
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Monday, December 31, 2007

hip tranquil chick podcast #114: happy new year

Welcome to the 114th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, happy new year in Off the Mat, and we’ve got Omwork and Savvy Sources for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

On the Mat: Double pigeon twist

Off the Mat: Today’s podcast is on getting set for the new year.

1. Lessons Learned. Before embarking on your 2008 goals, take a moment to reflect on 2007.

2. Get Set, Go Goals. Start small and be specific. Set an end date.

3. Reward Yourself. Keep yourself motivated with a merit system.

Fast Facts About New Year's Resolutions from About.com

  • 63% of people say they are keeping their resolutions after two months
  • 67% of people make three or more resolutions
  • Top four resolutions:
    1. Increase exercise
    2. Be more conscientious about work or school
    3. Develop better eating habits
    4. Stop smoking, drinking, or using drugs (including caffeine)
  • People make more resolutions to start a new habit than to break an old one.
Omwork: To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:

1. Post your goals where you can see them regularly.
2. Set an intention each day that aligns with your most important resolution.
3. Tell family and friends about your resolutions.

Savvy Sources
Success Principles by Jack Canfield
The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
Healthy Living from the Inside Out by Mariel Hemingway

Signature Style: Wrap Top. On sale for $28!

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats: Come our next 1-day retreat in DC on Saturday, January 12 and a weekend of all things hip and tranquil in the Catskills of NY in March, plus a WHOLE week in Costa Rica August 30-September 6. I’ll be leading workshops and hosting book signings in Charleston, WV, Charlotte and Asheville NC in February; back to Denver and Aspen in April. Details for all special events at kimberlywilson.com. I hope our paths will cross.

Join us for our next le chic teleclass chat focused on "New Year, New You" on Monday, January 7 at 8:30ET. Details here.

Mentoring: Interested in diving deeper into hip and tranquil topics 1:1 with moi? If so, view all the scoop here.

Chic Community: Mingle with fellow HTCs on our forums. We’re on MySpace and Facebook, so please connect with the community virtually there, too! If you have a product you’d like reviewed on the blog – send a sample to me at 2024 p street, nw dc, 20036. sending a sample does not guarantee placement but I’d love to support our growing community! Make sure you're getting the hip tranquil times by signing up at the bottom of any page on hiptranquilchick.com. Check out our new YouTube page at youtube.com/hiptranquilchick. More fun stuff coming soon!

Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing fabulous podsafe tunes from Promonet. Today’s selection is Miss Shanghai Revealed by The Shanghai Restoration Project. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music at shanghairestorationproject.com.

Thanks for joining me for the 114th edition of the HTC podcast. Namaste.
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posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:10 PM | 4 comments

Sunday, December 30, 2007

scented color pencils

the impressionist exhibit was lovely - especially since i got to see a few bonnard's. MY fave artist! after perusing the art, i, of course, headed to the gift shop and what did i find but some must-have scented color pencils. can you stand it? sure that's my favorite new phrase but come on, we're talking smelly pencils in colors! while searching for the brand that i found in the museum gift shop, i came across smencils made from recycled newspaper that come in mouth-watering scents such as root beer and bubble gum. ok, gotta go record this week's podcast but just had to share my latest creative gem.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:57 PM | 1 comments

life planning + organizing

accountant meetings for 4.5 hours, website revamp suggestions to webmaster, spring line order to seamstress (and her 2 pugs), request to enviro tote company for new recycled cotton tote bags for TranquiliT and tranquil space, shipping online orders, meeting with darling teacher assistant, meeting with fabulous steering committee member to see her new digs, doctor's appointment complete with three new bottles of pills (for my not-so-fabulous GERD - again, worst name EVER), two yummy yoga sessions, chatting with boutique diva on reordering needs for tranquility boutique, meeting with teacher on launching free yoga class for survivors of women's cancers, a trip to ikea to get shelving to house my TranquilliT inventory, and hours of reorganization of files, inventory, and accessories such as post-its, note cards, paper clips, promo materials. this has been my past 48 hours.

i was to have a writing date with a dear soul today but i'm behind on my deadline (due in one hour) for the weekly column so we rescheduled it for tomorrow AND are combining it with a perusal of the edward hopper exhibit complete with reflection on 2007 and goal setting for 2008. that feels like a win-win. once i get this column piece written, i plan to slink back under the covers for a few hours of decadent napping and then hit the phillip's collection with beau to see the impressionists by the sea exhibit after he watches a football game. i always thought that men running after a ball in brightly-colored fitting capris was a bit perplexing but apparently the rest of the country loves it.

taking the time over the past few days to do so much organizing feels GREAT. i picked up a few magazine containers and small boxes at ikea to house online order receipts, pages i've pulled from magazines before tossing, tags and tagging accoutrements, scarves, and headbands. it feels so good to label the boxes and know these pieces have a home. i usually use shoe boxes and cover them in wrapping paper but . . . haven't gone shoe shopping in way too long so i don't have any. also, i'm able to find boxes made with recycled products now so it makes it a bit easier to be green AND organized!

here's to some "spring" cleaning during our final days of 2007 - in more ways than one, i'm talking relationships, guilt, negativity, old patterns, bad habits in addition to all the physical stuff we've accumulated - and some reflecting time to jump start 2008! for some tips, join us on january 7 for a "new year, new you" le chic teleclass chat or on january 12 for an all-day gala. until then, happy planning and maybe even a nap . . . or two!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:11 PM | 4 comments

Thursday, December 27, 2007

secret revealed: a new tranquil space is being "tranquilized"

“the greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. the oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. dreams are the seedlings of realities.”

– james allen

happy almost 2008! a new year, a new tranquil space. i wanted to share the story of tranquil space along with some very exciting news. as you may know, tranquil space began over eight years ago in my one-bedroom apartment on 16th street. there was little to no yoga to be found in dc. i was working as a paralegal, reading the artist’s way, seeking a more creative way of life, and longing for kindred spirits. with visions of special souls huddled around my fireplace, drinking tea, doing yoga and connecting, i hung fliers around dupont and invited strangers into my home. with a psychology degree and no clue about business, i reveled in focus on the special details: ribbons wrapped around inspirational quotes which greeted the students on their mat, aromatic scents, a blazing fire, chai served in porcelain tea cups, homemade business cards and brochures.

we have grown over the years and i am constantly amazed by the sacred souls i’ve met which would never have happened had i not hung up that first neighborhood flier. my hope is that tranquil space serves as an inspiration to anyone who enters its doors. it was created with a whole lot of love, an incredible amount of time, energy and passion, and lots of baby steps. none of which could have been done without the amazing team of people who have worked at the studio over the years.

i am very excited to share that this spring we will open our doors at 17th and r in a newly renovated and eco-fabulous tranquil space. it’s been hard to keep this to myself as i’m bursting at the seams with delight. after planting the seeds in my living room on 16th street in 1999, offering classes in a church parlor for almost three years at 16th and q, and then moving to our current location on p street, i am honored to be returning to our neighborhood roots after over a year of searching for the perfect new tranquil space.

your new yoga home will house three yoga studios, a wifi tea bar serving organic and fair trade teas, an expanded tranquility boutique, and a specialty spa like no other. when i signed the dotted line, there were pigeons living in the space. it has taken a lot of vision to see the possibility amidst the leaking roof, sunlight peeping through neglected bricks, and roots growing within the water lines of this 3-story building. as the space gets framed and we receive permits, buy reused fixtures, design the layout, and choose the eco-friendly flooring, it’s slowly taking shape. incorporating the tea bar seemed like the perfect way to offer a mingling off the mat post-practice space, along with providing yummy antioxidants.

may 2008 offer you time to reflect on your vision. i believe that life is lived by stepping strategically outside of one’s comfort zone to head in the direction of one’s dreams. i recently reread, "the world needs dreamers and the world needs doers but above all the world needs dreamers who do." what are your dreams for 2008? what will you do to make them happen? listen to your heart and take the simple steps of heading in that direction one flier at a time . . . i can’t wait to practice with you in our new home when the cherry blossoms are blooming.

keep dreaming,
kimberly wilson

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:39 PM | 8 comments

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

happy day after

greetings from the studio. i love doing deep cleaning when no one else is around. found my old business cards, old press, tranquil space tattoos from a 2004 trunk show, and oodles of tea bags. amazing what one can accumulate.

i began the day a little too zealous and was promptly stopped in my tracks with a dizzy not-quite-right spell. i think my body was wanting one more slow day before returning to fifth gear. it got a few more hours and it's been in third gear ever since. after lots of e-mails, i met up with some girlfriends in town from denmark and seattle for tasty pad thai and then to the studio for meetings, a class, and lots of faxes to my accountant. still here feeling oddly grateful for this special space. sometimes you have to take a step back to see all that there is to be grateful for and i'm feeling it tonight. the people that pass through the doors, the team that work here, the overall vibe - it's fun to think back on the seedling in my living room in 1999.

i was perusing my 2008 calendar this morning and outlining when i teach my weekly classes, travel to west virginia, north carolina, colorado, new york and oklahoma, volunteer, take workshops, lead workshops, and was getting a bit nervous. carving out creative space is a MUST in order to keep up a sense of vibrancy. while preparing my creativity coaching responses today (a 16-week online course i'm taking) i had to focus on the importance of "joining" with clients - being completely present - and exploring what meaningful work looks like. the key thing is to find it for myself on a regular basis rather than when my to-dos are completed. it's like thinking of yoga as a "reward" for when all to-dos are done. yoga isn't a reward, it's a MUST for sanity. same with creative play. i gotta remember that. remind me! i'm going through my planner pad and marking fridays as creative play as often as possible, even if only for a few hours. this will include designing, writing, sewing, knitting, collaging, reading, decorating, organizing and anything else i can think of that feels enhancing. 2008 vows to be different, especially since there is so much exciting change coming - (secret to reveal shortly)!

happy day after, ladies!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:19 PM | 1 comments

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

wishing you a warm, festive, cuddly holiday

bon soir from the pink palace and a very *merry* christmas!

after welcoming students to the noon class, helping last minute shoppers in the tranquility boutique, and dining with a dear friend at his ritz apartment on christmas eve, we headed home to have our own intimate holiday with just the three of us (oh, and two noir felines). after opening some gifts (you'll see me holding a coupon noting amazon prime from beau - sure to feed my book-buying addictions) and writing some thank yous, we began watching casablanca while awaiting santa's arrival. i got sleepy 20 minutes into it - seems to be my MO these days when watching films - and we hit the loft to slumber for about 12 hours. yum! i'm feeling a bit in need of a nap at the moment but i hate for my one day off to pass so quickly. may have to push through the sleepiness and do some reading (or online shopping at amazon.com!). mum and pops got me a gift certificate to brocade which hosts a wide array of must-have home accessories. my new favorite online store. i own nothing from it yet but can't wait to get something pink, damask, and shiny from this fabulous store created after my own heart.

today started with a 1-hour yoga practice and i've been popping chocolate + caramel + nut goodness ever since. what's a girl to do on christmas? we discussed going to see some movies so maybe after beau finishes our holiday feast of seitan encrusted in hazelnut and rosemary along with a salad, soup, and cheesy potatoes (some say au gratin), we'll head to the theatre with full bellies. until then, i'm LOVING being holed up at home.

i hope that you are all enjoying a beautiful holiday filled with chocolate + caramel + nut infusions, tasty tea or vino, some much-deserved quiet space, family fun, holiday scents, gratitude for all you have, festive music (been playing frank, tony, and billie holiday!), and some cuddly curl-up-on-the-chaise time! namaste.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 4:32 PM | 4 comments

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Holidays

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:45 PM | 0 comments

dear hip tranquil chick . . .

Q: Dear Hip Tranquil Chick: I'm heading to my parents respective homes for the holidays. It's always incredibly stressful for me and I am looking for strategies to stay sane during the ordeal: spending three night each with my divorced parents in their respective households, six long nights, seven long days .... and I just don't know how I'll get through it.
I know you're number one rule for sane holidays is creating boundaries and saying yes "only when you mean it"... but, for a myriad of reasons too complicated to go into here, I simply must go on this dreaded trip, and, at least for this year, there is no "skipping" the trip and staying home curled up with a book (even though that sounds absolutely divine).
So, in a few weeks, I must leave my hip tranquil life to head into the chaos of my very toxic, very difficult family. I will be sleeping on sofas and won't have any private space of my own (so, there's no hope of retreating to a quiet bedroom and escaping the chaos for very long). The only strategies I've come up with so far are taking a walk or taking a bath to get some space and peace... any other ideas? I'll be loading up my ipod with your podcasts and bringing my journal and some good books, but is there anything else you can think of to help me get through those six nights and seven days (139 hours, and yes, I'm counting the hours)?
As hip tranquil chicks, you encourage us to create the life we want and to avoid that which brings us down and makes us unhappy... but what words of wisdom, advice, suggestions do you have for us hip tranquil chicks who are sometimes compelled to spend time with unbalanced, stressful, difficult and unhappy people?

A: Dearest hip tranquil chick-in-conflict,
I presume your question will probably resonate with many! I'm forgoing a podcast tonight to focus on this question and to share some tips for staying hip and tranquil over the holidays. Top tips:

1. Remember the principle of nonviolence (ahimsa):
- Shop through vendors that will help the less fortunate (www.globalgirlfriend.com, www.alternativegifts.org). Your recipients will be honored by your thoughtfulness.
- Need to whip up a great holiday meal? Consider buying organic from a local vendor and support your community by giving back.
- Light your tree with low-energy bulbs and recyclable trimmings, recycle those wine bottles and eggnog jugs, plant a tree in honor of someone through the Arbor Day Foundation, and forgo wrapping paper for other creative re-usable alternatives. String cranberries and popcorn, wrap a gift into a shoebox covered with a brown paper bag and reuse tissue paper.
- Send greetings cards on recycled paper, make your own, or better yet, email!
- If you do end up at the mall, bring your own bag to fill with goodies rather than consuming unnecessary plastic bags.

2. Tread mindfully:
- Stay aware of your intentions, actions, and thoughts. Why does a particular person bother you so much at that holiday get together? Why is it so important to you that a particular gift is wrapped a certain way? Taking time to stay mindful gives us a glimpse into areas we can grow this holiday season.
- Take a moment to sit in stillness. This can be done in the metro, in line at the store, or even in the restroom at a grand gala. You will be exuding tranquility in no time!
- Carve out some “moi time” for refueling, especially when energies can run incredibly low. Helpful hint: legs up the wall!

3. Practice nonattachment:
- Didn’t get that perfect gift from a special someone? Did the holiday dinner you organized turn out with a burnt entrée? Practice letting go of your attachments to expectations and outcomes and this holiday season will be smooth sailing.
- Do you feel like the holidays have to be “just so” or they aren’t complete? Do you cling to outdated holiday rituals that no longer resonate with you? If so, explore letting them go.

4. Get moving and keep breathing:
- Stuck inside with the holiday blues? Pull out that yoga mat in front of the fireplace and indulge in a few sun salutations or enjoy the sensations of a few yin poses. My fave: dragon.
- Enjoy a brisk walk through the snow with a friend or loved one, rake leaves, cut wood, or decorate your home with holiday trimmings. They are all guaranteed to fight both the stress and blues of the holidays and bring awareness back to your body.
- Through long lines at the store, traffic jams, airport delays, and stressful holiday moments with friends and family. Return to your breath each time and honor yourself for taking a step back to relax.
- Your breath will bring you back to the present moment.
- In addition to the 3-part yogic breath, there is also the alternate nostril.

5. Give with authenticity:
- Time, money, gifts, and gestures are all different forms in which you give to others during the holidays. Often times, a true authentic gesture of volunteering your time or helping others is much more appreciated than a grand gift.
- Help serve meals at a homeless shelter or keep some animals company at the local humane society.
- Organize a clothing drive or fundraiser to donate some goods to the organization of your choice.
- Gather your girlfriends for a small soirée to appreciate each others’ company.
- And finally, give yourself the option of saying “no” when you feel you need to do or give out of guilt or pressure.

6. Be creative:
- Who said that holiday cards from years past couldn’t make great decoration for this year? Display your fave cards in a creative way instead of buying new trimmings.
- There are plenty of online services that offer gifts that can be customized with your special photos or words. Coasters with pictures from that trip you took this summer or a children’s book with the child’s name as the hero all make great gifts.
- Instead of watching that holiday movie with your family for the 20th time, organize a fun holiday game or contest to get everyone involved. Gingerbread house contests or holiday ornament making are some fun ideas.

7. Gratitude:
- Take a moment at the end of the year to give thanks for the lessons learned this year and for your accomplishments. Review how far you have come and set goals for the New Year.
- Always send a handwritten thank you note. No exceptions, girls.
- Don’t arrive empty handed! Show up to parties with a gift to express your gratitude. Wine, box of tea, LUSH bath bomb, aromatherapy oil, candles, rosemary bush – all make great ideas.

8. Practice moderation:
- Thinking about going for that third piece of Grandma’s special treat? Instead, fully enjoy the first piece of cake by staying aware of each bit you take.
- Rather than buying many gifts for one person, take time to really think of one great gift you could get
- If you do overindulge, go easy on yourself and get back on the healthy, tranquil bandwagon the next day!

Ok, now to address your question! We are often thrown into situations that are less than ideal - on the subway, with family over the holidays, with a challenging colleague at the office. The only thing we have control over is our reaction to these situations, not the situations itself. I now, bummer, huh? AND probably sounds much easier said than done - especially when you're stuck on the couch with a not-so-tranquil family surrounding you. Considering you can't escape easily behind closed doors, taking what little time you can to regroup can be very important - calling a friend from home during a leisurely outdoor stroll, taking a hot bath, escaping to a nearby bookstore or movie theater, pulling out your iPod and listening to something inspiring. Sometimes we have to create the comforts of home within a chaotic environment and just go with the flow.

I definitely encourage all of us to avoid situations that make us cringe but also recognize that some cannot be avoided and these situations can be our very best teachers. Pema Chodren writes about this in The Wisdom of No Escape. She says that our demons are our teachers and they will continue to appear on our path until we learn the lesson that they came to impart. Once we learn the lesson, they will be friendly, warm-hearted companions on our journey. I like this message, although I feel your pain and know how disheartening it is to be in a situation that you'd do anything not to be in.

As noted in the tips above, observe your reactions and see if you can use this weekend as a sadhana practice tool to be mindful and compassionate. Of course we'd prefer to be around people who are just like us but sometimes making ourselves step outside of our comfort zones can have profound effects. And I definitely have my unhappy, unbalanced, stressful moments so I can relate with others who are in this zone. The difference is that I have discovered amazing tranquil tools such as yoga, mediation, breathing, positivity, journal writing, creativity, etc. that help get me through my most untranquil moments - and I know you have, too. I hope that this is helpful and if you're online while away, please let us know how it's going or if you need an additional hip and tranquil pick-me-up! Namaste and happy, tranquil holidays to you. xo

posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:26 PM | 3 comments

Saturday, December 22, 2007

sacred saturdays

more playing santa and hitting the post office this morning. today's book signing at lululemon was fun - especially since they had sugar cookies coated with sprinkles at my table. um, i must confess that i had 4. 2 trees and 2 stockings. what's a girl to do when they are right there under your nose? i also came away with some new sparkly legwarmers and bamboo and cashmere infused gauchos for dance. so i don't dance much, i LOVE their dance line!

then i perused the nearby bookstore and found a damask print journal that i just HAD to have. beau and i were going to have a quiet night in after i prepped thoughts for tomorrow's photo shoot (for the next 8 weeks of the examiner column) and wrote the piece due tomorrow. alas, he got a call reminding him that he had dinner plans so i'm sitting in front of the fire surrounded by paperwork to handle and organize a snoring pug on my lap, and my laptop at my fingertips. life is grand!

a friend passed along these cool plantable holiday ornaments that i thought looked lovely and green. i'm totally digging the plantable products that are out on the market!

also, i was given a sample of spasensials to try recently. i started with the yummy foot sock coated with aloe, jojoba and vitamins A, B5 and E - what more could a girl want? i slept in them for a few hours and found the whole concept quite decadent. a week or so later i tried the hand coated gloves. they felt great but my beau was freaked out by my "mummy hands" and i must have had a tiny cut from a recent mani as one of the ingredients was causing a burning sensation. best used withOUT any minor nicks! despite that, i thoroughly enjoyed being a tester for such decadence!

i keep struggling with the multiple things on my to-do lists when this is supposed to be downtime. wanna write in my journal, do some yoga, work on a new 2008 vision board, write out my vision for 2008, play with my new sewing machine, read some of my large library of books but the "gotta do this, gotta do that" bug keeps harassing me. i've vowed to turn that little bugger off for christmas but don't see when else it can be turned off without something urgent falling through the cracks. anyone else struggling the same way? next weekend is actually quite open so maybe that will be my carved out personal space - it has to be because some of these things are must-haves before i welcome 2008. i hope you're finding some space sans to-dos despite the hustle of the holidays! now i'm going to wallow in "woe is me" on amazon.com to spend a $50 amazon gift card i received. gotta get more books . . .

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:58 PM | 2 comments

Friday, December 21, 2007

happy darkest day of the year

well we've made it through the darkest day of the year and are sure to be coming through the other side. it only gets lighter from here. happy winter solstice! yesterday's new york adventures were, well, adventurous. especially the bus breaking down on the way home from 1-3am. nothing like causing a panic when you have to catch a flight to tokyo in a few hours (sorry fabulous assistant)! home at 5am - ah, the joys of crawling into my own bed.

i had mentoring sessions with two lovely ladies today and it reminded me that it's time to start taking stock of 2007 and preparing for 2008. sure, i knew that considering we're coming to the end of the year, but it was a good reminder to get the reflection time into my planner pad and ensure i do my synopsis. to help you get started, i'll be sure to address this in sunday's podcast. also, i got a great dear hip tranquil chick question on staying sane with family over the holidays - i'll address this, too. always a struggle to juggle the many challenges and joys of this festive season. i hope to provide a few hip and tranquil insights into it. in the meantime, i've chosen to have a quiet holiday at home with no plans for christmas. beau, pug, kitties, and i will open some gifts, do some yoga, read in front of the fire, eat dessert, and maybe go see a movie or two. how decadent!

i hope you see bright, shiny days ahead as each day will offer more light through june 21. isn't that grand? again, happy winter solstice!

p.s. if you're local or in town, come out to my lululemon book signings this weekend. would LOVE to meet you!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:20 PM | 2 comments

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

nyc, here we come!

whew, i think my playing santa is over for a bit. three trips to the post office in the past three days and wrapping of about 40 TranquiliT care packages - i'm ready for some respite from the holiday season. so where do i go but new york? tomorrow morning my assistant and i will board the wifi bus to host a trunk show at jivamukti from 3-8pm (new yorkers - please come see us!). then we board the 11pm chinatown bus home and poor assistant flies to tokyo just a few hours later. no rest for the weary. we exchanged gifts today and she got me the CUTEST children's book different like coco by elizabeth matthews. god bless being different - especially such an icon.

as i crawl up into the loft (aka "upstairs"), i wanted to jot a quick note to say bonjour! i am hoping to meet my new e-mail pen pal claudia of theparisapartment.com tomorrow and get a dose of yummy new york yoga while i'm there. oh, and maybe a super cheap mani (can you believe they are $10 there?). so much to do and only a few hours to do it in. god bless new york.

it's interesting how the world is slowing right now. my e-mails have slowed, there is ample parking on the street, there aren't as many people walking around - it's a lovely reminder to sllllooooowww down. i'm absolutely delighted to be spending christmas here with absolutely no plans. beau and i talked about hitting a movie and he's making some special meal. other than that, i'm basking in tons of unstructured hours that day!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:27 PM | 5 comments

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

don't cry over spilled cranberry juice

sunday's photo shoot went well - watch for new, fabulous photos of TranquiliT coming soon to the website AND you'll get to see our two new spring colors: coral and ocean. a sneak peek of a few of them are here for your viewing pleasure. after recording the bonus muse for the DVD haute holidays special (they're going out THIS week if you bought three HTC books for the holidays. thanks SO much for supporting the book!), i dashed off to our 8th annual holiday party. such fun to mingle off the mat with our delightful community. one of our teacher team leaders had the grand idea of having each teacher write something about all other teachers and she compiled it into one sheet for us to read. very special and so thoughtful!

i woke up for a few hours from 3-6am - boo - just couldn't sleep so my day began around 9:50am yesterday. my lovely assistant came over to assist with getting out 15 online orders (yay for shopping sustainable style!) and as we were getting set up, i moved my new sewing machine out of the way, only to knock over her cranberry juice onto her shiny white iMac. oops. dead. computer completely gone. made an appointment at the mac store to ensure we got it handled by the time she had to head to her evening plans and kept whirling away at the orders on my computer. ah, nothing like that to start your week. good news is they were able to save her hard drive so we got her a brand new computer (i joked that she set me up to get a faster computer) and she'll be back in business wednesday night. got all the orders to one of the few dc post office's that stay open until 7pm. whew!

more online orders to handle today (i feel like a little elf) and can't wait to hit the mat today. my body is aching from all the computer work so i may take two tonight in hopes of wringing it out. i attached a flier from lululemon as i'm going to be doing a booksigning this weekend at two of their locations. if you're local, please come out - would love to meet you! if you're not, you're there in spirit.

in case you're not done with your holiday shopping, i gave some green giving tips in yesterday's column. i think mama's gonna get a goat again this year! i hope you're staying semi-tranquil despite the bustling season and can't wait to celebrate a new year with you. would love to see you at our january 12 gala in dc, new york or costa rica retreat, or a booksigning/workshop along the way. it means a lot to have so many lovely ladies in my life - even if it is virtual.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:51 AM | 6 comments

Sunday, December 16, 2007

louis, moi, tea + loft = delight

as requested, here's a photo taken yesterday when i vowed to not leave the loft until noon. wasn't ready to face the world as i was just too tired. ever have those moments? note the pink mug full of yummy green tea brought to me by the lovely beau. also note how very close the ceiling is to my "second story."

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:28 PM | 2 comments

hip tranquil chick podcast #113: fleeing the cube

Welcome to the 113th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, fleeing the cube with Michelle Goodman in Off the Mat, and we’ve got Omwork and Savvy Sources for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

On the Mat: eagle arms

Off the Mat: Today’s podcast is an interview with Michelle Goodman. Michelle Goodman fled the cube in 1992 to become a freelance writer and has yet to look back. Her reported pieces about alternative careers, human mating rituals, and popular culture have appeared in Salon, Bust, Bitch, Bark, the Seattle Times, and the San Francisco Bay Guardian. Her essays have been anthologized in Single State of the Union: Single Women Speak Out on Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness and The Moment of Truth: Women’s Funniest Romantic Catastrophes. In 2006 she was a writer-in-residence at Hedgebrook, a prominent women’s writing retreat in Washington that receives hundreds of applications from around the globe each year.

Michelle’s freelance writing career has allowed her to work with everyone from book publishers to high-tech empires to peddlers of new-age products, wrangling text on pet accessories, video games, voice recognition software, marital aids, home colonics, and just about anything else that can be sold. A frequent speaker on the freelance writing life, Michelle has participated in panel discussions at Northwest Bookfest, Richard Hugo House, and the University of Washington. She also teaches classes through Media Bistro and the Editorial Freelancers Association in an effort to help aspiring cubicle expats avoid the same mistakes she made early in her own solo career.

Born and raised in the Garden State, Michelle received her B.A. in journalism from George Washington University. In her former 9-to-5 existence, she worked as a newspaper reporter, book editor, publicist, and web community editor. Michelle lives in Seattle with her eighty-pound lap dog, Buddy. The Anti 9-to-5 Guide is her first book.

Omwork: To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:

1. What are your passions?
2. Can these fit into a profession?
3. Can you create your own grassroots gig? That’s how Tranquil Space began!

Savvy Sources
The Anti 9-5 Guide

Signature Style
: Velvet tunic. Only smalls and larges left. Perfect for the holidays. $42.

Haute Holidays: Shop online for the HTC retail therapy page complete with the Hip Tranquil Chick book, yoga CDs, and tranquilista gems. Here at chez moi, we wanted to encourage the sharing of hip tranquil chickness with others over the impending holidays or as a "thinking of you" gift for your favorite leopard-print loving girlfriends.

If you purchase 3 copies of Hip Tranquil Chick between November 1, 2007 and December 31, 2007 you will receive a complimentary tranquility toolkit. Inside the tranquility toolkit you will find yummy tea infusions, a DVD with the first 100 episodes of the HTC podcasts, an unreleased bonus podcast muse by moi, and the signature chariTea soiree toolkit - all wrapped in true hip tranquil chick style.

To redeem, send a copy of your receipt from any book outlet noting your purchase of Hip Tranquil Chick via fax to 615.827.2385 or via e-mail to info@hiptranquilchick.com, along with your snail mail address.

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats: Come our next 1-day retreat in DC on Saturday, January 12 and a weekend of all things hip and tranquil in the Catskills of NY in March, plus a WHOLE week in Costa Rica August 30-September 6. I’ll be leading workshops and hosting book signings in Charleston, WV, Charlotte and Asheville NC in February; back to Denver in April. Details for all special events at kimberlywilson.com. I hope our paths will cross.

Join us for our next le chic teleclass chat focused on "New Year, New You" on Monday, January 7 at 8:30ET. Details here.

Mentoring: Interested in diving deeper into hip and tranquil topics 1:1 with moi? If so, view all the scoop here.

Chic Community: Mingle with fellow HTCs on our forums. We’re on MySpace and Facebook, so please connect with the community virtually there, too! If you have a product you’d like reviewed on the blog – send a sample to me at 2024 p street, nw dc, 20036. sending a sample does not guarantee placement but I’d love to support our growing community! Make sure you're getting the hip tranquil times by signing up at the bottom of any page on hiptranquilchick.com.

Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing fabulous podsafe tunes. Today’s selection is Jingle Bells by Dean Martin and remixed by Dan the Automator. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music in the shownotes.

Thanks for joining me for the 113th edition of the HTC podcast. Namaste.
  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click on the player at the top of the post or click here to listen to older episodes!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Podcast Alley.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed
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Check out nineball media

posted by kimberly wilson @ 4:53 PM | 1 comments

Saturday, December 15, 2007

meet my new toy

so i took my 10-year-old singer machine to my private sewing lesson yesterday and it was a mess. kept skipping stitches, pulling, etc. hmmmm, maybe that's why i pulled it out recently for the first time in five years. well, after playing on the creme-de-la-creme bernina sewing machine for my session (after the teacher lost patience with mine), i decided it was time to get one that worked. it's from bernina's lower end line, bernette.

as i drove home from rockville with it (that journey is a WHOLE other blog post), i carried it as if it was sacred. planned to break it out last night but got caught up on a call with my webmaster. saving it for a special moment. maybe after tonight's trunk show. i feel like i should have a party for it - like a "meet my new machine" soiree. isn't it the cutest thing ever? AND you can push a button for it to sew without using the foot petal. i've never heard of such a thing. gotta get some yummy eco-friendly fabric to start sewing on. all my stash is with my seamstress in ohio (where TranquiliT is sewn).

off to teach a yin and restorative yoga workshop, then to tranquil space bethesda for a trunk show. happy saturday!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:26 PM | 0 comments

Friday, December 14, 2007

last night's soiree

here are a few photos from last night's holiday happenings at the pink palace - complete with the cutest baby ever, cutest chocolate lab puppy ever, cutest louis the pug ever (who took his seat at the table), and a wonderful group of 11 friends. decorating for it was such fun!

everyone got a goodie bag to take home, including bebe and puppy. beau had the grand idea to set out cranberries and a white pine sprig on all the plates. louis kept coming along and stealing them while we were busily prepping. sneaky lil' beast. entertaining is such fun - especially when bows are tied around everything from the pets (yep, even the kitties got them) to stemware!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:28 PM | 2 comments

Thursday, December 13, 2007

tres chic thursday


i always smile when i get a weekly update from the hip tranquil times newsletter that there are 15-20 new ladies who sign up for it. i'm SO honored that the message of tranquility + lip gloss + do gooding resonates with so many. now i don't feel so alone!

today is my first day to breath this week. with the exciting rebranding of TranquiliT, i've been busily getting the new look together, hosting the trunk show, and prepping all your yummy online orders to go out (with the help of my lovely assistant). please know that everything you receive had a TON of love going into it - from our fabric, to our seamstress in ohio, to the packing and shipping in DC. tomorrow i have a private sewing class on working with knits and i'm so excited. some personal creative time. soooo needed. a friend introduced me to this fabulous book that is sure to go on my holiday wish list and i thought you would just love: amy butler's book in stitches.

tonight beau, pug, and i are hosting an intimate dinner party for a few fabulous friends. i've taken the late afternoon off to try to transform my TranquiliT inventory-infused home with holiday festivities. beau cooks, i decorate. we're a good team! we have to pull garden patio furniture inside to have enough seating and table space for all. should be an interesting set up. will surely have some fun photos to share tomorrow.

last night we were up until 3am. 2am working and then the last hour was spent watching the everest documentary about this year's climb that is broken up into series. i love watching people defy such odds. it's humbling and empowering. and looks very cold!
i'm seeing my new-found favorite print, damask, EVERYWHERE. i love it. can't get enough of it. although it clashes a bit with my passion for leopard-print, it is SO decadent.

try this fun movement to stay tranquil. anything helps this time of the year, eh? if you want some restoration, come see me at our arlington studio on saturday from 2-4 for some yin and restorative yoga. scoop is at tranquilspace.com. also, our bethesda studio is having a trunk show from 5-7pm and my assistant and i will be there with some fun goodies. stop by for some treats if you're in the neighborhood.

signing off to do more exciting paperwork - the not-so-fabulous piece of being a business owner. sending each of you much love and gratitude for resonating with hip tranquil chick! merci!

p.s. we'll be at jivamukti in new york (841 broadway) showing the eco-fabulous TranquiliT from 3-8pm on thursday the 20th. come see us!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:41 AM | 2 comments

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

you're invited: 8th annual holiday par-tay

these used to be held at chez moi in my living room, now we're at a yummy neighborhood restaurant. join tranquil space yoga off the mat for our 8th annual holiday party. share in a delightful evening filled with vegetarian hors d'oeuvres, holiday cheer, treats for all, and a chance to mingle with your fabulous fellow yogis. we look forward to celebrating this special season with you! dress is festive attire.
location: mark and orlando's, 2022 p street, nw
time: 7-9pm
when: sunday, december 16
cost: free and gifts for all!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:33 AM | 2 comments

Monday, December 10, 2007

pink palace transforms to boutique

tonight's TranquiliT trunk show at chez moi was such fun. i love to see people happy and comfy in their new sustainable style pieces. to the left is a photo of the lovely crystal, arway, and christy helping get the "boutique" set up for retail therapy. note chubby kitty bonnard in the far left corner with his back to the camera. if you didn't get to take advantage of the 25% off your ENTIRE order at TranquiliT.com today, we're going to keep the HAUTE code valid through friday. happy shopping!

above is also a photo of my lovely miami girlfriend and her fabulous kitty purse. i teased her about it so she broke out a vintage denim chanel bag but decided it wasn't as comfy as her kitty bag. can you stand it? i raved about it all weekend!

finally, there is louis looking dapper while hanging out on my kitchen table. i know, that's not where dogs belong but he seems so happy there!

extreme gratitude: two lovely shoppers gave me cards tonight with a combination of $700 to tranquil space foundation. i was floored. how incredibly generous and thoughtful! i still haven't gotten used to receiving funds like this simply to support doing work that i (and an amazing steering committee + board) love doing. i know it is how non-profits survive but it's such a new concept! thank you, thank you, thank you. you know who you are!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:52 PM | 8 comments

Sunday, December 09, 2007

hip tranquil chick podcast #112: entrepreneurial journey

Welcome to the 112th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Today’s menu features an October speech I gave at George Washington University's Women in Business group. We'll be back with the usual on the mat and off the mat goodies next week!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click on the player at the top of the post or click here to listen to older episodes!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Podcast Alley.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed
Interested in starting a podcast for yourself, your organization or your business?
Check out nineball media

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:23 PM | 2 comments

Saturday, December 08, 2007

creative fun

the lovely ms. anne (our ayurveda podcast queen) is hosting a yoga + knitting workshop THIS friday, december 14 at tranquil space. please join me for some knitting fun. i've GOT to finish the scarf i started in january 2006.

i'll be leading my annual new year's 4-week creativity circle starting sunday, january 27. if you're contemplating infusing your world with more creativity in 2008 and you live near dc, please join me.

if you're trying to find something fun and creative to do on your sunday afternoon, why not make some holiday gifts or cards? yes, really make them. bake cookies. create your own holiday card and gift tags. try some fun DIY projects. make some bath sachets. craft your own room spray. personalize a plain journal for your special someone to record all their dreams. bead a necklace or pair of earrings.

creativity is always at our fingertips. indulge. innovate. inspire.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:54 PM | 1 comments

god bless miami

i left dc today while it was sleeting and was warmly greeted by a balmy miami shortly thereafter. the day has been a total treat thanks to spending time with my dear friend, her cute son, and multiple cats - i believe there are 9! miami is overrun with stray cats and she has a very soft spot for them - even the one-eyed black one. the youngest one - 12 weeks - is sitting next to my while i type.

tonight's excursion at the standard spa and hotel was yummy. i taught hip hips to a delightful group of podcast listeners, locals, and an old friend. then we hit the complimentary steam showers complete with peppermint steam, the cold shower, and a heated slab to rest on afterwards. true bliss. then we went through a drive through for french fries. what's a girl to do when she feels so detoxified?

tomorrow we have spa treatments - facial and massage for moi. can't wait! long overdue. more fun to come as what's not to love about 70-80 degree weather in december! happy, happy weekend!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:33 AM | 1 comments

Thursday, December 06, 2007

come one, come all

save the date: THIS monday (post-miami) i'll be having a private TranquiliT sale in chez moi, aka the pink palace from 4-8pm. if you can't join us in person, please shop online ALL day and save 25% by typing in HAUTE at checkout. to get the exact location in dupont, e-mail events@TranquiliT.com.

yay for shopping sustainable style this holiday season. bamboo armwarmers, wraps, and dresses, organic cottom pants, and more yumminess. can you tell i've got a thing for "yummy" lately?

happy sunny thursday in dc. i hear miami is tres sunny. can't wait!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:00 PM | 0 comments

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

snowy night musings

i love, love, love snow! we all laughed at the forecast and little did we know that we'd get so much fun powdery stuff. what a holiday treat.

this week has been especially busy with a meeting first thing in the morning, continuing back to back throughout the day leaving no breathing space, teaching, and then home to more e-mails than i like to admit - just waiting for an answer. i love being busy but i also desperately crave unscheduled time for moi. this weekend i'm heading to miami to teach at the standard on friday night (come if you live there!) and then chilling with a dear ol' girlfriend who i see way too infrequently. i can't wait to decompress slightly.

monday night we took the tranquil teens program to the boys and girls club of dc. we had an amazing group of girls and they loved the yoga. it's amazing how many of them commented about loving the relaxation at the end and the aromatherapy. isn't it interesting how seldom we offer ourselves such respite other than sleeping at night. i have rosewater and lavender spray in my loo that i love to spray on my face throughout the day as a pick-me-up. it's the little things that can make such a difference.

last week after going to hear amy sedaris speak (she is sooo funny), i got a tar-jay craving so beau and i took advantage of their holiday hours. i purchased a pair of yummy black/white damask curtains. they now fill my office (hidden under our loft bed) with fun flair. i see they also have sheer ones. hmmm. kinda clashes with the leopard-print but i've been feeling the damask vibe lately. i'm not breaking up with leopard-print but just adding a new print to my repertoire.

only 19 holiday shopping days left. i've barely begun. sent a lot of rosemary trees to people so that they could enjoy an early gift that was living. think lots of folks are getting some beautiful bamboo clothes - hmmm, i wonder why! maybe because i have a dining room full of the luxurious fabric cut into fabulous garments. i feel like a kid in a candy store!

my yoga practice has been suffering during the busy start to the month but i will get back on track. it does a body good and i know better! also, my eating has been horrible. despite dining on delicious brown rice and greens, i've hit taco bell (bean burrito with sour creme), ritz cheese bites (yum!), and a box of thin mints (super yum!). um, someone needs to get grounded! oh, and my doctor put me on some silly GERD diet. no chocolate (oops!) and other fun things. bummer.

life continues to whirl away and i feel blessed by the many opportunities that continue to present themselves - sometimes as challenges (our biggest teachers) and sometimes as pure bliss. i hope you will enjoy my latest piece on self-care. off to indulge in a bit of it with some late-night documentary watching. cheers.

p.s. hope you enjoy the photos of my garden and my assistant, beau, and pug - all under a blanket of snow!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:52 PM | 2 comments

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

voila: new TranquiliT look

check out our fabulous new look at TranquiliT.com. tres excited to share with you all sorts of fun new looks, designs, colors, online coupons, and lifestyle tips to help us all live more tranquilly.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 3:38 PM | 2 comments

Sunday, December 02, 2007

hip tranquil chick podcast #111: exploring macrobiotics

Welcome to the 111th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.

Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, exploring macrobiotics with Jessica Porter in Off the Mat, and we’ve got Omwork and Savvy Sources for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

On the Mat: lion

Off the Mat: Jessica Porter teaches macrobiotic cooking classes in Toronto, where she lectures on the spiritual and emotional dimensions of macrobiotic practice. She has also taught cooking in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta and London.

When not writing, cooking or teaching macrobiotics, Jessica is a hypnotherapist specializing in smoking cessation and HypnoBirthing. She is a faculty member of the HypnoBirthing Institute, recipient of its Director's Award, and trains midwives and doctors in the technique throughout North America, Europe, and South Africa. Porter has also produced two hypnosis CDs - Healing with the Hip Chick, and Hip Chick Hypnosis - for people practicing the macrobiotic diet.

In her free time, Porter has co-hosted a weekly call-in radio show on WMPG in Portland, Maine, as well as trying her hand at standup comedy and improv. As an actress, she has played many contemporary and classical roles and has been featured in local independent films. She has also written and performed her own one-woman show called "Zen Comedy."

Interviewed by Simon Doonan for the "New York Observer" in January 2001, their acquaintance led to Jessica being featured in his second book, Wacky Chicks, published by Simon and Schuster in 2003.

In the late '90s, Jessica spent three years traveling internationally as a macrobiotic chef cooking for private clients. For eight months in 1998, she cooked for Roger Waters of Pink Floyd.

As a macrobiotic chef, she worked under the guidance of many well-known macrobiotic counselors, such as Michio Kushi (The Book of Macrobiotics), William Spear (Feng Shui Made Easy), Lino Stanchich (You are How You Eat), and Denny Waxman (10 Steps to Strengthening Health).

From 1994 to 1996, Porter served as Manager for the "Way to Health" program at the Kushi Institute. There she supervised the coordination of students and teachers, and managed the faculty, which included Edward Esko, Wendy Esko, Alex Jack, and Charles Millman — all prolific macrobiotic teachers and authors. Through living and working at the Kushi Institute, she became part of a worldwide network of macrobiotic people, many of whom run macrobiotic centers, health food stores or co-ordinate regular gatherings of health-minded individuals.

At the Kushi Institute, she completed all three levels of macrobiotic training. These include in-depth study of cooking, macrobiotic philosophy, health care, and oriental diagnosis. She also completed the macrobiotic counselor training at Gulliver's in New York City.

The author began her macrobiotic practice fifteen years ago in New York, where she was a graduate student in acting at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. While in New York, Jessica ran her own catering business called "Big Life Foods", providing macrobiotic meals to health food stores.

A Graduate of Brown University with a B.A. in Semiotics (now called Modern Culture and Media) in 1988, Porter served as co-editor of the campus humor magazine, the Philtrum Press.

Growing up in Toronto, the author was an actress and co-host of the national radio program "Anybody Home?", produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Omwork: To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:

1. Eat more brown rice and greens and observe how you feel.
2. Are you a sugar addict? I am! Let's cut back and see what happens.
3. Incorporate some of the macrobiotic lifestyle tips we discussed: keep fresh plants in the home, walk in nature, be grateful, teach others, open windows to circulate fresh air.

Savvy Sources
The Hip Chick's Guide to Macrobiotics by Jessica Porter

Signature Style
: Black and white cross front tunic. This festive piece is made from a poly blend that is super soft. Only a few left. $40 here.

Haute Holidays: Shop online for the HTC retail therapy page complete with the Hip Tranquil Chick book, yoga CDs, and tranquilista gems. Here at chez moi, we wanted to encourage the sharing of hip tranquil chickness with others over the impending holidays or as a "thinking of you" gift for your favorite leopard-print loving girlfriends.

If you purchase 3 copies of Hip Tranquil Chick between November 1, 2007 and December 31, 2007 you will receive a complimentary tranquility toolkit. Inside the tranquility toolkit you will find yummy tea infusions, a DVD with the first 100 episodes of the HTC podcasts, an unreleased bonus podcast muse by moi, and the signature chariTea soiree toolkit - all wrapped in true hip tranquil chick style.

To redeem, send a copy of your receipt from any book outlet noting your purchase of Hip Tranquil Chick via fax to 615.827.2385 or via e-mail to info@hiptranquilchick.com, along with your snail mail address.

Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats: Come our next 1-day retreat in DC on Saturday, January 12 and a weekend of all things hip and tranquil in the Catskills of NY in March. I’ll be leading workshops and hosting book signings in Miami at The Standard in December; Charleston, WV, Charlotte and Asheville NC in February; and back to Denver in April. Details for all special events at kimberlywilson.com. I hope our paths will cross.

Join us for our next le chic teleclass chat focused on "New Year, New You" on Monday, January 7 at 8:30ET. Details here.

Mentoring: Interested in diving deeper into hip and tranquil topics 1:1 with moi? If so, view all the scoop here.

Chic Community: Mingle with fellow HTCs on our forums. We’re on MySpace and Facebook, so please connect with the community virtually there, too! If you have a product you’d like reviewed on the blog – send a sample to me at 2024 p street, nw dc, 20036. sending a sample does not guarantee placement but I’d love to support our growing community! Make sure you're getting the hip tranquil times by signing up at the bottom of any page on hiptranquilchick.com.

Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing fabulous podsafe tunes. Today’s selection is America by Jason Kent. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music at

Thanks for joining me for the 111th edition of the HTC podcast. Namaste.
  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click on the player at the top of the post or click here to listen to older episodes!
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Podcast Alley.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
  • Do you use another podcatcher? Use this link for the podcast RSS feed
Interested in starting a podcast for yourself, your organization or your business?
Check out nineball media

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:01 PM | 0 comments

Saturday, December 01, 2007

happy december - go nesting!

can you believe that we've reached the final month of 2007? wow, the year has flown by. i guess that is what happens as we get older. don't you recall hearing your parents say how quickly things had flown by and you couldn't believe that third grade was so long - felt like fourth grade would never happen? our perspectives definitely shift.

last night i asked someone what they were doing tonight and he replied that he felt like nesting. i love that word and definitely have that nesting vibe myself. after a week filled with continual priorities that left me with an inbox like i'd never seen before, i am totally craving a weekend of nesting. my days will allow for that, despite busy evening plans. i'm writing this while holed up in my loft bed with some green tea nearby. have not yet fully ventured into the day despite some impending must-dos before tonight's trunk show - like make more tranquilista gems. i've got to nest just a bit longer first. if you, too, are craving some nesting time despite the holiday hustle and bustle among you, please be sure to listen within. happy nesting from one nest-lover to another . . .

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:51 AM | 6 comments

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