
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Sunday, June 29, 2008

new york bound!

i'm catching the 3:30am bus so that i'm sure to have oodles of time in nyc for my birthday. it's only 10pm but i need to fall asleep soon to ensure i'm not a total zombie tomorrow. ah, the pressure. looking forward to a wonderful day of cupcake-eating, yoga practicing, and relishing in that beautiful city. plan to hit some bead shops and debating a pillow making class at make workshop, too. i was so hoping that the learning annex or open center would have something going on but no luck. lord knows i'm a sucker for workshops! i'm taking my computer so i hope to share insights along the way if i'm able to get online. if not, i've got my camera and plan to capture the day in a pictorial way. i'm thinking of tomorrow as one BIG artist date. happy final hours of 34. 'night!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:03 PM | 8 comments

Thursday, June 26, 2008

35 IS the new 25!

as i was falling asleep on monday night, a light bulb went off in my head. how about a solo sojourn to nyc for my 35th? i sat on it for a day or two and then presented it to beau who had offered to make me a lovely meal. he was totally supportive and even offered to treat me to a return trip home on the train rather than the bus. what a gem! happy birthday to moi. nycers (or lovers of nyc), any ideas on special treats for monday? i think magnolia bakery is a no-brainer, dharma mittra yoga center for some yummy yoga, some shopping at H&M (i love a bargain), a massage at some random walk-up, and some cafe writing time. any suggestions? please share! i hope to have about 12 hours in that lovely city that never sleeps.

for some reason 35 is feeling kinda big. i mean, i did get carded tonight and was over the moon but i realized last night that i started college 17 years ago. THAT is crazy! days are passing so quickly and this makes it uber-important to be content, mindful, and in touch with what makes us tick.

tonight my BFF treated me to a yummy italian meal for my b-day, then she had to dash off so i treated myself to a french flick - priceless. quite cute and a joyful night out. seeing movies alone is oddly empowering. it's a fun film and the subtitles helped me connect to the lovely french language. au revoir, bonjour, oui, mademoiselle. sooo pretty! too bad i'm a french class drop-out.

looking forward to tomorrow's design day for jewelry, spring 2009 planning, and sewing!

please tell me 35 is the new 25. i'm banking on it!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:28 PM | 15 comments

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

a speaking event in dc: come if you can!

The Capitol Creativity Network presents
Finding Your Creative Flow in Business and in Life
Presented by Kimberly Wilson, Creative Director of Tranquil Space, TranquiliT, and Hip Tranquil Ventures
Join Kimberly Wilson, Creatress of Tranquil Space and author of Hip Tranquil Chick: A Guide to Life on and off the Yoga Mat, for an exploration of creativity and yoga as an extension of our business. Learn creative tools and techniques to help you navigate your business and your life with more ease and effectiveness. Kimberly used these yoga and creativity-centered techniques to start and run three thriving, complimentary businesses and a non-profit.
In this session, you will experience practicing yoga on-the-go that you can do anywhere, creative journaling and engaging in svadyaya (self-study) while connecting with others. You will learn how starting and running a business is similar to a yoga practice, how to integrate the mind and body - and why that's important in business; creative avenues for business expansion; and how to access your flow state. You will leave with practical action steps and a better understanding of simple, socially conscious ways to flow creatively at work and beyond.
Note: All levels of yoga experience welcome ; no experience is necessary. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a journal and an open heart. (If you don't have a journal, we'll provide you with paper).
We're also having a Book Give-Away:
(1) Kimberly's book, Hip Tranquil Chick: A Guide to Life on and off the Yoga Mat
When: Wednesday, July 9 ~ 7:00-9:30PM
Where: Cleveland Park Club House ~ 3433 33rd Place, NW, Washington, DC 20008
Directions: go to www.capitolcreativitynetwork.com and scroll down
Registration: $20 at the door
RSVP: requested to Michelle@CreativeEmergence.com
Website: . http://www.capitolcreativitynetwork.com

posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:17 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

how to avoid being grumpy

i got an e-mail during the big heat wave a couple weeks ago from a fellow yogini (and chica with my same birthday) asking moi to blog about how to stay tranquil and happy when the weather made her feel grumpy and irritated. her request feel off the radar during the cooler weather and popped back into my head today. my apologies, you know who you are!

here are a few suggestions on how i try to find sanity among the heat:

- drink oodles of water
- read a good book
- don fabulous sunglasses
- wear a flowy dress
- enjoy the complimentary hot yoga
- apply waterproof mascara
- surround yourself with people who make you laugh
- go for a swim
- stay locked up in AC with a yummy book (for an even better dose of tranquility, add in a yummy cupcake)
- don open-toe shoes and get a pedi
- drink more water
- eat a yummy spinach salad with strawberries
- focus on all you have to be grateful for
- call someone you love and thank them for being in your life
- meditate on a comfy cushion
- write it out in your journal

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:43 PM | 2 comments

Monday, June 23, 2008

got some sun

um, thought i lathered myself in sunblock. apparently i missed some key places like shins, hands, and armpits. oh well, the lobster look will fade. it was a total treat to sit on the beach and read for 1.5 hours today. listening to the waves roll in, reading a fabulous leadership book (dork!), and watching what i thought to be sharks swim by (beau believed the fins to be connected with dolphins instead) while basking in the sun was a total treat. last summer i hadn't had any beach time so beau, pug, and moi drove out to the beach for a quick 24-hour beach journey as it's sad to have a summer pass without dipping toes in the water. i'm happy to have launched summer (happy belated summer solstice BTW) with some toe-dipping in the ocean.

about to board the plane and return to my day-to-day in dc. excited to see familiar faces, especially the lovely louis the pug.

this is my last week as a 34-year-old. next monday launches my journey into 35hood! is 35 the new 25? i'm hoping so.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 3:28 PM | 3 comments

Sunday, June 22, 2008

florida was fabulous

my journey here has been lovely. amazing hospitality by the studio hosts, delightful students, warm welcomes, yummy thunderstorms, and super-yummy pasta! attached are some photos of the book signings along with karen (red pearl owner) and i in her darling boutique. after teaching eight hours (4 workshops), signing books, hosting two trunk shows, and enjoying two evenings with a dear girlfriend who moved to miami a few years ago, i'm looking forward to sleeping in and spending a couple hours on the beach tomorrow before flying home.

i passed a bookstore yesterday and HAD to go in. found two books i MUST have: a revised edition of the fashion designer's survival handbook (which i was just rereading - now there's a revised copy - yay!) AND sew u stretch. i've picked up her first book a few times but decided i shouldn't get it because all my clothing is stretch. now, voila, she put out a stretch book!

friday i'm taking a DIY day to spend some time creating and i can't wait to play with this book, along with this t-shirt book i bought a couple summers ago. i'm debating a TranquiliT couture/luxe line with one-of-a-kind pieces similar to tranquilista gems. ahhh, the joys of playing with fabric. i just can't get enough of convertible pieces!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:42 PM | 6 comments

Saturday, June 21, 2008

hip tranquil chick podcast #130: the big five for life

Bonjour! Welcome to the 130th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a return interview with John Strelecky, author of The Big Five for Life: Leadership's Greatest Secret, plus more inspiration that follows plus yummy tunes from a Tranquil Space yogi. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

Off the Mat: According to Gannett Media (USA TODAY...), John "has put his finger on the pulse of the world."

He is the author of several acclaimed books and CDs, including The Big Five for Life - Leadership's Greatest Secret, The Why Café, and Life Safari. His works have been translated into 17 languages and been best sellers around the world.

In 2007, John was honored alongside Oprah Winfrey, Lance Armstrong, Deepak Chopra, and Tom Peters as one of the 100 Most Influential Thought Leaders in the field of leadership and personal development.

He holds a masters degree from Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Business – and has provided guidance to leaders around the world regarding what great leadership is and how it drives profitability.

When he isn’t writing or speaking, John spends extensive time traveling. He and his wife’s longest trip was a nine-month backpacking adventure circumnavigating the globe. He has taken additional extended trips to the Amazon Basin, Yucatan Peninsula, and China.

Savvy Sources:

Signature Style:
All-in-one wrap. Check out the you tube video that shows 10 ways to wear it!

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats: Celebrate a WHOLE week in Costa Rica August 30-September 6. Join me for workshops and book signings in San Francisco in July, Lexington in October, Denver in January. In addition, we've got a week of hip and tranquil chickness at Kripalu August 10-15. Details for all special events at kimberlywilson.com. I hope we'll get to connect!

Mentoring: Interested in diving deeper into hip and tranquil topics 1:1 with moi via e-mail, phone or in-person? If so, view all the scoop here.

Chic Community: Mingle with fellow HTCs on our forums. We’re on Facebook, so please connect with the community virtually there, too! Make sure you're getting the hip tranquil times by signing up at the bottom of any page on hiptranquilchick.com. Check out our new YouTube page at youtube.com/hiptranquilchick. More fun stuff coming soon!

Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing More than Lonely by PS24. You can get more of their music at myspace.

Thanks for joining me for the 130th edition of the HTC podcast.
  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click on the player at the top of the post or click here to listen to older episodes!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Podcast Alley.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed.
Interested in starting a podcast for yourself, your organization or your business?
Check out nineball media.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:41 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, June 19, 2008

heading to florida

dearest floridians,

if you're near the fort lauderdale area, please come out on friday, saturday or sunday for some fabulous happenings at red pearl yoga and moksha yoga studio! i'm getting excited about the sand, sun, and sultry weather.

beau and i fly out early tomorrow morning and return monday evening so it is sure to be a lovely weekend teaching, reading, and writing. we have a fun new podcast coming your way on sunday AND put together the much-requested "how to wear" video for the yummy all-in-one TranquiliT piece. enjoy! more fun videos to come: yoga, lifestyle, fashion, frolicking, etc! besos.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 6:42 PM | 2 comments

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

inspiring quotes to share

my fabulous assistant pulled together a list of yummy quotes for us to post around the studio and i wanted to share these with you:

Dreams are necessary to life.
Anais Nin

There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
Anais Nin

The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.
Hada Bejar

One forgives to the degree that one loves.

Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind.

You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state.
Sharon Gannon

Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience.
Sylvia Boorstein

My religion is to live and die without regret.

Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
Dali Lama

If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.
Jack Kornfield

Knowing others is intelligence. Knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Lao Tse

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about Creating yourself.
Source unknown

The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.
B.K.S Iyengar

You only lose what you cling to.
Buddhist Quote

Fill your mind with compassion.
Buddhist Quote

What we think, we become.
Buddhist Quote

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
Henry David Thoreau

When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.
Tuli Kupferberg

posted by kimberly wilson @ 4:56 PM | 2 comments

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

new green shipping tote!

woo-hoo! after months of searching for a super-sustainable AND chic shipping option for TranquiliT, we now have the most fabulous tote. made from 100% recycled materials and it doubles as your shipping packaging! in addition, we're planting a tree for every online order to offset our carbon emissions.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:44 PM | 4 comments

Friday, June 13, 2008

seeking clarity

ever find that the harder you search for it, the more elusive it becomes? clarity, that is. a consultant that i spoke with tonight encouraged me to take some time off to find the answers. it's funny, i'm struggling with the basics like "what are my strengths?" - reading that popular book by marcus buckingham on discovering them - "what do i enjoy doing most?," "what is the best use of my time and energy?" you know - basic things that should be answered easily. for some reason, i'm so immersed in my get up, check e-mail, go to the studio, handle to-dos, come home, go to bed, start all over, that i'm unable to hone in on bigger pictures. would time off allow me to figure these things out? what does time off really look like? what would i do? lord, i took good to great and ayn rand biography to ibizia for my 30th birthday and wondered why boys weren't approaching me on the beach! geeeezzzz. apparently, i'm not even sure how to do time off. i share this with you in case you, too, are struggling with the basics and wondering where the answers are. maybe we have to stop searching so hard for them, drink a little vino, dance a little, do our yoga, and trust that the answers will come.

cheers (picture me lifting a wine glass containing lilac hill with a bow tied around the stem)!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:47 PM | 11 comments

Thursday, June 12, 2008

getting organized . . . again

ever feel like you're constantly trying to get to-dos off your list, squeeze in a meal, and find some sense of tranquility SOMEWHERE? the struggle that i've had since i started teaching yoga is going from class to meeting to class to phone call, etc. and the challenge with fitting in projects that take more time. i've studied time management (and clearly have TONS to learn) but continue to long for wide open space to conquer longer projects, play with some DIY projects (see yesterday's post), make some more tranquilista gems, work on TranquiliT spring 2009, write, read, do yoga, meditate, and nap for days. days, and more days. seriously, i think sleeping has become one of my favorite things!

today i had a canceled meeting and three hours of open space so i was able to get a yummy deep tissue massage (to release the kick-boxing soreness - whole other blog post!) and organize some paperwork into files rather than continue to carry it around and thumb through it. time management books often say we shouldn't touch a piece of paper more than once and i try to remember that when carrying around mail, printed e-mails, invoices, statements, etc.

tonight i canceled dinner plans with a dear friend because my newspaper editor needed my column piece this evening. thus, i got home at 8:30pm and felt like a kid in a candy store. what to do getting home so early? so, i painted my nails black, dined on a delicious salad (to counter my two skinny cow ice cream sandwiches), and crawled into bed to watch some mindless entertainment. despite to-dos that never seem to end, it's so important to take this down time, get dolled up with some nail polish (loving the black), and know that the to-dos will be waiting for me in the morning. ahhhh, those lovely to-dos.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:22 PM | 0 comments

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

DIY dreaming

while donning a pair of sheer cotton legwarmers in 80 degree weather today, a fellow tranquil spacer told me that she had recently come across a video teaching how to make leg warmers from old sweaters. two lovely twins make the ones i was wearing (and now sell in the tranquility boutique) out of sweaters or blankets they get at thrift stores - genius! check out their line - foat design. super-cute! anyway, here is the video for your viewing pleasure. grab some scissors, an old sweater, and go to town.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:40 PM | 0 comments

Monday, June 09, 2008

eye candy

after seeing sex and the city for the second time this weekend, i had to smile when i thought of the term "eye candy." a girlfriend described the movie as total eye candy and i absolutely agree. brocade sends me weekly emails filled with eye candy. just look at this week's photo. what a beautiful desk! i could work at it for hours with my macbook air, louis on my lap, and some sultry music playing nearby! total treat.

on saturday, beau and i took the afternoon off to indulge in normalcy. after our nap post-race for the cure, we headed to annapolis for a dear friends son's 1-year birthday party. what does aunt kimberly get him but a hand dyed, sheer tee-shirt with the om symbol in rainbow rhinestones. yep, this little boy is gonna be a rock star! before leaving i asked bebe's mama if i could find a local place that had a bookstore and H&M inside - i knew i'd find heaven. indeed there was one. then beau and i traipsed around the local mall for a couple of hours. i loved it. haven't been shopping in sooooo long - not like this. i didn't buy a thing but loved the idea of checking everything out - especially the kitchy accessory places like claire's. it was me and a bunch of tweens. now claire's is FILLED with eye candy - tiaras, boas, bracelets, sparkly headbands, patent clutches, scarves - accessory heaven. it was so fun to play "time off." we topped the evening off with my return to sex and the city. i was just as mesmerized the second time around.

speaking of eye candy, look at this darling hip tranquil chick bear that the lovely april sent to moi. "ms. sasha," as she was coined, is said to be donning a TranquiliT wrap dress and perfect pants or leggings. too cute. her e-mail was titled "buildaHTC." april took her daughter to a build-a-bear store and ended up doing this work of art herself. i love it!

look for eye candy throughout your day. you may find it among the lobby art, bus billboard, nearby gardens, cute colleague, dress display, or even on your yoga mat. eye candy.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:16 PM | 2 comments

Sunday, June 08, 2008

hip tranquil chick podcast #129: living with love

Bonjour! Welcome to the 129th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, a muse on living with love in Off the Mat, and we’ve got Omwork for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

On the Mat: Practice ahimsa

Off the Mat: Living with Love

say thank you, offer a gesture of kindness, give a compliment, make dinner, bake cookies, set boundaries, say "yes!," touch someone on the arm when speaking, give a homemade gift, eat off your fancy china, go to art exhibits, surround yourself with fresh flowers, always remember birthdays, practice ahimsa, watch your tongue, explore patterns, write out your thoughts, listen to inspiring music, watch movies that make you smile, don chic togs, indulge in bamboo sheets, have lucky bamboo on your desk, light candles, create ambiance with lamps, frame your favorite art postcards, observe your self talk and be gingerly,

To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:

1. What does love mean to you?
2. How can you add love into your daily interactions with others?
3. How can you practice more self-love?

Signature Style: Add a splash of color to your summer hair

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats: Celebrate a WHOLE week in Costa Rica August 30-September 6. Join me for workshops and book signings in Ft. Lauderdale in June, San Francisco in July, Lexington in October. In addition, we've got a week of hip and tranquil chickness at Kripalu August 10-15. Details for all special events at kimberlywilson.com. I hope we'll get to connect!

Next online creativity circle starts tomorrow!

Join us for our next le chic teleclass chat focused on "Sultry Summer Sadhana (spiritual practice)" on Monday, July 15 at 9:00pmET. Details here.

Mentoring: Interested in diving deeper into hip and tranquil topics 1:1 with moi via e-mail, phone or in-person? If so, view all the scoop here.

Chic Community: Mingle with fellow HTCs on our forums. We’re on Facebook, so please connect with the community virtually there, too! Make sure you're getting the hip tranquil times by signing up at the bottom of any page on hiptranquilchick.com. Check out our YouTube page at youtube.com/hiptranquilchick. More fun stuff coming soon!

Au Revoir: Thanks for joining me for the 129th edition of the HTC podcast. To close out the show, we’re playing Hiding Place by Rhian Sheehan, courtesy of PromoNet.
  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click on the player at the top of the post or click here to listen to older episodes!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Podcast Alley.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed.
Interested in starting a podcast for yourself, your organization or your business?
Check out nineball media

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:55 PM | 1 comments

race for the cure

here is the family post-run/walk on saturday morning! team TS raised almost $500 for the susan g. komen foundation. what a way to start the day. then i came home and napped for 2 hours.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:20 PM | 0 comments

Saturday, June 07, 2008

lessons from pema chodren

a fellow tranquil space teacher just returned from a weekend with the lovely pema chodren and shared these lessons with me:

1) seeing the basic sanity/basic goodness that we all have
2) seeing our neorosis and how we tend to get caught up in our habits
3) seeing we aren't our habits, neurosis, and other people are not theirs either, thus, we can see behind and cut through the agression others have towards us/themselves and we have towards others/ourselves. this leads to compassion towards others
4) seeing then that everything is the path, everything can be a chance to wake up. we just have to be open, curious and playful with what's around us and what happens in our lives
5) with this openness and compassionwe can see we're all in the same boat (the theme of the weekend)
6) we can connect with others and their suffering by practicing tonglen
7) this leads to "sacred outlook" turning back to seeing that everyone and everything is basically sane, and perfect just the way it is.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:59 PM | 3 comments

Friday, June 06, 2008

chubby cats need love too

bonnard is a menace. truly the meanest kitty you'll find. however, i love him dearly - ten years and counting! here he is sprawled out on my leopard print rug with his favorite pink meditation cushion nearby. i thought this would give you a smile as you head into the weekend!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 4:21 PM | 9 comments

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

desperately seeking tranquility

the lovely hip and tranquil mallika took this photo of buddha sitting on our tea bar and i just had to share. the past 2 days have been super-busy so i feel a deep longing to be more buddha-like (and surround myself with organic herbal teas!). my poor toes are crying out for a pedi so i hope to start tomorrow's long day with a bit of TLC for the tootsies. they need love, too!

happy june! can you believe we're almost half way through 2008 already? time really does begin to speed up as we age. it's shocking, actually. considering tranquility is always on my mind, i wanted to share some suggestions on ways to find it:

light scented candles, draw a hot bath, practice sun salutations, meditate, volunteer, rearrange your living room, organize your closets, sip champagne, read a book, burn incense, don a long necklace, bring bamboo stalks to your desk, don cat eyes with black eyeliner, study the yoga sutras, frame a favorite photo or postcard of art, go on a retreat, write out your goals, organize your day the night before, challenge yourself, find your edge, breathe deeply, say "thank you" often, live your life as an example, dab lavender oil on your wrists, indulge in a cupcake, congratulate someone, remember loved one's birthdays, relish in being authentically you!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:57 PM | 2 comments

Monday, June 02, 2008

what inspires you?

i received this e-blast from brocade today and was mesmerized with its message and imagery. the title of the blast was "what inspires you?" i found it a blessing and a lovely reflection during a very hectic monday. so i ask, what inspires YOU?

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:11 PM | 1 comments

Sunday, June 01, 2008

chicago closure

it's often sad for me to bring closure to things. sometimes i don't look back (like moving from p street to 17th street) and other times i feel an odd sense of loss (like leaving this conference). it's not because this conference was more sentimental than the five years tranquil space was housed on p street, it's just that some experiences strike a chord. for example, over the past few days i relished in every moment i could - dinners with friends (old & new), a FABULOUS flick (yep, you know the one), great yoga, great yoga information, donned many peeps in fun TranquiliT clothing, had yummy alone time (i'm a recluse at heart), and good reflection space. i think it's sad, too, because most people are gone and i'm waiting on my pick-up for an 8:30 flight. it's crazy to think that this is my 4th year at this conference. i always enjoy myself and learn a ton.

during a yin yoga session today, i wrote the following in my journal:
i want to make sure to make some personal changes and to ensure that i'm using my time/energy wisely, living flairfully (why not don long faux pearls to bed as SJP did in sex?), growing my work, and finding balance.
ahh, reflection space. it does a body and soul good! it's about time to do some mid-year planning and i'm looking forward to doing some 6-mo goal setting. this always help me ensure my day-to-day is contributing to my larger dreams. it's amazing how quickly hours, days, weeks, years can pass and it's easy to lose sight of what's pulling at our heart.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 5:47 PM | 2 comments

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