
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Friday, August 31, 2007

save the date: tranquil space foundation gala

tickets will be available for purchase at tranquilspacefoundation.org shortly. hope you can come and support our work and indulge in the festivities. happy labor day weekend!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:32 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, August 30, 2007

hip and tranquil kudos

A fellow Hip Tranquil Chick in Michigan just sent out the following announcement:

It is with great excitement that I announce the official launch of Pink Heels LLC! It started as a concept two years ago written on the back of a napkin while sitting in the Tranquil Space Yoga Studio in D.C. Today it is up and running. Check it out! www.Pink-Heels.com

For those who live in Michigan or who will be visiting, I hope that you will join me on September 9th to celebrate the official launch!

Thank you for all of your support,
GO HTCs and thanks for sharing your successes with me! xo

posted by kimberly wilson @ 3:39 PM | 2 comments

happy thursday

greetings from chincoteague - a lovely beach town in virginia. beau, pug, and i escaped the city around noon yesterday as i couldn't bear to have a summer go by without seeing a beach. we head back in a couple of hours. yep, a tres quick jaunt but delightful nonetheless.

i'm excited to share that amanda will be returning to do some guest blogging while i'm in costa rica saturday-saturday. since the costa rica retreat is all about yoga + creativity, amanda will do a few muses on creativity to keep us all inspired.

i've been reading girl group confidential by jen worick and just loving it. if you're interested in getting some gal pals together and creating a community, this is a must-read book. AND jen will be on the podcast very soon. stay tuned.

must dash as beau is ready to hit the road. if you're gearing up for the holiday weekend and doing some traveling, be sure to take a good, inspiring read; pack your swimsuit; don't forget your journal and some colorful pens; and your idea notebook - it's amazing what comes to you when you give yourself space away from the norm. xo

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:29 AM | 0 comments

Monday, August 27, 2007

cutest assistant ever

my lovely assistant, christy, sent me this photo of her in poland for the tranquil space newsletter. i just had to share it. could she be any cuter?

on a whole other note, i leave for costa rica on saturday (my flight heads out at 7am) so i'm busily getting geared up for . . . stay seated . . . being offline for an ENTIRE week. yep, no cell or e-mail access - first time since my retreat to tobago in march 2006. never fear, two great podcasts will still get posted but the blog may be a little light (unless i can snag some random dial-up access somewhere). we have SUCH a fun group of women from all over the country and i'm brewing up all sorts of yoga + creative treats. can't wait! beau is coming (only boy) and he refuses to do any creative play so sweet thing will be chillin' in coffee fields instead.

had one of those days - you know, where nothing goes as planned and is filled with a bunch of tiny annoyances. i always think about the quotes by pema chodren (genius!) reminding us that our challenges are our teachers. some days i just don't want to learn their lessons! alas, as she reminds us, they will continue to show up until we do learn them. patience is a virtue. i'm gonna sleep today off. 'night.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:54 PM | 3 comments

Sunday, August 26, 2007

hip tranquil chick podcast #97: cooking up cosmetics

Welcome to the 97th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, an insightful interview with Melissa Milam on cooking up cosmetics, and we’ve got Omwork for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

On the Mat: Sphinx Pose

Off the Mat: Today’s podcast is on inspiration + cookin’ up cosmetics with Melissa Milam.

Melissa Milam is always in the right place at the right time. Founder of Aurora Natural Cosmetics, Melissa strives to bring her clients natural skincare products with style. After starting Aurora in her tiny Manhattan apartment, Melissa moved the company (and her life) to Santa Fe, New Mexico. When she's not developing a new recipe for eye cream or lip gloss, Melissa enjoys yoga, mediation, snowboarding, reading Vogue and supporting Governor Bill Richardson's presidential campaign. Check out her latest products at getaurora.com.

Fabulous Face Mask
Take one avocado, mash it up real good and immediately apply to your face for 15 mins. Light some candles, play some relaxing music and enjoy the healing benefits of nature!

Honey and Rose Lip Balm
Adapted from Face Creams, Hair Rinses, and Body Lotions: Recipes for Natural Beauty by Gill Farrer-Halls

5 drops red color base (see step 1)
1 tbsp rosehip seed oil
1 tbsp calendula oil
5 tbsp sweet almond oil
1 drop liquid honey
2 vitamin E capsules, or 2 "long squeezes" of vitamin e oil
5 drops rose essential oil

(1) To make the red color base, saute one teaspoon of ground alkanet root, or any red-colored root, in one tablespoon of sunflower oil in a double boiler (one pot inside a larger pot filled with water) until the oil starts to bubble. Remove from heat and set aside.

(2) Prepare a fresh double boiler. Add the oils one by one into the top of the double boiler.

(3) Add the honey, beeswax and red color base. Stir gently and continuously to blend the ingredients.

(4) While the beeswax is melting, add the vitamin E.

(5) Once the beeswax is melted, remove from heat. Continue to stir as it cools, and add the rose essential oil.

(6) Pour into small glass or ceramic jars (not plastic) and let cool for about thirty minutes. Enjoy!

**If you want more color, add more color base. If you want a lighter peach color, use less.

**If you want a lip gloss instead of a balm, leave out the beeswax.

Omwork: To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:

1. Have you had an “aha” moment surrounding a product or service?
2. What stops you from moving forward with it?
3. What step can you take this week to explore it as a possibility?

Haute Stuff Shoppe: Shop online for my new retail therapy page complete with the Hip Tranquil Chick book, yoga CDs, and tranquilista gems.

Signature Style: TranquiliT’s wrap dress!

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats: Come to Costa Rica over Labor Day weekend and to our next retreat in the Catskills of NY in March. I’ll be leading workshops and hosting book signings in Montreal and the Boston area in November; Charleston, WV and Charlotte, NC in February; and back to Denver in April. Details for all special events at hiptranquilchick.com. I hope our paths will cross.

Join us for our next le chic teleclass chat focused on savvy self-care on Monday, September 10 at 8:30ET. Details here.

Community Corner: A reminder – if you have a product you’d like reviewed by me on the blog – send a sample to me at 2024 p street, nw dc, 20036. sending a sample does not guarantee placement but I’d love to support our burgeouning community!

Mentoring: Interested in diving deeper into hip and tranquil topics 1:1? If so, view all the scoop here.

Au Revoir: Share your hip tranquil chickness with me, request show ideas, or pass along feedback by e-mailing kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com. We’re on MySpace and Frappr, so please connect with the community virtually there, too!

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music from Podsafe Music Network.Today’s selection is Lullaby by radium88. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music at radium88.net.

Thanks for joining me for the 97th edition of the HTC podcast. 2 more to go until our centennial celebration interview. Namaste.
  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click on the player at the top of the post or click here to listen to older episodes!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed
Interested in starting a podcast for yourself, your organization or your business?
Check out nineball media.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:49 PM | 2 comments

Friday, August 24, 2007

half-marathon here i come

running a 10-miler in 2003 and in 2004 were very proud moments for me. i began running again this year - although quite sporadically. if my running buddy can't make it or the wind isn't blowing the right way, i decide i'll take a month off. not great for "training." however, i've been talking about the baltimore half-marathon in october for months and took the plunge tonight by registering. guess i gotta start running . . . no matter what direction the wind is blowing, eh? "preparing" with a weekly 1-hour run isn't quite enough. any HTC runners out there with tips considering the jaunt is in less that 2 months?

tonight i got to see my BFF perform at a belly dance show. the guest star was rachel brice - total goddess! tomorrow i have a jewelry workshop, pick up goodies for the costa rica girls, and a teacher yoga practice. sunday is filled with a TranquiliT photoshoot, aromatherapy workshop at tranquil space (come . . . the teacher is AMAZING and has been featured on two podcasts - yamilee!), and dinner with yamilee. lovely creative-full weekend ahead. hope yours is equally rewarding.

off to bed so i can get up early and run before the days activities! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:26 PM | 4 comments

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

manifesto from HTC down under

i just had to pass along this fabulous manifesto from an self-defined "HTC tomboy who resides in australia:

Here are my Hip Tranquil Tomboy Principles:

I love myself as I am. (Why? I accept I am only 5'1 and small boobed)
I have muscles and I love them, too. (Why? They have stopped me getting cellulite and needing surgery)
I am in control of my finances. I have enough to meet my needs.
I am educated but my learning never ceases and comes from every experience in my life.
I am strong and confident but not overbearing. There is power in silence, too.
I rarely watch TV. It's amazing how much free time I have gained from giving up TV!
I refuse to be a self-centred drama queen.
I don't buy women's magazines. They are toxic. (And you can read them for free at the supermarket checkout!)
Impulse buying doesn't bring happiness. It just clutters your life.
If I get a bit dirty, break a fingernail, forget to shave my legs... so what? Life is fun, messy and unpredictable.
I don't care what the latest fashion of the moment is - in a moment it will be gone.
I create my own style that empowers me in the life that I lead.
I listen to my gut feelings. They are always right.
Nature heals. Shopping doesn't.
I have a few good friends ... not a hoarde of acquaintances.
My partner is my best friend & confident

So there you go. My Tomboy Manifesto ... I guess I'm interested in finding out if there's any other tomboys out there who don't own a single lipgloss, wouldn't be seen dead in a pair of 4 inch heels and absolutely know that jeans are the sexiest piece of clothing a girl can ever own.

thank you, amanda. we love your hip and tranquil tomboy ways! xo

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:37 PM | 10 comments

save the date + passion for poetry?

dearest local or not-so-local hip tranquil chicks, please save the date for a tres hip and tranquil new year year extravaganza (yes, i'm a planner) on saturday, january 12 in the grand ballroom of the josephine butler house (featured in this photo). this kick-start to 2008 will be held from 10-4 and include yoga, creative play, do-gooding discussions, and more. oh, and did i mention the ballroom has 2 fireplaces? and we'll have oodles of yummy tea for you to sip the entire day. i can't wait! stay tuned for more scoop.

in addition, i have a request. any poetry lovers (or writers) out there? i'm looking for some inspiring poetry to share on the blog and in my classes. and, as a novice who is constantly like "i don't get it" when i read most poetry, i'd love suggestions that cross into my non-connoisseur realm. in the spirit, i want to share one of my favorites:

Wild Geese by Mary Oliver

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting--
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:00 PM | 7 comments

Monday, August 20, 2007

leopard-print laptop cover is born

note my sewing machine and the freshly completed leopard-print laptop cover. yay! on top of the leopard-print cover is a new and inspiring book that i picked up tonight: sew subversive: down & dirty DIY for the fabulous fashionista! a little gem to get your creative juices flowing. enjoy!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:25 PM | 7 comments

giving gone wild

wow, 18 hours of yoga and my body is still intact. my journey to new york was lovely despite the fact that i got a fraction of what i'd hoped to accomplish done. napping wasn't on my to-do list but i sure carved out time for it.

AND i didn't check e-mail when i first got up this morning - waited 1.5 hours. THIS is progress, girls.

today in between meetings, i sent 10 handwritten thank you notes, gave away some fancy french soaps i picked up in ny, and spent time tying ribbons around sticks of fabulous incense to give at a meeting tonight. if i could just give gifts all day long, i think i'd be in pure bliss. does anyone else have an addiction to giving small tokens of appreciation?

i came across an article in body + soul that had a list of 50 ways to give right now by deblina chakraborty. i've pulled out some of my favorites to share with you. i hope it serves as a reminder of how much fun it is to give to others.

smile at a stranger.
stay calm during a stressful time.
throw a party for someone celebrating a milestone.
next time you're ready to honk at another car, don't.
give a compliment.
extend a warm welcome to a newcomer.
put yourself in another person's shoes.
praise someone who's done well.
reduce, reuse, recycle.
forgive yourself.
send a thank you card to someone who's shown you kindness.
raise money for a cause you believe in.
rescue an animal from a shelter.
when you see trash, pick it up.
lead by example.
call a friend you haven't heard from in a while.
kick bad habits, like smoking, that can harm others.
give your full attention.
teach your children about giving.
doesn't this make you want to get your giving on?

posted by kimberly wilson @ 6:06 PM | 1 comments

Saturday, August 18, 2007

hip tranquil chick podcast #96: the writing life

Welcome to the 96th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, an insightful interview with Jeff Davis on the Writing Life in Off the Mat, and we’ve got Omwork and Savvy Sources for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

On the Mat: Hero Pose

Off the Mat: Today’s podcast is on the writing life with Jeff Davis. A national workshop leader, writer, editor, and yoga teacher, Jeff Davis is author of The Journey from the Center to the Page: Yoga Philosophies and Practices as Muse for Authentic Writing (Penguin 2004) and City Reservoir (1998). He serves as Contributing Editor for Wildlife Watch Binocular, and his essays, articles, short stories, and poems have appeared in publications around the country and in London including The Comstock Review, The Sulphur River Literary Review, Conscious Choice, and Wisdom Publication's You Are Not Here and Other Works of Buddhist Fiction. He teaches at Marist College and leads or has led creative writing workshops at the Taos Summer Writers Conference, The Writers Lab in Skyros, Greece, and the Block Island Poetry project among other places. He is researching for his next nonfiction book and is completing his next poetry collection Woman Burning Another Woman. Jeff resides near Woodstock, NY, between the Catskill Mountains and the Shawangunk Mountains, where he tracks wonder and fixes broken steps at his old farmhouse.

Omwork: To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:

1. Is there a book inside of you?
2. What keeps you from writing it?
3. Are you in touch with your authentic voice as a writer, woman, yogini?

Savvy Sources: Read!
Bird by Bird by Anne Lammott
If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland
How to Write a Book Proposal by Michael Larsen
Jeff's website: centertopage.com

Haute Stuff Shoppe: Shop online for my new retail therapy page complete with the Hip Tranquil Chick book, yoga CDs, and tranquilista gems.

Signature Style: TranquiliT’s short is such fun. Made in our signature luxurious bamboo and organic cotton fabric, this piece is perfect for bike riding, yoga, and more!

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats: Come to Costa Rica over Labor Day weekend (1 spot left!) and to our next retreat in the Catskills of NY in March. I’ll be leading workshops and hosting book signings in Montreal and the Boston area in November; Charleston, WV and Charlotte, NC in February; and back to Denver in April. Details for all special events at hiptranquilchick.com. I hope our paths will cross.

Join us for our next le chic teleclass chat focused on savvy self-care on Monday, September 10 at 8:30ET. Details here.

Community Corner: If you have a product you’d like reviewed by me on the blog – send a sample to me at 2024 p street, nw dc, 20036. This does not guarantee placement but I’d love to support our burgeoning community in any way that I can!

Mentoring: Interested in diving deeper into hip and tranquil topics 1:1? If so, view all the scoop here.

Au Revoir: Share your hip tranquil chickness with me, request show ideas, or pass along feedback by e-mailing kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com. We’re on MySpace and Frappr, so please connect with the community virtually there, too!

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music from Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is The Empty Feeling by DJ Fuego. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of her music at fuegoart.com and DJ Fuego's MySpace page.

Thanks for joining me for the 96th edition of the HTC podcast. 4 more to go until our centennial celebration interview. Namaste.
  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click on the player at the top of the post or click here to listen to older episodes!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed
Interested in starting a podcast for yourself, your organization or your business?
Check out nineball media.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:18 PM | 1 comments

Friday, August 17, 2007

blah, blah, blah

ever feel like this is what you're saying or hearing? i spent 2-3 hours catching up on e-mail last night and got my inbox down to 50! hasn't been that low in months and it sure feels good. however, i drastically behind on the proposal that i'd hoped to have finished this week. ugh. sitting down this afternoon to write and feel constantly distracted by everything else around me. blah, blah, blah.

my interview with jeff davis yesterday was fascinating. i think you'll really enjoy it on sunday! basically, i was reminded that writing is a practice and we must carve out the space - as we do for yoga. and, we must not check e-mail before writing. a far fetched goal of mine is to stop checking e-mail but twice a day - at noon and 4. sounds so good but i usually spend my late nights catching up on the day's e-mail. if i could be more intentional about it, 2 times a day should be plenty. SUCH a hard habit to break. (great song, by the way) anyone wanna join a support group with me and we'll hold each other accountable?

the themes at the jivamukti wild woodstock ashram has been on being wild. not in a "running amuck" kind of way, but in a non-conventional kind of way. interesting theme that i'm chewing on. more later.

back to the proposal. using you as a distraction isn't right! ;) you're my oasis.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 4:02 PM | 1 comments

Thursday, August 16, 2007

creativity circle this fall

i know, i know, it's crazy hot and here i am prepping for the fall. what can i say, i'm a planner. and . . . i wanted to share with you my semi-annual creativity circle scoop. i sent out the scoop for costa rica's yoga + creativity retreat happening in 2 weeks and it got me in the creativity/planning mood! if you're local to dc, hope you can join!

just home from my 3-hour yoga fix and off to interview a fellow yogi and friend, jeff davis, author of the journey from the center to the page. a fabulous fusion of yoga and writing. then i have my wire class tonight. what are the chances that one is being held while i'm here? i love synchronicity.

4-week intensive creativity circle

do you long for more fun, more flair, more focus, more creativity? spend four weeks with kimberly wilson reviving your spirit, unleashing your inner artist, taking action toward the life you desire, and relishing in a supportive circle with other like-minded women. during our time together, we will work through the bestseller the artist’s way by julia cameron, while also playing with concepts from 12 secrets of highly creative women by gail mcmeekin and kimberly's book, hip tranquil chick. we will also be setting creative goals, practicing yoga, and participating in artistic play.

materials needed: the artist’s way by julia cameron, 12 secrets of highly creative women by gail mcmeekin, hip tranquil chick by kimberly wilson, journal and/or sketchbook, yoga mat.

when: mondays, september 17 + 30, october 15 + 29

where: at kimberly's home and tranquil space

how much: $325

to register: sign up online or call 202.223.9642. limited space available, early registration encouraged.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:06 PM | 3 comments

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

the joys of doing things badly

saturday night i was determined to have some creativity time so i pulled out some wire, beads, string, and went to town. only to have to pull apart quite a few "masterpieces" due to all sorts of reasons. then, i kept practicing my wire "skills" on sterling silver wire and couldn't recall the basics from my 4-hour wire class a few weeks ago. ahhhhh. i was getting quite frustrated. never fun for creative flow.

then sunday morning i woke up determined to cut and sew my leopard-print laptop cover from the 10 yards of knit fabric i'd received weeks ago. well, the sewing machine had not felt my foot on the petal for a good 5 years and i'd never worked with knit fabric on it (only in sewing class 2 years ago). sooooo, i tried multiple settings to sew one side and ran out of bobin thread. when i pulled out the left side of my new must-have leopard-print knit laptop cover, i was horrified. truly one of the worst things i'd ever seen. i had to laugh. filling the bobin takes a good hour for me (on a good day) so i decided it was best that i pack for my week away and save the laptop cover for more creative fun when i return. i tried to take a photo of my "work" but the camera couldn't capture its "beauty" and one-of-a-kindness so you'll have to use your imagination.

after a good 8 hours of rest last night (and my multiple naps) i woke up exhausted today but excited about my 3 hours of yoga. while driving the country roads to a destination less than 10 miles away, i missed turn after turn, asked passing drivers for help, and oogled at the bunny and stag that crossed my path. my patience and good spirit were strong until the clock struck 10 and i knew i was late. oh, yeah, that coupled with i somehow did a 360 and ended up where i'd begun. how does that happen? and to make matters worse, i ended up behind a 3-5 mph road painting truck. i kept thinking, "there is a lesson here."

beau and pug came to the rescue and got me to the class at 10:30. during that 30 minutes of delay, i felt so frustrated that i was missing centering and meditation (ironic to get upset about such things), can't follow very basic country road instructions, and had to be driven to a place less than 10 miles away! during this drama, i reminded myself that a bigger person would go with the flow (as i had done during my 360 journey) and enjoy what is. then i quickly reminded myself that i wanted a full 3 hours of yoga, i wanted to be able to drive any set of quirky roads and not get lost, and that i didn't like needing someone else to help me do such basic tasks.

guess what lesson kept coming by sharon when i arrived to class? not labeling things as good or bad, but simply enjoying the moment and being with what is. genius! this was exactly what i needed to hear considering my thwarted creative projects over the weekend, my desire to finish a book proposal when all i seem to want to do is nap, and my inability to make it to my first class on time. i decided i would just be with what is and leave 45 minutes early tomorrow! resonate with the joys of doing things badly?

posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:01 PM | 3 comments

Monday, August 13, 2007

2 naps before noon

as we were driving up last night, i remembered that there aren't any classes on mondays - perfect considering our late arrival. the alarm went off at 9am so that we were sure to make breakfast at our b & b. i sipped some orange juice, had a yogurt, some yummy sourdough bread with jam, and blueberry tea before making my way back to bed. slept 2 hours, got up for a moment, decided i was still tired, and went back to bed until 11:30! who would have thought that one could take 2 naps before noon? i find that when i am given the opportunity to slow down, my body tries to make up for lost time. that's a lot of lost time.

the afternoon was lovely. we took louis and went on a drive to my fave bead store in red hook (where there is a wire class on thursday night that i plan to attend as i can't recall a thing from the 4-hour one i took a few weeks ago. . . ugh!), on to the vanderbilt mansion where we toured the garden in awe, and then to rhinebeck to get some goods at my favorite funhouse - CVS. how can a drugstore be such fun? home to heat up our frozen pasta meals and texas toast (ever had that stuff - tooooo yummy!). now to indulge in a steam shower. gotta get to bed early so i'm fresh for 3 hours of yoga tomorrow.

if you're local to dc, be sure to pick up today's copy of the examiner as the first edition of my weekly column came out and is a how-to on meditation. hope you enjoy it.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:55 PM | 0 comments

back in the catskills

beau, pug, and i arrived in the woodstock area around midnight after an emotionally-charged day. the memorial service for my friend was held today and the room was packed. soooo very sad. haven't cried like that in a long time. the pastor noted how she, too, had gone through all the e-mails she'd sent, reflected on interactions and wondered what she could have done differently, and felt numerous emotions ranging from grief to anger to disbelief. it was nice to have all that has gone through my mind these past 10 days validated as normal. again, the loss is great and the answers still unknown. the service ended with us all singing "this little light of mine."

i'm here to spend 3 hours a day doing yoga with sharon and david of jivamukti yoga, to (fingers crossed) finish the tranquilology book proposal, and to do some reading. i look forward to sharing this week's journey with you. the b & b we're at has a pool so i can't wait to read poolside.

friday night we celebrated a friend's birthday at the chef's table in a fancy dc restaurant. i'm content with any table but having this VIP treatment was quite exotic. however, at the beginning of the evening, the sweet waiter asked, "do we have any allergies i need to be aware of . . . i mean, i know we have a vegetarian." i replied in jest, "hey, this is a moral decision, not a food allergy!" we all laughed but i found it interesting that he categorized vegetarianism with allergies. as they passed around various meats, including foie gras, i couldn't help but be saddened by the experience. i haven't been in such a meat-heavy setting in a long time and it was interesting to observe the emotions that arose.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:13 AM | 4 comments

Saturday, August 11, 2007

hip tranquil chick podcast #95: hip and tranquil scheduling + time management

Welcome to the 95th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, a muse on hip and tranquil scheduling + time management in Off the Mat, and we’ve got Omwork and Savvy Sources for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

On the Mat: Deep lunge with twist

Off the Mat: Today’s podcast is in response to quite a few questions relating to setting up one’s day and making things happen in a mindfully extravagant way. Stay tuned for all the scoop.

Benjamin Franklin said, "Do you love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff that life is made of."

Hip & Tranquil Time Management - how to organize a busy schedule

Question from Reader: "How do you keep things straight? How do you prioritize your to dos? What does it look like for you? Do you use to do lists on paper or palm? Do you list your personal and work related things together? Do you have an online calendar that reminds you what is coming up or what tasks you have? I have my own small biz that I am starting plus a part time office job, plus 2 kids and a dog. I keep lists of to -dos but to be honest, it seems like I end up consulting these things less and remember things in my head. When I come up with ideas or things to do, I am not sure where to add them. I have a palm that I synch with my outlook but find I am not always in front of my computer. What are your tricks? Do you operate from day to day on an organic level or are you strict with your schedule? I love the idea of scheduling me time - and my husband gives me Sat morns off to do my own thing."

A few hip and tranquil suggestions:

1. Plan your week each Sunday.
2. Plan tomorrow the night before.
3. Review the day’s to-dos and re-prioritize accordingly.
4. Ask yourself “What is the best use of my time?”
5. Consider what tasks or activities will give you the best outcome and return on your time. The 80/20 rule may help.
6. Have top goals nearby.
7. Ask yourself “Does this action get me closer to my larger goals?”
8. Think you don’t have enough time in the day to conquer certain things, set a kitchen timer for 15 minutes and make yourself do it.
9. Create a morning ritual. Ex. Green tea, smoothie, 10 minutes of sun salutes.
10. Breathe!

Omwork: To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:

1. Ask yourself “What is the most valuable use of my time at this moment?"
2. What is your morning ritual?
3. How do you stay on track with your goals?

Savvy Sources:
Planner pad
Kitchen Timer

Haute Stuff Shoppe: Shop online for my new retail therapy page complete with the Hip Tranquil Chick book, yoga CDs, and tranquilista gems.

Signature Style: TranquiliT’s skort is such fun. Made in our signature luxurious bamboo fabric, this piece is perfect for dancing, bike riding, yoga, and more!

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats:
Come to Costa Rica over Labor Day weekend (2 spots left!) and to our next retreat in the Catskills of NY in March. I’ll be leading workshops and hosting book signings in Montreal and the Boston area in November; Charleston, WV and Charlotte, NC in February; and back to Denver in April. Details for all special events at hiptranquilchick.com. I hope our paths will cross.

Join us for our next le chic teleclass chat focused on savvy self-care on Monday, September 10 at 8:30ET. Details here.
Mentoring: Interested in diving deeper into all things hip and tranquil 1:1? If so, click here for all the scoop.

Au Revoir: Share your hip tranquil chickness with me, request show ideas, or pass along feedback by e-mailing kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com. We’re on MySpace and Frappr, so please connect with the community virtually there, too!

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music from Promonet. Today’s selection is The Night Starts Here by Stars. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music at their website and MySpace page.

Thanks for joining me for the 95th edition of the HTC podcast. 5 more to go until our centennial celebration interview. Namaste.
  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click on the player at the top of the post or click here to listen to older episodes!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed
Interested in starting a podcast for yourself, your organization or your business?
Check out nineball media.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:35 PM | 0 comments

Friday, August 10, 2007

dear hip tranquil chick . . .

Q: Forgive me if you've covered this, but I've often wondered how you overcome fear. You seem to charge forward with your dreams (starting the yoga studio in your living room, starting your clothing line, beading, writing a book, and working on a second) so fearlessly...how do you find the courage to be you? Thanks!

A: Ah, this topic can never be covered enough, right? It's never easy to charge after your dreams, really. It takes a lot of strength, support, being in the right place at the right time, etc. Not saying it can't be done, just saying to be easy on yourself as it can often look like everyone is able to do it but you. In my mid-twenties I was in a horribly co-dependent, abusive relationship that was spiraling. I met a lovely woman at a journal writing workshop who I befriended and had tea with a few weeks after the workshop. She said to me, "I see a lot of potential in you, Kimberly." I'd never heard that before, or if I had, it didn't resonate like it did from her. That moment changed me. (This moment is why I started the Tranquil Space Foundation - I want girls to see this potential before their mid-twenties).

After that I began to take more control of my life. I ended the yucky relationship, immediately met a darling beau who was also a psychology buff and helped me see bigger pictures. Sure, I moved on from him after a year or so but continued to build this sense of self-confidence that had been destroyed from the former negative relationship. Slowly, I took control and began to build my world. It's been 9 years now since I got out of that relationship and dove into myself.

I began reading The Artist's Way, embraced the eccentric pieces of myself (such as hiking with a purse), slowly created based on what I craved (community, warmth, nurturing), and continue to dive head first into new projects that excite me. It may seem like these things happened quickly but they really didn't. It's been a long journey of undying passion, loads and loads of work, and many moments of questioning. However, when I feel something is right (not when I look at a spreadsheet with data - I despise numbers), I jump into it head first.

I find it helpful to explore fear - where is it coming from? Whose voice is it? What small steps can I take to move past it? AND find someone who says "I see potential in you!" It makes a BIG difference. Share this with others, let those who cross your path know they're doing a good job, that you see potential, that they have great style, that their e-mails are so creative, that that shade of lipgloss looks fab - whatever it is - you can truly change someone's path! Namaste.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:33 PM | 3 comments

Thursday, August 09, 2007

signing the dotted line

happy thursday from my loft bed.

i didn't feel quite right (especially after yesterday's start to the day with a barium swallow test) most of yesterday and this heat in dc really drains me. then i woke up this morning with a summer cold - my least favorite of the cold family - which makes sense as this little booger was probably brewing yesterday. colds are for winter. summer ones are not pleasant. fuzzy head, achy body, sniffles - the whole shabang. canceled afternoon appointments and am trying to do a quick recovery complete with hot tea, emergenC, rest, and some writing with chubby bonnard and his naked belly (still recovering from his run-in with the rubber bands) purring on my chest.

at noon today i signed off on my first loan for any business. after a month or so of paperwork. phone calls, and forms, i signed on the dotted line multiple times securing the loan. i hope to have some exciting news to share about tranquil space over the next few months . . . stay tuned.

the whole ordeal felt empowering and scary at the same time. overall, i'm incredibly grateful that it is the first loan needed in my ventures as they've all been created with baby steps. i'm also very grateful that i've had the opportunity to pursue my vision. while working with a mentoring client last weekend, we honed in on the importance of finding what she was very passionate about before leaping into the launch of a business. pursuing your passion makes signing that dotted line a lot sweeter.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:57 PM | 3 comments

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

TranquiliT trunk show/summer sale

you're invited to a fun-filled retail therapy event on wednesday, august 8 from 4-7 at TranquiliT's "showroom" in adam's morgan (ok, it's in the tiny space where were house our inventory . . . but showroom sounds more fabulous).

we've got some exciting new fall designs coming so we're making room with this BIG summer sale. even if you don't need a thing, come by and see us as we'll have vino, tasty treats, chill tunes, and tantalizing conversation. see you there.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:22 AM | 7 comments

Monday, August 06, 2007

hip tranquil chick #94: dear HTC 2

Welcome to the 94th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, more discussions of “Dear Hip Tranquil Chick” in Off the Mat, and we’ve got Omwork and Savvy Sources for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

On the Mat: Starfish pose

Off the Mat: Today’s podcast is an answer to a few dear hip tranquil chick questions.
One idea/question that I would like to see featured on this podcast or the blog is tips for those of us who have significant others. I was just thinking about how the whole concept of being an htc involves a lot of self-reflection and self-care time and many times includes lifestyle changes from eating differently or scheduling time differently. It may also seem like a foreign concept to our significant other, such as "what in the world is a hip tranquil chick" and "why is everything pink?" :) It may be hard for our partners who knew us before we got involved in everything htc to see us going through these changes and making improvements to understand why were doing it and why it's important.

So, maybe some discussion on how to talk with your significant other about why this is important to you. Also, how to include them in all of the positive changes you're making but helping them find their own way of doing it that isn't so pink:)

I've used your advice and started journaling to get my thoughts out whenever something doesn't feel quite right, and it has helped tremendously! However, I need some tips on staying tranquil and keeping cool when I don't have the luxury of journal time. For instance, if you're in a meeting and receive some feedback that does not sit well with you, how do you react rationally and keep from blowing your top? I've had a couple of instances where the journal time has helped, but came too late, after already saying something inappropriate in response. I'm worried about making an unfavorable impression. I don't want my explosion of feelings to be interpreted as "immaturity," which might keep me from progressing in my career at the pace I know I'm capable of! Help me keep my cool and be able to soar!

As I sit at my desk at work and read your blog for a dose of tranquility in the midst of my work day (and listen to the podcast to and from work on the metro), I was just thinking I'd love for you to do a podcast specifially on acheiving balance between work and personal life.

Many of us determined women have very overwhelming and demanding jobs, and I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this. :)

Omwork: To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:

1. How do you share your HTCness with your significant others?
2. How has journal writing helped you be less reactive?
3. Is work/life balance possible?

Savvy Sources: Hip Tranquil Chick forum

Haute Stuff Shoppe: Shop online for the book, CD, leopard print scarf, or crystal tee.

Signature Style
: TranquiliT is having a blow-out summer sale this Wednesday. Come see us!

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats
: Come to Costa Rica over Labor Day weekend (2 spots left!) and to our next retreat in the Catskills of NY in March. Details for all special events at hiptranquilchick.com.

Join us for our next le chic teleclass chat focused on savvy self-care on Monday, September 10 at 8:30ET. Details here.

Au Revoir: Share your hip tranquil chickness with me, request show ideas, or pass along feedback by e-mailing kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com. We’re on MySpace and Frappr, so please connect with the community virtually there, too!

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is Breathe by Undadogg. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music at myspace.com/undadogg.

Thanks for joining me for the 94th edition of the HTC podcast. Namaste.
  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click on the player at the top of the post or click here to listen to older episodes!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed
Interested in starting a podcast for yourself, your organization or your business?
Check out nineball media.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:58 PM | 2 comments

Sunday, August 05, 2007

a pictorial journey of new mexico

greetings from dc.

i'm home and settling in after a saturday filled with travel. here are a few photos taken with my phone (sadly, i forgot my camera) and there is really no way to truly capture new mexico's magnificent landscape. as i drove around numerous bends, i kept dropping my jaw and saying, "ohhhh, ahhhhh." it was just magical! i may have to return to taos next year and lead a yoga + creativity retreat as the setting is perfect for artists.

i finished a journal while i was away and am excited to start a new one. inside of it, i found this poem that i wanted to share:
what in your life is calling you?
when all the noise is silenced, the meetings adjourned, the lists laid aside, and the wild iris blooms by itself in the dark forest, what still pulls on your soul?

in the silence between your heartbeats hides a summons. do you hear it? name it, if you must, or leave it forever nameless, but why pretend it is not there?

terma collective, the box

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:05 PM | 3 comments

Friday, August 03, 2007

the retreat is over

i've said my goodbyes - not one for those, basically scampered out - and am sitting in a lovely covered outdoor space surrounded by pansies, a river flowing underneath, and oodles of trees preparing my next steps. my only option for a return today was a red eye and i'm just too old for those. those buggers drain me for weeks. instead, i'm going to take a leisurely drive to santa fe, stay with a friend, and catch an afternoon plane out tomorrow. feels more tranquil.

the retreat was lovely. i got a lot of writing down, although i'm craving much, much more and need to carve out the space. i met some lovely ladies. i was greeted this morning with a delightful poem a fellow retreater had written for me. i slept and ate well. i had space to recover from this week's sad shock.

i hope to return to this spaciousness at home. as is typical with retreats, we were encouraged to make a list of what "i must create over the next 3 months"and i want to share my answers with you:

- design of studio space
- engaging weekly newspaper column (first issue should be out monday)
- design more jewelry pieces and dabble with chain
- host a tranquilista jewelry trunk show -- pieces are now available online
- book proposal for tranquilology
phenom costa rica experience (wanna come?)
- daily ritual: including creative space, yoga, meditation
- more quality time with beau and BFF
- design look/feel for tranquilology

my hope for the rest of this journey is to just be. experience everything fully. savor the spaciousness. laugh. sing. absorb this feeling. namaste.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:13 PM | 2 comments

Thursday, August 02, 2007

writer's spa day 5

thank you for your support and words of wisdom while adjusting to our recent loss of a dear soul. turns out another woman at the retreat lost a friend to suicide this week, too.

the new proposal for tranquilology is coming along beautifully with all the carved out writing space. however, in order to serve you best, i'd LOVE your feedback. i'm working on the chapter outlines focused on creativity, spirituality, and entrepreneurship. what are your burning questions with these 3 topics? considering my passion for DIY (do it yourself) projects, i'm hoping to include some great how-tos in the creativity section. anyway, without telling more and tainting your questions, please tell ME what you want to know. either e-mail me or post your feedback below.

also, if you have a moment and enjoyed hip tranquil chick, i'd be honored if you would write a review on amazon. all this feedback serves as great fodder for my proposal. back to writing. xo

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:55 AM | 3 comments

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

sassy sadhana muse

“however many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?” – buddha

bonjour from a writer’s spa in breathtaking taos, new mexico. i’m here working on a new weekly column for the examiner, my next book proposal, tranquilology, and teaching yoga to a group of 30 fabulous souls. drawing from hip tranquil chick (namely chapters 3 and 12) and the june newsletter muse on spiritual activism, i recently held a teleclass for women from around the globe on the 8 petals of a “sassy sadhana.” since i believe do-gooding and living yoga off the mat are such potent pieces of our spiritual practice, i wanted to share highlights from the call with our phenom tranquil space community.

as wikipedia explains, sadhana is a term for "a means of accomplishing something" or more specifically "spiritual practice.” the term sadhana means spiritual exertion towards an intended goal. the goal of sadhana is to attain some level of spiritual realization, which can be enlightenment, pure love of god (prema), or liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and death (samsara). i think of sadhana as how we live our life in order to obtain liberation from monkey mind, bad karma, and negativity, and to experience an overall level of tranquility. the term sassy simply adds a dash of flair (and fun) to the practice!

the 8 must-have petals of sassy sadhana are:

  1. niyamas (dos): purity, contentment, austerity, self-study, surrender to god

  2. yamas (don’ts): non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, moderation, greedlessnes.

  3. give mindfully, buy locally: reuse ribbon, tissue paper, gift bags; avoid purchasing gifts with a lot of packaging; give alternative gifts (visit www.heifer.org, www.seva.org, www.alternativegifts.org); make something – even a card with stamping, scrap booking materials, or a collage of cards you’ve received; support local designers; shop at farmer’s markets; buy local produce and products.

  4. meditate/do yoga: take some time in your day to just be; sip tea; sit still; observe your breath; move mindfully through your next sun salutation; connect to the earth; sit on your cushion and repeat a mantra; chew your food slowly – all these can be forms of meditation.

  5. go green: cut out use of paper towels; wash laundry in cold; use energy efficient bulbs; surround yourself with something alive (bamboo stalks are easy and very zen); clean green (tips on p. 155 of hip tranquil chick); eat your veggies; wear eco-friendly fabrics; reduce, reuse, recycle.

  6. live by example: read the poem “guest house” by rumi; let your light shine; remember that actions speak louder than words; inspire others through how you live your life; choose to make a difference.

  7. do-good: volunteer; host a charitea soiree (how-to at http://www.hiptranquilchick.com/happenings.html); give of your resources – time, expertise, money; smile and compliment others.

  8. be a good citizen: visit local restaurants; read the news; vote; form opinions; read; watch documentaries; support local arts; pick up trash on the sidewalk; support your friend’s creative endeavors; plant flowers on your windowsills and outdoor spaces; hang a birdfeeder.

these 8 petals are not all-encompassing as i know there are so many ways we can practice our sadhana. my hope is that these tips offer you a dose of inspiration and a few new ideas on how your yoga practice on the mat can translate into your everyday life. we all have such amazing potential and using it to spread tranquility around and within us is a noble and worthy goal.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:26 AM | 1 comments

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