
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Monday, December 27, 2004

holiday humdrum

can you believe that christmas was just 2 days ago? the holidays take over like a whirling tornado and leave you thrown aside wondering what happened. travels to and from, cookie baking and decorating, much needed naps, sitting in front of a fire unclear on what day it is, unwrapping gifts, pretending you LOVE the chrismas socks with bells you receive each year, guilt over not spending enough time with the family, and simply enjoying being. then back to reality. wow!

it's so nice how the city truly does sleep during the holidays. i can leave my house in the evening, come home, and still find a parking spot. my e-mail has been down the past 24 hours but i know when it returns, i won't be overwhelmed with tons of urgent e-mails because most other sane folks are taking it easy this week. the holidays are here and the after shock is felt heavily this week and fully next, after new years. i mention "holiday humdrum" because i often experience what i coin "post vacation blues," the feeling that something i've looked forward to for a while is over and now back to the norm. even though the norm is quite fun (and often challenging), it's the feeling about a season being over. yet, i guess it is important to realize that it really isn't, we still have a brand new year to celebrate and santa returns in less than 363 days.

i thought i'd mention my reflection with the passing of another holiday season in case you too are feeling the after shock. maybe it is the reminder that time continues to speed up as we age, that the time we spend with family and friends is incredibly unique and special, that each moment of our life is a moment of potential yoga practice, that the never ending to-do list is always waiting, and that the return to reality (even though today has been spent in bed with a cold, hot tea, warm chewy louis, and my laptop) really isn't that bad. happy holidays and may your return to reality be slow, gentle, and compassion-filled.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 7:49 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, December 19, 2004

chewy louie

i just had to share the new tranquil space mascot (in addition to the beta fish you'll see behind the front desk who isn't quite as exciting). since this spring, i've had dreams of becoming a mother ..... for the 4th time. i currently "mother" 2 cats, 1 fish and was craving the love of a black baby pug. wow, what a treat. little louis (pronounced louie) is the cutest man ever. after continued searching for a puppy, questioning how i would balance mothering such a needy little beast with my other obligations, and perusing websites that showed the cutest puppy clothes on humiliated dogs, i took the plunge last weekend into more motherhood (hence my lack of blogging or sleeping for that matter....).

i write this to share my lessons learned here. i truly questioned if i could handle this big responsibility. cats and fish are easy, require so little and are quite independent. little lou lou, however, needs mommy and daddy 24/7. i think he's a perfect example of deciding you want something, researching it, requesting support (i have a long list of people who are dying to puppy sit), and jumping head first. the first few nights were torture. literally. waking up every 2 hours to relieve his thimble-sized bladder and encouraging him to use his puppy pads instead of mama's new rug was taking a toll. now, after a week, he's sleeping at longer intervals, the cats are adapting, i'm learning to brush my teeth while holding him in my other arm, he's learning that the laptop is not a chew toy, and the dust is slowly settling.

i have many years of lessons to learn with this little ball of love and i'll be sure to relay them. if you have a dream, a desire for something that seems unattainable, begin doing your research, seek support and take the plunge. your little chewy louie may be right around the corner and will hopefully avoid your ibook.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:47 AM | 0 comments

Saturday, December 18, 2004

reflection, intention, action

while leading the pre-holiday self-nurturing hip tranquil chick workshop last week to a group of fabulous women, i was reminded how important it is to surround oneself with creatively conscious and aspiring women. the gift of choosing to spend your time with people that encourage, uplift and inspire can have incredible effects on your life. at the workshop we spent time reflecting on their current level of satisfaction in various areas of their lives, setting action steps for the new year to determine ways to increase areas that felt low, and then writing the action steps down on notecards to keep the dreams visible.

with the approach of the end of 2004 and the clean slate of a new year, i wanted to write on how powerful taking time to reflect, set intentions and take actions can be. we all have dreams, we all have opportunities, and we all have the ability to make things happen. albeit, somedays you may not feel very in control over your life - car breaks down, beau disappoints, pet gets sick, etc., etc. we've all had those days! however, it is important to bounce back, learn what the struggle has to teach and move on. without taking the time to reflect, life becomes a series of wheel spinning with no plan in sight. yoga teaches us to be conscious, to notice how our actions affect others, to become courageous by challenging ourselves, and practicing off the mat also incorporates these lessons.

the holidays are right around the corner, along with a brand new year! a brand new year that brings a lot of new beginnings. remember though, that new beginnings are offered every day. each morning you are given a fresh canvas on which to paint your life. you choose the paint colors, the strokes, the pace, and the other players on this unique work of art. take time over the lull of the holidays to reflect on lessons learned in 2004, write out what you accomplished and what you have to be grateful for, write out or collage what you want 2005 to look like, set action steps on how to get there (i.e., i want to be in a loving partnership. action steps: let friends know i'd like to meet some interesting prospects, join an online dating service, join like-minded social groups, volunteer with causes close to your heart), and post these action steps where you see them every day!

i was recently in a workshop where the facilitator said that he began each day writing out his life goals and made decisions on how to spend his time based on these goals. why spend time doing things that aren't bringing you closer to them? yes, we still have to get up in the morning, get dressed, feed the dog, go to work, etc. but, can you see how these mundane tasks bring you closer to a goal? you love companionship that the dog brings, you enjoy expressing creativity in your style, you want to be comfortable financially or grow professionally so you go to work (or you begin looking for something new in 2005 if this isn't the case)....

begin to make conscious choices. take time to reflect, set intentions, and begin to take actions. reflection and intentions only carry us so far, we also have to be action minded. remember however, that action isn't helpful if it isn't done out of reflection and intention. we don't want to spend our lives on a treadmill. your life is a work of art, begin treating it with the delicacy and creativity it deserves.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:31 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

luxe holiday indulging

the holidays are fast approaching. as i sign the numerous holiday cards and review my holiday lists, i wonder where a little self-nurturing could be thrown into the mix. so, i wanted to share a few ideas to help the urban diva stay in touch with her practice during the festivity hubub.

1. stand on your head - literally. headstand is a great way to get comfortable with your world upside down, learn to breathe through it, and come out feeling restored.
2. try tree pose while standing in long lines. tree pose, interlacing hands behind your back and lifting up, basic cat/cow tilts or side bends.
3. take a strong, proud tadasana - a steady mountain pose helps to instill confidence in yourself and in those you interact with. picture yourself entering the holiday cocktail party where you know no one with grace, dignity, a scooped tailbone and a strong mountain-like purpose. you deserve to be there and for people to know your fabulous self!
4. breathe fully - nothing like a full, deep yogic breath to bring you back to the body and remove you from the list-making in your head. notice your breath in hectic holiday situations and restore your sanity.
5. let go - aunt helga may ask annually, "so when ARE you getting married/getting a real job." but it is how you react that causes the internal struggle. answer with stern dignity, "as i've mentioned before, i love being single/serving in the peace corps and am thoroughly enjoying the life i'm leading." letting go of the desire to control another person (especially family) will free up an amazing amount of energy.
6. carve out "me time" - journal write, take a hot bath, light candles, buy yourself a holiday treat, sip herbal tea, paint.
7. host a soiree - invite over your closest friends for some yoga, 2004 reflection, 2005 intention setting, and overall connection.
8. get creative - give gifts that benefit your relationship. 2 tickets to the opera, a coupon for a day at the zoo and dinner on you, a homemade dinner on the date of their choice, 2 registrations to a yoga workshop....all of these ideas allow you to spend time with your beloved AND benefit from the experience.

i hope these help you carve out some precious practice time over the holidays. live luxuriously by paying special attention to your needs and ways to throw some yoga into the mix - both on and off the mat.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:46 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

the creation of tranquil space

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” – Anais Nin

As we journey into the last month of 2004, I find it important to reflect on the year’s lessons and stories. I wanted to relay the continued vision of Tranquil Space with a focus on its creatively humble beginnings. As many of you may know, Tranquil Space began a little over five years ago in my one-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of Dupont. There was little to no yoga to be found in DC. It was an edgy thing to do, not receiving the interest or respect yoga now commands. I was working as a paralegal, reading The Artist’s Way and seeking a more creative way of life, longing for kindred spirits, and hoping that they existed in DC…but how to find them?

With visions of special strangers huddled around my fireplace, drinking tea, doing yoga and connecting, I began hanging fliers around Dupont. This was a BIG step, I realize it now but it felt so natural at the time. Inviting strangers into one’s living room is not a habit I recommend, but my faith in the practice of yoga and my desire for community demanded it. I continued to surprise myself along the way: they joy that brewing a homemade batch of chai for every class brought, the excitement of watching student’s eye light up when they truly felt a pose, the pleasure yoga was bringing to people who met through class, the love of which I approached the business. With a psychology degree and no clue about business, I began with a focus on the special details: ribbons wrapped around inspirational quotes which greeted the students on their mat, aromatic scents, the blazing fire that welcomed students, the chai served in porcelain tea cups, the homemade business cards and brochures. I loved putting time into making people feel special because I feel that is severely lacking in our society. I wanted students to walk into class and feel welcomed and accepted, not judged. I especially wanted women to find a safe space to work with their bodies, develop a sense of empowerment, and realize the importance of taking steps towards their idealized life. Thus Tranquil Space began.

We have grown by 1000% over the past 5 years and I am constantly amazed by the sacred souls I’ve met which would never have happened had I not hung up that first neighborhood flier. The reason I started the studio has been an important reflection of mine over the past few months as we hit our fifth year. With the weaving of trunk shows, studio décor, lifestyle-focused “off the mat” workshops, the tranquiliT boutique, expansion to Bethesda, my tranquiliT clothing designs, the various charities, the greening efforts, and my writing, I wanted to explore how my initial reason for starting the studio was expanding.

One may have trouble seeing how all of these components are connected but I’m hopeful my philosophy and reason for developing Tranquil Space helps to clarify. I truly believe that yoga for the sake of yoga is powerful, but not as powerful as sprinkling it throughout one’s lifestyle. Yoga serves as my catalyst, my core, that place I turn to when my world is spinning. I was drawn to it for the healing powers that it provided mentally and physically. How unique to actually spend time connecting to the body, surrendering the mind, pushing edges of comfort, and honoring limitations? By thinking of yoga as a lifestyle and knowing how much better I feel when I’m comfortably put together, I traveled around the country to bring some of my favorite stretchy and fun pieces perfect for yogis to our unique boutique. The trunk shows offer female artists a chance to showcase their creativity and help give women the start and courage that they may have trouble finding. How many of us say, “Oh, I’d love to do such and such but now just isn’t the right time”? NOW is the time to begin taking steps to create what you desire. Social consciousness has always been an important component to me with the numerous charities we support: Susan G. Komen Foundation, Humane Society, Arbor Day, My Sister’s Place, TAPS. And Liz’s (read more about her in the community celebration section of December's newsletter) focus on greening Tranquil Space aligns with ahimsa (non-harming) – treating the environment consciously. The “off the mat” workshops help to teach students how to treat their lives consciously. All of these random parts blend to form the focus of Tranquil Space.

My hope is that Tranquil Space serves as an inspiration to anyone who enters its doors. It was created with a whole lot of love, no business experience, an incredible amount of time, energy and passion, and LOTS of baby steps. I truly believe and hope to embody Anais Nin’s above quote. Life is lived by stepping strategically outside of one’s comfort zone to head in the direction of one’s dreams. This direction is not without mistakes, drama, or sometimes failure, but it is filled with authenticity because you are DOING, along with dreaming. I recently read, “the world needs dreamers and the world needs doers but above all the world needs dreamers who do.” May the end of 2004 offer you some time to reflect on what it is you want to create – a family, a screenplay, a dress, a business – whatever it is, listen to your heart and take the simple steps of heading in that direction one flier at a time…..

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:54 PM | 0 comments

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