
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

a day in the life schedule

I recently had to put together a "day in the life" schedule of my world for a women's entrepreneurial case study. (boy, WHAT a case study I am!) I was asked to categorize "B" for business and "P" for personal. After putting this together I realized that the two were so intertwined that that would be impossible. I love my work and live what I do so it is hard to distinguish the two. Not sure if this is good or completely imbalanced but somehow it works for me right now. I work constantly but LOVE what I do.

Considering I find it insightful to see how others live and balance various things, I thought I would share this with you. Have you ever put together a "day in the life" of your world? Right now mine is very writing-focused but this changes once deadlines are made, etc. I find that putting together an actual and ideal schedule can be enlightening to see how close you are to living your ideal version.

9am: Rise & Shine, check e-mail and handle urgent matters, make green tea, walk Louis
10-noon: Dive into e-mail, respond, check in with studio, eat breakfast, shower, write or meetings with staff, consultants, or business allies
noon-5pm: Write, more meetings, e-mail responses, team updates, possibly head to studio, PR work, clothing line efforts, meeting with manager on studio operations and projects, quick lunch while working
5-8/9pm: Take and teach yoga classes, work at studio
8/9-midnight/1am: Blog, write, read, e-mail responses, meetings with consultants, eat dinner, date with beau or friend one night a week, take hot bath

10am: Rise & Shine, check e-mail and handle urgent matters, make green tea, shower
11:30am: Head to studio
noon: Take class
1:30: Teach class
3:00-6: Meetings on projects with consultants or team
6-1/2am: Write, blog, read, take hot bath, dinner date with beau or friends

10am-noon: Rise & Shine, check e-mail and handle urgent matters, make green tea, writing
noon-1/2am: Varies. Typically my “day off” which I spend away from the studio writing, running studio or personal errands, writing podcast shownotes, podcasting, posting podcast shownotes, responding to weekly studio wrap-up, planning next week’s priorities, e-mails, occasional hosting of outside workshops or trunk shows, meetings regarding clothing line

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:34 AM | 0 comments

Monday, February 27, 2006

happy (almost) women's history month--let's bloom!

“i change myself, i change the world.”~ gloria anzaldua

welcome to women's history month and a continual celebration of all things feminine. march serves as a beautiful reminder of the abundance of choices available to those willing to push edges and create opportunity. a favorite mantra of mine has been, "edges pushed, boundaries held." i believe this ties in well to a muse focused on the celebration of women.

notice during your next yoga practice, when you are being challenged to do one more chaturanga or to soften into the asana of the month, do you become frustrated with the request or experience gratitude for being challenged? i see accepting challenge as being synonymous with empowerment. your ability to push edges both on and off the yoga mat makes for a less stagnant and more dynamic existence.

spend some time reflecting on areas in your life that feel stagnant and in need of change. it's spring and time for rebirth. for example, how long have you been complaining about your job, relationship, or living situation? what small steps can you take to begin making changes in these areas? or is the shift needed simply a change in attitude and perspective?

empower yourself with the realization that you are in your current situation by choice, and getting out of any position that no longer serves you is also a choice. as we all know, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. let your desire for change jump-start this journey today.

in addition, bring awareness to areas in your life that beg for you to exert power and hold boundaries. putting the needs of others before your own is a sure way to lose momentum in your own life direction. remember the importance of holding boundaries in your relationships and life experiences to conserve your power for pushing the edges of your own choosing. spring is a perfect time to take stock and do some housekeeping.

being a yogi is to be mindful of actions on a larger scale—a more global view. how can you assist in a continuation of freedom for all people? for example, donate to an international women's fund, volunteer at a domestic violence or homeless shelter, start a business catered to women, read a book about a powerful woman, mentor a fellow female, participate in a big sister program, head a fundraiser that supports a cause close to your heart, create a community for like-minded people.

celebrate the women in your life. celebrate the woman you were. celebrate the woman you've become. celebrate the woman you strive to be. celebrate the women who paved the path for your freedom. may march shower you with pride, gratitude for those that challenge and empower you, and an activist attitude for improving those areas that aren't at full potential, both individually and globally.

use march to bloom what has been dormant and germinating below the surface all winter. happy blooming!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:07 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, February 26, 2006

the many hats we wear

have you ever stopped to think about the many facets that make you up? during a PR class up in NY last year, the facilitator mentioned how a title doesn't really sum up all we do. for example, my title of "creative director" has always had a great ring to me but it doesn't speak to the clothing line or book quite like it does the studio. so i've thought about having a new card designed that has "designer, writer, yoga teacher, entrepreneur, speaker, oklahoman, knitter-in-the-making, . . . " it could go on and on.

think of all the hats you wear on a regular basis. as women we juggle so much. if we're women who are truly growing, we're innovating all the time. what are the words that sum you up? what would be a perfect title to encompass your varied hats? how do you want to be known to the world? a title such as "CEO" or "EVP" can't begin to tell your story fully. ponder the words that would share your sensational story with the world and let me know what you find.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:51 PM | 0 comments

Saturday, February 25, 2006

hip tranquil chick #21: taking a leap

HTC: February 25, 2006 Shownotes

Welcome to the 21st edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on and off the yoga mat. On location at Polo and Louis' playground (Siobhan's home).

Today’s podcast is on taking a leap, along with a pose of the podcast, book suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and more podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com.

Interview with Siobhan Troy who first came to Tranquil Space in 2001 and has since been opened up to a whole new world. In 2004 she embarked with Kimberly Wilson on opening Tranquil Space Bethesda. Siobhan enjoys teaching since it allows her to nurture her students and in turn she has learned so much from them. Drawing on her experience not only from yoga but from running three marathons, swimming, coaching, protecting the environment, and helping to raise money for AIDS services enables Siobhan to relate to her students. All of us come onto to the mat with our own strengths and weaknesses, Siobhan strives to help her students embrace these and see themselves as the beautiful person they are meant to be.

Pose of the Podcast: triangle

Book Suggestions:
A Girl’s Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Caitlin Friedman and Kimberly Yorio
Second Acts
by Stephen M. Pollan and Mark Levine

Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
By the way, you mentioned in a recent podcast that your were going to try to eat more salads and I thought I would give you a few of my salad tips. I love salads with a little crunch in them, but when I started eating them so much, I hated the idea of consuming so many croutons and that's when I discovered soy nuts. I don't know if you have ever tried them, but they are great on salads and they are a good source of protein to boot. You might also want to try adding raisins or dried cranberries to your salad every now and then just to change the taste a little and sneak a little more fruit in your diet.

I also really love hearing your thoughts and tips on being creative. I have always considered myself a creative person as I have always had an interest in the arts. My career in prepress requires me to do a lot of digital creativity on a daily basis, so I find it very enjoyable and challenging. As I have grown older though, I find that I don't have as much time to draw and paint as I would like. For me, I have always viewed artists, actors, and writers as being creative people. Your podcasts though have opened up my mind to the definition of creative. I like the idea of being creative in how we live our lives on a day to day basis and I enjoy hearing about how you get inspired to live creatively and incorporate that into your life.

Closing: Share your thoughts, needs, and suggestions from your hip tranquil chick path with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com. Visit hiptranquilchick.com for online sources of inspiration.

Sign up for the tranquiliT times at hiptranquilchick.com and view the latest spring issue.

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music that is by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the podsafe music network. Today’s selection is Atoll Moao by Goldlix. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music, at Goldlix's page on the PMN.

Thanks for joining me for the 21th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:43 PM | 1 comments

    Friday, February 24, 2006

    imagine . . . inspire . . . innovate

    While driving home from a 3.5 hour meeting with my graphic designer the other night, I was pondering the different ways I hoped my work would affect others. I came up with "imagine, inspire, innovate" as a fun tagline. For what I'm not sure, but I like it! Over the weekend, I hope to explore this deeper and maybe make it a daily mantra. In what ways can I imagine, inspire, and innovate today? Think about it. Without imagination it is hard to allow yourself to dream. Without inspiration each day can seem devoid of meaning. Without innovation it is easy to stagnante. Play with these 3 Is and let me know how, and if, they assist you. Happy imagining, inspiring, and innovating girls!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:53 PM | 0 comments

    Thursday, February 23, 2006

    right hand ring bling

    After watching an episode of The Modern Girl's Guide to Life with a segment on how to buy a ring for yourself, I couldn't get the thought out of my mind. I was smitten. As a girl who fully embraces self-care but also loves simplicity and lives somewhat frugally, I debated this indulgence. However, after a few weeks of discussing it with friends, I decided to take the plunge. It arrived yesterday and I am truly in love with this symbolic gesture.

    I've since learned that De Beers, the diamond industry mega corporation, launched a successful right-hand ring advertising campaign with ads that state, "Your left hand says 'we.' Your right hand says 'me.' Your left hand rocks the cradle. Your right hand rules the world." Clearly their message is that the right-hand ring signifies independence and power, along with a token of love from you to you. What an amazing concept! Why am I just now learning about this grand message?

    Am I just another follower buying into the latest marketing scheme for women? I don't think so since I've just found out about these ads after making my purchase decision. However, I did love the concept once I was exposed to it via the light and fun TV show. Hmmmm. Either way, I share this experience with you as encouragement to explore tradition, to make decisions that may be deemed trite or controversial, and to indulge yourself occasionally. Happy blinging baby.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:15 PM | 7 comments

    Tuesday, February 21, 2006

    the real hot 100 nominee

    Check it out, the REAL Hot 100 writes:

    Who are the REAL hot 100?
    The REAL hot 100 is a list featuring young women from around the country who are breaking barriers, fighting stereotypes, and making a difference in their communities or the nation.

    This project will not only combat the popular notion that all young women have to offer is their ability to appeal to men, but it will also highlight the important -- but often overlooked -- work young women are doing.

    What is the REAL hot 100 project?
    The REAL hot 100 will compile a list of young women who are REALLY hot, and publish it, in magazine format, timed to coincide with Maxim’s release next year. Anyone can nominate a young woman who is REALLY hot, and The REAL hot 100 selection committee will choose 100 women that best represent the intelligence, drive and diversity of young women in the U.S.

    I got word today that I'm a nominee! Submit your fave girlfriend and share what we truly value as hot women--making a difference.

    Kimberly WilsonWho is she? Kimberly Wilson, 32, Washington D.C.

    What makes her REALLY hot? Founder of Tranquil Space Yoga in Washington, DC, Kimberly built a booming business and created a space for her local community where a yoga practice is treated not as an hour-long escape from daily life, but as a vital component to every aspect of one's day-to-day experience. In addition to creating one of the top yoga studios in the DC area, she completed a Master’s Degree in Women’s Studies, designed the tranquiliT clothing line, and writes a monthly muse for an online newsletter that reaches thousands. Kimberly has been featured in Lucky, Washington Post, Washingtonian, and Yoga Journal, and has been published on yoga and feminism, self-nurturing, and tips for achieving balance. She passionately believes in inspiring other women to live a chic and conscious lifestyle. Through fundraising events as well as donating a portion of the TranquilT and studio’s sales to local organizations such as My Sister’s Place and The Fund for Women Artists, this REALLY hot woman exemplifies how an individual can live a passion-filled, stylish life while inspiring others to do the same.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:06 PM | 2 comments

    dear hip tranquil chick . . .

    A newly added feature to the hip tranquil chick blog and podcast-dear hip tranquil chick! Send lifestyle questions to kimberly@tranquilspace.com and hear the answer published from a hip tranquil chick viewpoint. Please pass along your burning questions regarding your practice of yoga and life on and off the yoga mat!

    Here's to our growing community! (picture a raised martini glass filled with your fave bubbly, topped with an orange sliver and floating pomegranite seeds)

    Q: Dear hip tranquil chick,
    I have tried journal writing numerous times only to have my efforts thwarted in less than a week. How do I stay on track?

    A: Ahhh, this is a common dilemma for hip tranquil chicks everywhere. We know the benefit of starting a certain good "habit" but how to make it stick? Since it takes 28 days to create a new habit, the key is in consistency. What are you sure to do every day? Drink a soy chai latte in the morning, walk your dog, eat yogurt and granola for breakfast? Whatever you have a pattern of doing each day, explore ways to incorporate journal writing with it. For example, last fall I incorporated journal writing time with taking Louis to the dog park with a mug of decaf green tea (and cell phone) in hand. That way I got three important items off my list first thing in the morning while also being able to check e-mail and handle important calls. Also, be sure to make it fun and not a "should do." We already have plenty of those in our lives. Let this be a new, fun way for you to explore yourself. Make journal writing a "date with self" in your Palm.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:34 PM | 0 comments

    Monday, February 20, 2006

    fun facts

    happy president's day!

    i wanted to share some fun news:

    • insightful info on my publisher, inner ocean. in addition to being incredibly receptive and wonderful to work with, they also are eco-friendly. they print thier books on 50% postconsumer recycled paper with the recycled portion processed chlorine free. as a result, they save the following resources:
    26 trees
    1236 lbs of solid waste
    11,215 gallons of water
    2,429 lbs of net greenhouse gases
    4519 KW hours of electricity

    • on the latest show #129 of podcast 411, the host suggests that a podcast with an audience the size of hip tranquil chick's is in the top 5% of all podcasts. considering only 10% of podcast listeners are women, this is even more impressive. we have such a dynamic group of listeners and i'm honored to have you as part of this growing community.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:30 PM | 0 comments

    Saturday, February 18, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #20: journal writing 101

    HTC: February 18, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 20th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on and off the yoga mat. Back in DC at the Pink Palace.

    Today’s podcast is on journal writing (one of my fave topics), along with a pose of the podcast, book suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and more festive podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com.

    Benefits of Journal Writing

    Top 10 Journal Writing Tips:
    1. Choose the perfect journal and writing tool.
    2. Carve out space in your schedule to write. Take journal to a café, family event, park, or your bedroom.
    3. Record your experiences. Observe patterns, thoughts, feelings, and fears. Write out when you have that heavy feeling.
    4. Use date/time. Write quickly without attention to grammar, punctuation, etc.
    5. Ensure privacy

    What to write?
    “Put yourself right in the present. This was my principle when I wrote the diary—to write the thing I felt most strongly about that day. Start there and that starts the whole unraveling, because that has roots in the past and it has branches into the future . . . I chose the event of the day that I felt most strongly about, the most vivid one, the warmest one, the nearest one, the strongest one.” ~ Anais Nin

    6. Birthdays or end of calendar year reflection
    7. Unsent letters
    8. Lists
    9. Visual Writing
    10. Explore dreams

    Stepping Stones Guided Journal Writing Exercise from Journal to the Self p. 157

    Pose of the Podcast: Dragon Pose (Yin Variation of Runner's Lunge)

    Book Suggestions:

    Voice of Her Own by Marlene Schiwy

    Journal to the Self by Kathleen Adams

    Journaling for Joy by Joyce Chapman

    At a Journal Workshop by Ira Progoff

    Journal of a Solitude by May Sarton

    Anais Nin Diaries - Vol 1 - Vol 2 - Vol 3 - Vol 4 - Vol 5 - Vol 6

    Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
    “Thank you for your email. Yes, I did hear your podcast, "Get Your Yoga On" and I absolutely loved it. I have actually listened to it a few times, but life has been so hectic that I haven't had the chance to thank you yet. And I really mean it that I have been wanting to thank you. I have actually been wanting to comment on several things from your podcasts that have been so enriching to me, but I don't want to come off as some sort of crazed fanatic or anything. Even when I was young, I was never the type of girl to write "fan mail" to anyone. And to this day I just never get real obsessed with anyone that I feel compelled to contact them even once, let alone more than that. It was your recent podcast though where you asked for updates, comments and thoughts that I felt I really needed to write you and let you know how much your podcasts have enriched my life.

    In a way, this is an unusual "relationship." I feel I know so many things about you. It must be sort of an odd experience to have some total stranger open up to you in an email because they do feel as if you are, in a way, a friend. And I have to tell you that I have really enjoyed all of your podcasts. That alone seems unusual to me, because I would expect at some point to hear you talk about something that I feel just doesn't interest me at all. But that hasn't happened and I keep enjoying each and every podcast, as well as referring to your website and blog.”

    Closing: Share your thoughts, needs, and suggestions from your hip tranquil chick path with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com. Visit hiptranquilchick.com for online sources of inspiration.

    Sign up for the tranquiliT times at hiptranquilchick.com and view last week’s spring issue.

    Tobago discount to listeners: 10% off.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music that is by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from garageband.com. Today’s selection is Godspell by Single 7. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music at Single 7's artist page at garageband.com.

    Thanks for joining me for the 20th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Happy journaling and namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:16 PM | 0 comments

    Thursday, February 16, 2006

    fave poem by marianne williamson

    Last night I was lucky enough to speak at the first DC Ladies Who Launch Speaker Series, along with another featured lady of Ladies Who Launch, and the DC Daily Candy writer. The audience was filled with amazing entrerpreneurial women and women with dreams of entrepreneurship. I shared how building a business is similar to the bell curve of a yoga class with the intial centering stage, into warm-up, on to heavy flow, down to finishing poses, and ending with final relaxation. The speech ended with this fave poem by Marianne Williamson. May this serve as inspiration for you to continue shining brightly!

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond
    measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most
    frightens us.

    We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
    talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

    You are a child of God.

    Your playing small does not serve the world. There is
    nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people
    won't feel insecure about you. We are all meant to shine,
    as children do. We were born to manifest the glory of God
    that is within us.

    It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

    So as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give
    other people permission to do the same. As we are
    liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically
    liberates others.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:34 PM | 1 comments

    hip tranquil chick chat week 2

    dearest readers and listeners,
    as a weekly muse, i'm going to begin sharing pieces of recent e-mails from a few of you. thank you SO much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to write. i wanted to post these as a reminder that you are among a group of amazing, inspiring, and empowered women seeking more fun, flair, AND mindfulness along the way! thank you for writing. keep them coming.
    xoxo, kimberly

    I just wanted to take a moment & let you know that I really enjoy your blog & love the podcasts!! I am relatively new to yoga - I have ordered both of your CDs. I would love to take a yoga class, but I'm having a hard time finding one close enough to attend on a regular basis. I originally sought out yoga as a form of (much-needed!) stress relief. (I definitely have the monkey mind thing going on -- I have been researching meditation too!) Now, I'm finding that not only do I feel better after moving my body, but I'm wanting to eat cleaner & take better care of myself in general! I'm turning 30 this year, so it's time to start taking care of myself! (We have to learn that nobody else will take care of us, don't we?)

    I love your tips and insights .... the pose of the podcast .... even hearing the dog or cat make background noise. And enjoy the music you play at the end. I've played a couple of the podcasts over a few times. It helps me relax at night and reminds me to attempt to do one yoga pose at home when I can't get to class. The podcasts remind me that there is more to life than work ... easy to forget!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:25 PM | 0 comments

    Wednesday, February 15, 2006

    comment from fellow hip tranquil chick

    Hi Kimberly,
    I was trying to post a comment on your blog and the website wasn't
    cooperating. I gave up and decided to pass it along to you and if you
    want to put any part of it up you can. I hope everything is well with
    you and your book writing is going well. I pasted what I tried to
    post below. Namaste, Katie

    I arrived early to my yoga class the other day and picked up a free
    copy of a magazine called FitYoga. The free advertising worked, and I
    wanted to share how wonderful it is. Almost every page was perfect
    for a hip tranquil chicks who love yoga. Highlights include an
    interview with John Friend (Anusara yoga founder), Decorating tips &
    fun products, Articles on the meaning of OM, twists, conscious eating,
    ayurveda, meditation, sports & yoga, yoga spas, spring cleaning,
    anxiety, and even a "yogascope". The website is fityoga.com if anyone
    is interested. Namaste, Katie

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 3:40 PM | 1 comments

    Sunday, February 12, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #19: self-love baby!

    HTC: February 12, 2006

    Greetings: Welcome to the 19th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on and off the yoga mat. Back in snow-covered DC at the Pink Palace (painted in pink gardenia by Duron).

    Today’s podcast is on self-love in honor of the upcoming holiday, along with a pose of the podcast, book suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and more festive podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com.

    To love yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance — Oscar Wilde

    Read a fabulous poem Imagine a Woman in Love with Herself by Patricia Lynn Reilly.

    Fave Self-love Strategies:

    Nourish your mind: read, write, take classes, learn something new
    Nourish your body: eat well, exercise, dance, yoga, run, walk, hot baths, tea, massage
    Nourish your spirit: yoga, meditation, community
    Create a true love relationship with yourself: notice self-talk, cultivate self-care, get to know yourself, set boundaries, trust your instincts, say “yes!” only when you mean it, appreciate your body, follow your creative urges

    Read the inspiring The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer.

    Pose of the Podcast: Seal Pose

    Book Suggestions: Woman’s Comfort Book by Jennifer Louden, Imagine a Woman In Love with Herself by Patricia Lynn Reilly, A God Who Looks Like Me: Discovering a Woman-Affirming Spirituality by Patricia Lynn Reilly, Girl’s Night In by Jennifer Worick, The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Yin Yoga by Paul Grilley

    Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
    a newly added feature to weekly podcasts. Share your stories with me at kimberly@tranquilspace.com or leave them in the comments section for fellow hip tranquil chicks to read.
    • you had talked before about how to try and do things differently and today "to do things differently" i went to the gym. i work on campus every friday from 9-11 in the Campus Ministry Office and normally when i get off work, i go back to my room and take a nap. but today (even though i was pretty sleepy), i decided to go to the gym. so i grabbed my lovely mini-green iPod and went on the elliptical for 30 minutes and while running, i listened to your podcast.
    • another thing that i've been doing differently for about the past month is eating vegetarian. it's helped me to try new foods (i highly recommend a salad of romaine lettuce, mandarin oranges, crunchy chinese noodles, black beans, and corn-yummy!). but more importantly, i see it as an opportunity to foster a deeper understanding of the principle of non-violence and allow me to incorporate that principle more fully in my life.
    Closing: Share your thoughts, needs, and suggestions from your hip tranquil chick path with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com. Visit hiptranquilchick.com for online sources of inspiration.

    Sign up for the tranquiliT times at hiptranquilchick.com. Spring issue coming out on Valentine’s Day with tranquiliT collection discounts, yummy yin poses, and 5 tips for blossoming into Spring!

    Tobago discount to listeners: 10% off.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music that is by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from garageband.com. Today’s selection is Razor Sharp by Collide. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music, at Collide's artisit profile page on garageband.com.

    Thanks for joining me for the 19th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:14 PM | 0 comments

    the invitation by oriah mountain dreamer

    a fave poem shared on the latest podcast and was also developed into a book (see must-have reads list). enjoy this thought-provoking declaration of a true partnership.

    The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

    It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

    It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

    It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain! I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it.

    I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human.

    It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy.

    I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day, and if you can source your own life from its presence.

    I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, "Yes!"

    It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children.

    It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

    It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away.

    I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:08 PM | 0 comments

    imagine a woman by patricia lynn reilly

    a fabulous poem read in the latest podcast. enjoy and reflect . . . visualize yourself as this woman.

    Imagine a Woman
    by Patricia Lynn Reilly

    Imagine a woman who believes it is right and good she is a woman.
    A woman who honors her experience and tells her stories.
    Who refuses to carry the sins of others within her body and life.

    Imagine a woman who trusts and respects herself.
    A woman who listens to her needs and desires.
    Who meets them with tenderness and grace.

    Imagine a woman who acknowledges the past's influence on the present.
    A woman who has walked through her past.
    Who has healed into the present.

    Imagine a woman who authors her own life.
    A woman who exerts, initiates, and moves on her own behalf.
    Who refuses to surrender except to her truest self and wisest voice.

    Imagine a woman who names her own gods.
    A woman who imagines the divine in her image and likeness.
    Who designs a personal spirituality to inform her daily life.

    Imagine a woman in love with her own body.
    A woman who believes her body is enough, just as it is.
    Who celebrates her body's rhythms and cycles as an exquisite resource.

    Imagine a woman who honors the body of the Goddess in her changing body.
    A woman who celebrates the accumulation of her years and her wisdom.
    Who refuses to use her life-energy disguising the changes in her body and life.

    Imagine a woman who values the women in her life.
    A woman who sits in circles of women.
    Who is reminded of the truth about herself when she forgets.

    Imagine yourself as this woman.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:07 PM | 0 comments

    fave must-haves for the hip tranquil chick's library

    after numerous requests, i've put together a complete list of recommended books here. as a self-diagnosed bibliophile, this list will continue to be updated as i find new inspirations, reconnect with old ones, or feature one in a weekly podcast. to stay up-to-date, either bookmark the permalink or click on the recommended book link on right!

    thanks for reading, listening, and vibing with the hip tranquil chick muse! xo

    htc #85 - veganology

    la dolce vegan!, how it all vegan! and the garden of vegan by sarah kramer
    becoming vegan by brenda davis

    htc #80 - be amBitchous

    amBITCHous, by Debra Condren, Ph.D.

    htc #56 - get your podcast on

    Tricks of the Podcasting Masters by Rob Walch

    Podcasting: The Do It Yourself Guide by Todd Cochrane

    htc #50 - happy anniversary!

    Refuse to Choose!: A Revolutionary Program for Doing Everything that You Love

    Refuse to Choose
    by Barbara Sher

    Happy Yoga: 7 Reasons Why There's Nothing to Worry About

    Happy Yoga
    by Steve Ross

    Living a Beautiful Life

    Living a Beautiful Lifeby Alexandra Stoddard
    htc #42 - outer beauty 101

    A Beautiful Life by Kerri Diamond and Kevin Aucoin –– THE makeup artist to the stars

    Bobbi’s Brown’s Beauty Evolution: A Guide to Lifetime Beauty by Bobbi Brown

    Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women by Maya Angelou

    In The Spirit by Susan Taylor

    htc #39 - yoga on the road

    Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert

    htc #36 - hip & tranquil productivity

    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

    Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy

    80/20 Principle by Richard Koch

    Getting Things Done by David Allen

    Never Check E-mail in the Morning by Julie Morgenstern

    htc #32 - be your authentic brand

    Make a Name for Yourself

    by Robin Fisher Roffer

    Emotional Branding
    by Marc Gobe

    The Power of Purpose
    by Peter S. Temes

    htc #31 - creativity toolkit

    Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing Your Dreams
    by Lucia Capacchione

    The Joy of Doing Things Badly: A Girl's Guide to Love, Life, and Foolish Bravery
    by Veronica Chambers

    htc #27 - financial finesse 101

    Rich Dad, Poor Dad
    by Robert T. Kiyosaki

    Smart Women Finish Rich
    by David Bach

    The Diamond Cutter
    by geshe michael roach

    htc #26 - meditation 101

    meditation secrets for women
    by camille maurine & lorin roche

    htc #24 - a rockin' yoga lifestyle

    SEED: the feminine way to create business
    by lynne franks

    retail therapy: life lessons learned while shopping
    by Amanda Ford

    Tea Here Now: Rituals, Remedies, and Meditations
    by Donna Fellman & Lhasha Tizer

    the diamond cutter
    by geshe michael roach

    htc #23 - bliss-producing practices

    office spa
    by darrin zeer

    girls' night in
    girls' night in: spa treatments at home
    by jennifer worick

    htc #22 - mindful relationships

    everyday blessings
    by jon kabat-zinn

    if the buddha dated
    by charlotte kasl

    if the buddha married
    by charlotte kasl

    htc #20 - journal writing suggestions:

    Voice of Her Own by Marlene Schiwy

    Journal to the Self by Kathleen Adams

    Journaling for Joy by Joyce Chapman

    At a Journal Workshop by Ira Progoff

    Journal of a Solitude by May Sarton

    Anais Nin Diaries - Vol 1 - Vol 2 - Vol 3 - Vol 4 - Vol 5 - Vol 6

    htc #19 suggestions:

    Yin Yoga
    yin yoga
    by paul grilley

    god who looks like me

    god who looks like me
    by patricia lyn reilly

    Imagine a Woman in Love with Herself

    imagine a woman in love with herself
    by patricia lyn reilly and sark

    The Woman's Comfort Book

    the woman's comfort book
    by jennifer louden


    living out loud
    by keri smith

    make your creative dreams real
    by sark

    12 secrets of highly creative women
    12 secrets of highly creative women
    by gail mcmeekin

    the artist's way
    the artist's way: a spiritual path to higher creativity
    by julia cameron

    inner nourishment:

    healing with whole foods
    by paul pitchford

    the yoga of eating
    by charles eisenstein

    the hip chick's guide to macrobiotics
    by jessica porter

    professional growth:

    The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It

    the e-myth revisited
    by michael gerber

    E-Myth Mastery : The Seven Essential Disciplines for Building a World Class Company

    e-myth mastery
    by michael gerber

    The Girl's Guide to Starting Your Own Business : Candid Advice, Frank Talk, and True Stories for the Successful Entrepreneur

    the girl's guide to starting your own business
    by caitlin friedman

    Make a Name for Yourself : Eight Steps Every Woman Needs to Create a Personal Brand Strategy for Success

    make a name for yourself : eight steps every woman needs to create a personal brand strategy for success
    by robin fisher roffer

    girly fun mixed with inspiration:

    Retail Therapy: Life Lessons Learned While Shopping

    retail therapy: life lessons learned while shopping
    by Amanda Ford

    three black skirts
    three black skirts: all you need to survive
    by anna johnson

    girl seeks bliss

    girl seeks bliss: zen and the art of modern life maintenance
    by nicole beland

    office spa
    office spa: stress relief for the working week
    by darrin zeer

    girls' night in
    girls' night in: spa treatments at home
    by jennifer worick

    the invitation
    the invitation
    by oriah mountain dreamer

    succulent wild woman
    succulent wild woman: dancing with your wonder full self
    by sark

    gift from the sea

    gift from the sea
    by anne morrow lindbergh

    simple abundance
    simple abundance: a daybook of comfort and joy
    by sarah ban breathnach


    journey into power
    the journey from the center to the page: yoga philosophies and practices as muse for authentic writing

    by jeff davis

    mind, body, spirit:

    journey into power
    journey into power: how to sculpt your ideal body, free your true self, and transform your life with yoga
    by baron baptiste

    jivamukti yoga
    jivamukti yoga: practices for liberating body and soul
    by sharon gannon and david life

    the wisdom of no escape: and the path of loving-kindness
    the wisdom of no escape: and the path of loving-kindness
    by pema chodron

    om yoga: a guide to daily practice
    om yoga: a guide to daily practice
    by cyndi lee

    the four agreements
    the four agreements: a practical guide to personal freedom
    by don miguel ruiz

    wherever you go, there you are: mindfulness meditation in everyday life
    wherever you go, there you are: mindfulness meditation in everyday life
    by jon kabat-zinn

    yoga: the spirit and practice of moving into stillness
    by erich schiffmann, et al

    living yoga
    living yoga: a comprehensive guide for daily life
    by georg feuerstein and stephan bodia

    relax and renew
    relax and renew: restful yoga for stressful times
    by judith lasater

    living your yoga: finding the spiritual in everyday life
    living your yoga: finding the spiritual in everyday life
    by judith lasater

    yoga and the path of the urban mystic
    yoga and the path of the urban mystic
    by darren john main

    yoga poems
    yoga poems: lines to unfold by
    by leza lowitz, anja borgstrom (illustrator)

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:21 AM | 7 comments

    Saturday, February 11, 2006

    calming chair yoga

    last night my beau, louis (my pug), and i shared some yoga with seniors at an assisted living center on connecticut avenue. ok, so louis didn't do much but lick yet his antics were most welcomed. the group was a lively bunch who seemed to enjoy their friday night festivities and were incredibly grateful. taking a little time out of life to assist others can have such a profound impact.

    here are a few of the basic poses that i took them through which may assist you during your work week or any other time that you are chair bound:
    begin with feet on floor open hip width apart and hands on knees. close your eyes. find your breath.
    - neck rolls
    - inhale lift arms along ears, exhale fold forward and release hands to the floor
    - inhale lift arms along ears, exhale side bend to right, inhale lift arms, exhale side bend to left
    - place your left hand on your right knee and your right hand on the chair back. inhale lengthen spine, exhale twist. repeat other side.
    - place your right foot onto your left knee and fold forward. GREAT hip opener. repeat other side.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:19 PM | 2 comments

    Thursday, February 09, 2006

    hip tranquil chick chat #1

    dearest readers and listeners,
    as a new weekly muse, i'm going to begin sharing pieces of recent e-mails from a few of you. thank you SO much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to write. i wanted to post these as a reminder that you are among a group of amazing, inspiring, and empowered women seeking more fun, flair, AND mindfulness along the way! thank you for writing. keep them coming.
    xoxo, kimberly

    "A while ago in your blog you mentioned one of your mentors who may not know you exist. Ever since I left DC Tranquil Space has been one of the things I have missed the most. I love reading the newsletter and using your CD. When you started your blog I added the website to my favorites right away. I also love the podcasts, it's funny to hear your voice saying things other than what is on the yoga cd! Yoga has become such an important part of my life and you have really encouraged me to make other improvements in my life as well. I bought the "Girl Seeks Bliss" book that you mentioned in a podcast and really enjoyed it. I also thought your podcast on nutrition was great with lots of great ideas. Reading one of your new blog posts or listening to a new podcast always brightens my day and gives me new ideas on how to live a happier and more fulfilled life. Most of my friends are completely sick of hearing me say "Well Kimberly says...", but some of them have become hip tranquil chick converts as well! I'm exited for your book to be published, I will be first in line at Barnes & Noble. I just wanted to take a few minutes to let you know that you really have made a difference in my life and I think you are wonderfully inspirational."

    "First of all, let me just say that I positively adore the podcasts! I've been a dedicated listener (and blog reader, etc.) since the third podcast and I can't get enough of them. They are one of my favorite parts of the week. You always offer such wonderful insight, ideas and inspiration...and the pose of the podcast is great. I particularly enjoy the hip-openers (I'm a hip girl, too!). I really liked the most recent podcast on what it means to be a hip tranquil chick. It's nice to know that there are other people who are concerned with, striving toward, and struggling with similar things. That knowledge acts as another source of strength for me. I always remind myself that we are all works in progress."

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:19 PM | 0 comments

    escape the city for my annual spring blossom retreat

    imagine . . . a crisp spring weekend full of yoga and retreating at a beautiful spiritual center in virginia, approximately 4 hours from dc. unleash the flow of your creativity this spring season with a weekend away from it all exploring the interplay of yoga, journal writing, meditation, hiking, soaking in the hot tub, warming in the sauna, or simply taking a much needed nap.

    a perfect escape for the weary soul ready to blossom on and off the mat this spring. join me for a weekend focused on turning inward to embrace the rebirth of this spectacular season.

    transportation is on your own. saturday and sunday vegetarian meals are included, along with an abundance of healthy snacks. retreat runs friday evening to sunday afternoon. full details will be sent to you in separate confirmation email. cost: dorm room $250 per person, double room $300 per person. march 3-5, 2006. all levels welcome. to register or for more scoop, visit tranquil space or call 202.223.YOGA.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:52 AM | 0 comments

    Wednesday, February 08, 2006

    tranquiliT tube confessions

    i can't get enough of this new piece! i've worn it the past 2 weeks straight. over leggings, as a sexy dress, as a short skirt over my yoga pants while practicing, and as a long skirt with tall boots. yay for versatility! if you're anything like me and love pieces that offer you multiple ways to wear them, this one is a must-have. also, if you crave comfort, this hugs your body is an oh-so-secure way. and, to top it off, this piece is made of 95% bamboo so it is eco-friendly, soft as cashmere, and wicks moisture. shop the tranquiliT collection online and receive a 15% off coupon code if you share with me how you're embodying hip tranquil chickness! photo by the fabulous amy mullarkey

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:57 PM | 0 comments

    Tuesday, February 07, 2006

    10 tips for living fully

    a girlfriend sent this to me today and i thought it was too fabulous not to share! enjoy!

    * Happiness is a choice. You can make that choice today and every day.
    * Good health isn’t a gift; it’s a habit you can cultivate.
    * Stay connected to the natural world. It will feed your soul.
    * Think more about what you should eat more than what you shouldn’t.
    * Nurture your spirit. It’s the source of your strength.
    * A healthy, fit body is not enough--­true fitness engages the spirit.
    * Laugh at yourself. You’re funny.
    * Believe in yourself. Your intuition is rarely wrong.
    * It’s never too late to take the first step toward your aspirations.
    * What you pay attention to will thrive.

    --author unknown

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:16 PM | 0 comments

    Sunday, February 05, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #18: the power of yoga and risk taking

    HTC: February 5, 2006

    Intro: Welcome to the 18h edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle. In Naples, Florida enjoying the rainy beach for a few days.

    Today’s podcast is on the power of yoga and risk taking, along with a pose of the podcast, book suggestions, and more festive podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com.

    Why I started yoga.
    How it has affected my life.
    Why I started Tranquil Space.
    How Tranquil Space has affected my life.

    Lessons learned: You regret more the things you don’t do than those you do. Your purpose in life is to serve. Let creativity and passion infuse your world. Take small risks every day. Sip more tea.

    Pose of the Podcast: good posture that exudes confidence.

    Book suggestion: Make a Name For Yourself by Robin Fisher Roffer.

    Closing: Thanks for all your show ideas! Please continue to share your thoughts, needs, challenges, and suggestions from your hip tranquil chick path with me at kimberly@tranquilspace.com. Visit www.tranquilspace.com and www.hiptranquilchick.com for additional sources of inspiration.

    Sign up for the tranquiliT times at hiptranquilchick.com.

    10% off yoga retreat to Tobago for podcast listeners. March 23-30. Details at tranquil space.

    Share your stories and suggestions for building our community of hip tranquil chicks.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music that is by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is a repeat of one of our faves - Polar Personified by DJ Come of Age. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music at the podsafe music network.

    Thanks for joining me for the 18th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Use this link to subscribe with your favorite podcatcher.
  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:55 PM | 0 comments

    Saturday, February 04, 2006

    creating a hip tranquil chick community

    in my last podcast and a few blog posts last week, i encouraged fellow hip tranquil chicks to do things differently. over this past week i continued my monday solo date night excursion (yoga 3, then bookstore browsing), on thursday i met a girlfriend at a darling literary cafe for some heart-to-heart chick chat, and this weekend i'm exploring naples, florida which is one big "doing things differently adventure." this continues to open doors to creativity for me. how about you? did you try it over the past week?

    i'd love to hear how you are shaking things up in your own life. i'd love to hear where you seek guidance on your journey. i'd love to hear what tips and tricks are helping you to live a more hip and tranquil life. i'd love to hear what books you're reading, what music you're finding inspiring, what clothes you're loving, what poses you find exhilarating, what tea you can't live without, and what quote you've found life changing. share your stories and musings with me via the blog or by e-mailing kimberly@tranquilspace.com. then i'll share them through the blog and podcast to help connect all hip tranquil chicks around the globe.

    our hip tranquil chick community is growing by leaps and bounds with readers and listeners as wide as london, kansas, california, and new york. i LOVE hearing from you. my mission is to serve aspiring hip tranquil chicks to live life fully with fun and flair.

    i look forward to hearing from you. a BIG thanks to those who have been writing and sharing needs, thank yous, and thoughts over the past few months. xoxo

    hip tranquil chick resources
    inspiration for the hip tranquil chick--magazines, websites, books, music & more!
    clothing line designed for the active and stylish hip tranquil chick
    CDs to help the hip tranquil chick's home yoga practice (look for the hip tranquil chick practice CD out holiday 06)
    tranquiliT times seasonal museletter for the hip tranquil chick

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:46 PM | 0 comments

    rainy day thoughts

    so my beau whisked me away to florida for a few days as a congrats for meeting my second writing deadline (book half way done . . . yay!), and we're sitting in a darling Internet cafe while it pours rain outside. no rain for two months and we've had thunderstorms since we arrived late yesterday afternoon! however, i must confess i LOVE it. nothing beats a good thunderstorm that encourages you to stay in, hibernate, curl up with a good book, sip hot tea, and write. i began the day with a 90-minute ashtanga class that felt amazing. i'd forgotten how fabulous ashtanga is due to my past 4-year vinyasa craze. in case you don't know, they vinyasa through the entire seated portion of the series and in between left and right side. lots 'o vinyasaing! now i've gone through 120 e-mails that arrived since i was last online at 1:30am friday morning, done my yoga, and enjoying some muse time before i start my next 3 chapters.

    rainy day musing:
    - as i was packing late thursday night/early friday morning, i decided to wash my fave duster sweater that was sure to be the perfect piece for cool florida evenings. the washer decided to stop mid-stream, give an error message i'd never seen before, and then lock so i couldn't open it. how could the washer ruin my packing extravaganza? my beau tried to pry it open with a screwdriver, but no luck. what to do with a soggy sweater that will be stuck in the washer until i return monday night to retrieve it? needed to sleep my 3 hours before rising to get to the airport so i let go of attachment, crawled into bed with thawrted packing plans, and fell fast asleep. up at 5:45 and groggily opened the washer. to my amazement it had released while i slept so i hit spin, was able to get it into the dryer, and it was done in a matter of minutes because the yarn was acrylic rather than cotton.

    i found this situation to be so similar to so much of life. a little detour happens on our road of perfect plans and we panic. i was willing to break my washer to pull out the sweater that was sure to complete my time away but it wouldn't even let me break it! then, after creating some space (much needed sleep), i got everything i'd wanted and learned a lesson of detachment along the way. how can we let go of the perfect plan, welcome challenges thrown our way, reassess, and move forward a bit easier? instead of waiting up for the sweater to dry, i got a few minutes of extra sleep and had a warm one to throw on when leaving to boot! sometimes i think the universe is humourous (at my detriment) but i love the little lessons it passes along in subtle--or not so subtle-- ways.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:44 AM | 0 comments

    Wednesday, February 01, 2006

    state of the union confusion

    how many of you tuned into last night's state of the union address? i got home in time to see the last 30 minutes and also watched the democratic response. i turned off the TV in a state of confusion.

    how can they be saying such very different things with conflicting statistics? how can they both be promising such very different things? everything bush said sounded like we were doing well, and then Kaine explains that we're not and he has a better way. ok, so this is a very elementary summary of the President's address of the American people last night. but i don't think i'm alone.

    instead of admitting mistakes (never an easy thing to do, much less with millions watching), Bush lets us know how much money has been allocated to the gulf shore relief efforts. it sounds like a lot--quite generous sir President. but then Kaine reminds us that it is a little too late for many affected by Katrina.

    i enjoyed the President's humor regarding the baby boomers turning 60, and that he and Clinton were two of his father's favorite people (especially since i recall watching Clinton win the election when Bush was in office). hilary showed no expression at that moment, but i thought it was a cute comment considering Bush seems so funny making "cute" commments.

    the extreme split down the party lines is hard to miss. almost embarrassingly so. how can our leaders make decisions that will benefit a country when they don't play well with others? ok, so i'm back to simplifying a very complex situation. but i can't help but feel the same emotions i felt in high school when a student body candidate was making empty promises such as, "i'll get you longer lunch hours," "i have a plan to get you more than 2 weeks off over the holidays." really? well, of course he was elected and, of course, we never got these things.

    why the empty promises? who are we to believe? aren't we all working toward a better life for americans? don't we all want to protect america against terrorism? don't we all want more affordable health care? don't we all never want to see another situation like Katrina play out? don't we all want to rely on other sources of fuel than oil? on a very elementary scale, it seems as if we all want the same things. how are we going to make this happen?

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:32 AM | 1 comments

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