave your bath salts uncolored. Certain more exotic salts such as Hawaiian Red Sea salt (a lovely reddish/rust color) and Black Sea Pink salt (a soft pink color) have their own unique color and can be used.

If you would like to add color to your salts, FD&C liquid dye or mica powder can be added before you add the essential oils. When adding FD&C grade liquid dye, be sure to add only a drop at a time and stir well. When adding mica powder, only add a tiny amount (1/16-1/8 a teaspoon is usually sifficient) and stir very well. Using too much dye or mica powder can discolor the water and discolor skin, so be very careful. Leave bath salts at a soft pastel color. Darker salts may lead to problems. It is also important that you make sure that you are using skin-safe colorants and that the user of your bath salt blend does not have any allergies or sensitizations with the colorant that you have chosen.

WANT MORE RECIPES? The Complete Book Of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood contains over 600 recipes and synergies plus a wealth of practical aromatherapy information.

Oh, and don't forget to sip your favorite chamomile tea while relaxing in your chamomile and lavender infused bath!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:23 PM | 0 comments

Friday, September 23, 2005

home spa self-care survival

Greetings from the blue skies of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. I've just arrived for the wedding celebration of a dear teacher and friend. Wow, what an amazing indulgence of the senses - the rich blue water, white sand, clear skies, sounds of crashing waves, and poolside bars serving sushi. I decided to indulge this evening in a much needed and long overdue facial at the hotel spa. I feel rejuvenated (which isn't easy after spending so much time on the dehydrating plane), so I wanted to share some great ideas I came across online by J. A. Eason. These will help you create a tranquil space at home while indulging in some luxurious (and much needed) self-care.

1. Set the atmosphere Choose just one room in your house where you can be alone and quiet. The bathroom is the usual choice, but it can be anywhere. Prepare your space ahead of time so you can relax during your spa time. Clean, declutter and dust the space. It doesn't have to be perfect; but your mind needs to be at peace, not looking at the pile of clothes to be folded. There should be no reminders of "stuff I should be doing instead of relaxing."

Now that the space is cleared, start adding things that will help you relax. Soft music, scented candles or incense, fresh flowers, photos of loved ones or special mementos can all be beneficial. Just be sure you don't reclutter the space you just cleared.

2. Facial Steam Cleanse your face normally. Then pour almost-boiling water into a bowl. Don't over fill it. Next add herbs or essential oils according to the benefits you want. If you want to deep clean, you could add juniper, sage, thyme or peppermint. If you want to relax, add a few drops of lavender, sweet marjoram or lemon balm. You can mix and match or just use one at a time. If you are using herbs, be sure to let them steep for about five minutes for maximum effect.

Put your face over the steaming bowl and place a towel over your head to make a tent. The steam opens your pores, and the herbs help deep clean and refresh. Stay under your tent for 10 to 15 minutes. Steaming is also a great way to relieve sinus headaches and allergy congestion.

3. Avocado Facial For Dry Skin: use 1 egg yolk and 1 avocado
For Oily Skin: use 1 egg white, 1 tsp. lemon juice, and 1/2 an avocado
Mash the inside of the avocado and blend with the other ingredients. Apply to your face and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with plain water.

The great news is that you don't have to go to a specialist in Cabo or anywhere else for that matter. There are TONS of books and online articles out there giving great ideas on how you can nurture yourself in the comfort of your own home on a small budget. What are you waiting for? Start small. A luxurious candlelit bath, accompanied by a refreshing pitcher of water with fresh mint or cucumber and lemon slices, is calling your name.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 4:04 AM | 0 comments

Monday, September 19, 2005

an ode to fishey

so i had a funeral for my goldfish of 6.5 years this morning while my beau and his poor in town guests watched on. (they had no idea what they were in for) we played purple rain and tim dug a little grave into the small portion of earth in the back patio. he changed fishey's algae-ridden tank yesterday while i was taking a design workshop in maryland. i received a text that just said "call me when you can." never a good sign. so we texted back and forth, and he revealed that fishey didn't react well to the water change, and didn't make it. my eyes welled up with tears for a moment. i was especially sad because i hadn't said "goodbye" before i rushed out the door that morning, and somehow felt that it was an end to an era. oddly enough, he had TONS of personality, loved to be fed, would react anytime you walked by the tank, and he was pre-tranquil space. for some odd reason, i measure life as pre-TS and post-TS start-up.

i bought him at the local pet store during a time when i needed one more pal beyond my black cat bonnard. i'd recently asked for space in a relationship and was missing that partnership so i thought, "ah ha, i'll get a fish." he was one of the feeders that they feed to other fish but SO beautiful. i saved him and loved him for a long time. yes, the funeral may have been a bit much but he deserved a proper goodbye. as a little girl, we buried all my turtles, fish, cats, newts, hamsters, and dogs in the backyard so i felt it was normal - tim's out of town guests did not. i told them they were the pallbearers and hoped it would make them feel more included. ;) fishey's goodbye is a reminder to me of the fragility of life. we truly never know when a "goodbye" may be the last or how much certain things mean to us until they're gone. goodbye to fishey and hello to the priviledge of living this life.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:57 AM | 1 comments

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

an attitude of gratitude

tonight was a special evening that i was lucky to celebrate with gina davis, my managing director. tranquil space was awarded dc's best yoga studio and were recognized as one of the top 50 businesses in dc. the evening's festivities made me smile as i chatted with fellow entrepreneurs, dreamers, award winners, and nominees. the air in the room was light and jovial as businesses deservingly took pride in their award. entrepreneurship is not for the faint at heart, and i'm constantly reminded of it when in a room with others who have given their life to building a passion. it is easy to get isolated into a little bubble of one's busines, but it is so refreshing to connect with others who also have businesses open 364 days a year, struggle to deal with cash flow concerns, strive to exceed in creating a good experience for clients, and have abundant ideas but lack the energy or resources to make them happen. i could go on and on. ahhh, the joys of entrepreneurship...

i extend a HUGE sense of gratitude for those of you who voted and helped make this award possible. i also extend a HUGE congrats for all nominated in these numerous categories and all who won. way to go! may we continue to move in a direction that helps make a difference in other's lives and helps them live more fully - from cupcakes to yoga to sushi to books to shoes (all award winners tonight!). xoxo

posted by kimberly wilson @ 3:12 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, September 11, 2005

podcast coming soon!

not to turn all high tech on you because lord knows i hardly understand all of this stuff myself .... but in an effort to share more inspiration and information regarding the upcoming book hip tranquil chick, and yoga lifestyle for the modern girl, i'll be putting together a podcast over the next few weeks. the "shownotes," the outline of the podcast with references to links or additional information that i share, will be posted here on the blog. i hope you'll tune in for a regular dose of "hip tranquil chickness" and have loads of humor as i work out all the kinks at the beginning. let me know if there are any particular topics you're longing to hear covered. i plan to share yoga sequences, interviews with fabulous women, thoughts on living a passionate life, and ways to incorporate yoga into your everyday life off the mat.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:56 PM | 0 comments

the power of performance

greetings from north carolina! i'm here with my beau celebrating his 34th year, reconnecting with another yoga teacher i met at a training 5 years ago who has helped with the development of the tranquiliT line, and reveling in the joys of wireless connection. last night for tim's birthday we went to see coldplay, and i was truly blown away. what a performer! i have this odd predilliction to be brought to tears when watching someone share their passion. it always happens at tori amos' concerts (didn't at eminem?), at shows by cirque du soliel, and while watching a passion-filled dancer perform. if you haven't had a chance to see chris martin perform, i highly encourage it. i equate his performance on the piano to that of tori's - full of passion for music. bouncing up and down as he pounds the notes. tori, however, plays two pianos at once while straddling the bench! he also took one song into the audience, walking through the crowd which showed a sincere desire to connect to his fans. another piece that sruck a chord was his promotion of fair trade, a symbol he wears prominently on his hand. there was a fair trade booth set up at the concert to educate participants on one of chris martin's strong values. the ability to share one's passion, inspire others, spread a message, connect with supporters, and make a living doing what one loves is an admirable life. it was impressive to watch it unfold on the stage last night. it is also fun to remember that each day we perform our own concert in some small way. just as judith lasater says, "every moment of your life is a moment of potential practice," i believe that every moment of our lives is a moment of performance which hopefully leads to joy in ourselves and inspiration to others. here's to positively powerful and passion-filled performance each day .....

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:36 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, September 08, 2005

the joy of full bloom

today i received good news on two fronts that i wanted to share as a gentle reminder that effort pays off, even if it takes awhile to come to fruition.

as you may know, i'm working on a book blending yoga and lifestyle for the modern girl, and i've received offers from publishers this week. i came up with the concept two years ago, took a great "how to get published class" with local author carole sargeant, worked on the proposal for almost a year during any spare moment (namely vacations), submitted it to targeted agents, got a fabulous agent last october who really got the concept, finished my sample chapter in june, and submitted the package to publishers in july. we've received great feedback, especially on the presentation of the proposal which is a reminder of how important it is to spend a little extra time on the small details. for example, i tied a ribbon around the portfolio, added a bag of tea, used heavy paper, added colored tabs with computer generated labels to separate the appendices, and added color wherever i could. the result was a proposal that looked and smelled different from the others. i share this because it has been a long journey and it has only just begun. once an offer is accepted, i have 6-9 months to write the book with hopes of getting it into the market for holiday 2006. can you believe we're preparing for holiday 2006? i write this to share that dreams are truly a long time coming. when all is said and done, this will have been almost a 4-year project! the dream truly began though as a little girl falling asleep to the sound of my father's typewriter. i grew up surrounded by the writer's life and somehow envied the isolation, deadlines, creative juices, and long hours. let the writing begin..... and thank you for your support by reading this blog!

i'm also delighted to share that the tranquiliT line will be featured in this weekend's examiner. this creative journey began in 2002, and took new life in 2004 as i began drawing, designing more, traveling to tradeshows to purchase for the tranquiliT boutique, and choosing fabrics. it, too, is a long process of taking workshops, sewing classes, reading trade publications, putting together a design board with fabric swatches and style ideas, locating manufactureres, scheduling tradeshows, selling the line for 12 hours at tradeshows, photo shoots, linesheet designs, working with the webmaster on creating an online store, choosing the right tags and labels, putting together spec sheets, and writing press releases. it's amazing what goes into launching a line...but so fun to see people excited to wear something you've created! enjoy this image of the hip tranquil chick in the new gauchos, staple wrap top, velvet shrug and pucci scarf. pick up the examiner (free at the most dc metros) on saturday and remember, it often takes years to see the fruits of your labor.

think of yourself as a seed germinating below the surface and each step you take (research, classes, time away) offers you the opportunity to water and nurture yourself into full bloom!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:28 AM | 0 comments

Monday, September 05, 2005

sadness in the south

unless you've been living under a rock or out of touch with the media, i know you too must be filled with a sense of sadness surrounding what transpired last week in the gulf coast. i fluctuate between being attached to CNN to denial about the true catastrophic state of the south. it's almost too much to bear. having grown up in oklahoma, i was in my last year of college when timothy mcveigh bombed the federal murray building, and vividly recall the complete shock surrounding the horrific act on what the media coined "terror in the heartland." then i moved to dc in 1996, and in 2001, september 11 happened - a date that no american will ever forget. and somehow i equate the horrors and images of katrina with the great sense of helplessness and despair felt by so many of us who witnessed the okc boming and september 11 attack. these are such different events and, yet, so similar. it is touching to see so many americans reaching out to assist others but it is also so sickening to see such unnecessary suffering.

what can we do from our comfortable, air conditioned homes to assist those in need? depending on resources, donations to the red cross, feed the children, humane society, habitat for humanity are encouraged. did you know that a $100 donation to salvation army will feed a family of four for two days, provide two cases of drinking water and one household clean-up kit, containing brooms, mops, buckets, and cleaning supplies? some airlines are even allowing you to donate miles to help refugees and refugee assistance travel.

if these resources are not readily accessible to you, how about offering to volunteer locally to assist those in need or to put together a benefit with some of your fave friends where you raise money to donate as a group? there are numerous creative ways to help nurture and support fellow human beings (and their pets, too!) who you haven't met. take a moment this week to count your blessings, dedicate your practice as an offering of strength to the survivors, and offer what you can to support those suffering.

finally, save the date: friday, september 16 from 9-10:30pm tranquil space is offering a heart opening benefit class. please join us as we strive to bring some tranquility through our efforts to those along the gulf coast.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 3:58 AM | 0 comments

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