
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

creative minds unite & chicago bound

one of my fave tobago yoginis has created a blog for creative minds of dc. she recently interviewed me on topics such as yoga and creativity, and the vision of tranquil space. give ms. amanda's creative outlet a read and pass along any creative dc gems that you'd like her to share.

off to chicago in the morning for the midwest yoga conference. showing the tranquiliT collection and mingling with numerous yogis on and off the mat. stay tuned for musings from the conference, photos, and tales from the midwest . . .

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:04 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

the creation of the tranquil space foundation

i choose to rise up out of that storm and see that in moments of desperation, fear, and helplessness, each of us can be a rainbow of hope, doing what we can to extend ourselves in kindness and grace to one another. and i know for sure that there is no them . . . there's only us.—oprah winfrey

the purpose of my baby, tranquil space, can best be summed up with a mission of helping others find their own tranquility within. as a yoga studio with hopes of enhancing lives on and off the yoga mat, i am embarking on our next journey with the creation of the tranquil space foundation—a public charity with hopes of going above and beyond our current studio charity efforts to reach even more people and offer tranquility into their lives.

ahhh, the evolutionary process: seven years ago this month i went through my first teacher training. a few months later, with visions of special strangers huddled around my living room’s fireplace drinking tea, doing yoga and connecting, i hung fliers around the neighborhood announcing yoga in dupont. this single act was the launch pad for this young girl from oklahoma working as a paralegal with a psychology degree. thus, tranquil space began.

over the years we’ve grown to encompass trunk shows, colorful studio décor, lifestyle-focused “off the mat” workshops, the tranquiliT boutique, expansion to bethesda and downtown, creativity circles, the tranquiliT collection, four main charities, and hip tranquil chick. my initial reason for starting the studio continues to expand with yoga and tranquility at the helm. i believe that yoga for the sake of yoga is powerful, but not as powerful as sprinkling it throughout your lifestyle.

social consciousness has always been an important component to us with the numerous charities we support. our four main charities are the humane society, arbor day foundation, my sister’s place, and the fund for women artists. for example, in june we’ll plant a tree in a damaged national forest for each pass purchased.

with the new tranquil space foundation, we will add more to our current successes with our deserving charities and events like doga and girl’s night in. tranquil space foundation will continue what we have already started through tranquil space – a movement toward bringing the tranquility of yoga to everyday life. the foundation vision includes more special fundraising events, scholarships to students and teachers, direct service by taking yoga to special populations, and a strong board that resonates with the vision of creating a tranquil space within our society. on top of all of this, tranquil space foundation will itself be a public charity, giving another outlet for members of the community to make tax-deductible donations to the cause.

if you know someone you would like to nominate to serve on the board of the new tranquil space foundation, or would like to share any ideas on how you see it serving our community, please e-mail me at kimberly@tranquilspace.com. i would love to hear your feedback.

my hope is that tranquil space serves to inspire all who enters its doors, and that hip tranquil chick serves to inspire all who read or listen. life is lived by stepping strategically outside of one’s comfort zone to head in the direction of your dreams, while ultimately serving others simultaneously. continue your exploration of yoga as a lifestyle and enjoy the constant evolution of it. unleash your unlimited potential. let your yogic lifestyle be as unique as you are. embrace the teachings, hold onto what resonates with you, and continue to live your life one pose at a time. let’s work together to help create a truly tranquil space.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:01 AM | 2 comments

Monday, May 29, 2006


a day in the country does a soul good.

after hitting unicorn, gray ghost, and rappahannock wineries, we headed to my favorite discount stores in front royal - big lots and dollar general. yep, can't escape my oklahoma roots. our poor beaus were begging for mercy by the time we exited the last one with a few bags in tow-glitter glue, hair ties, tracing paper, scented tea lights, colored pencils. all sorts of goodies at great prices.

then off to eat at my fave mexican restaurant near the shenandoah mountains--jalisco! i've been going to this little gem for a decade now and have watched it bloom from a small family place near the entrance of the park to a new, much larger location with a burgeoning clientele. i love these success stories. we emerged well-fed around 8 and weren't quite ready to return to reality so we stopped in manassas to see the da vinci code.

ahh, home at 12:30 and loved every minute. the attached photo shows rachel, local belly dance phenom of sahara dance, and me playing with bubble wands outside of our first winery. sometimes a little play goes a very long way!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:03 PM | 2 comments

Sunday, May 28, 2006

in celebration of sunday

in an effort to take advantage of my first official day off since mid-march, i snuck in some early e-mail time (couldn't resist) and am heading off to virginia wine country with my some friends, and a beau, in tow. nothing beats the sounds and views of the countryside. couple this with some early afternoon wine sipping with cheese and crackers, and you're a step closer to heaven! ok, maybe a slight exaggeration, but it sounds like fun to me. we decided last minute that some camping would be a treat, too. but finding a campground with one opening for one night this late in the game was a dream. think we'll settle with some sunset smore roasting whereever we can find a picnic area.

i hope you have some fun and frivolous plans ahead of you this weekend. here's to the great outdoors . . . cheers!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:44 AM | 0 comments

Saturday, May 27, 2006

hip tranquil chick podcast #34: ayurveda 101

HTC: May 27, 2006 Shownotes

Welcome to the 34th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the Tranquil Space Yoga Studio in Washington, DC.

Today’s podcast is an interview with Anne Thiel on ayurveda, topped of with a pose of the podcast, hip tranquil chick suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

Anne Thiel wears several hats at Tranquil Space. She is a teacher, prenatal program coordinator and treatment therapist for thai yoga bodywork and ayurvedic consultations. Her yoga journey started in Kimberly’s living room in 2000 and it led Anne to also develop an interest in ayurveda. Thought to be the oldest healthcare system in the world and originally developed as a sister science of yoga, ayurveda, like yoga, teaches us alignment, namely how to align ourselves with nature. Ayurveda believes that we are part of the universe and that we are made of the same ‘stuff’, namely the five elements (space/ether, air, fire, water and earth). These five elements occur in the body in the form of the three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) and usually one or two of these doshas will determine the body’s predominant constitutional energy. Ayurveda teaches us how to live in balance with that energy and also how to bring that energy in balance with the energy of nature around us. If we are able to bring this energy into balance, we are able to freely access that what underlies the body, the Soul, Spirit, Self.
Anne was drawn to this concept because it simply made a lot of sense to her, and then, later, because she found it really worked! Integrating some of the ayurvedic principles into her life, she suddenly found herself no longer struggling and going against the stream, but rather swimming with the stream, ‘going with the flow’, more in synch with the world.

Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
“I'd love to create a job, I bought my own website address a couple of days ago and hope to build a cool site and try selling my artwork on there which I am very excited about! I am still deciding on a web host and then I can begin!

I dream of running my own business doing what I love, which I think is one of the reasons why you are such an inspiration to people because you show you are a real person if you know what I mean, and that it's possible to achieve so much more than an average boring job if you really believe you can do something. I think I said last time I emailed how your podcasts have really changed my life because they and some of your book suggestions have really opened my eyes to see there is so much more you can do in the world!”

Pose of the Podcast:
Forward fold during summer to cool (standing, seated, plow)

We’ve expanded the community to MySpace, please connect with me virtually there, too!

Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com.

For all you local gals, I’m offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June-July, details at tranquilspace.com.

Heading to Chicago for the Midwest Yoga Conference in June, please come see me!

Be in touch—share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is Softly by Hungry Lucy. You can get more of their music at hungrylucy.com or Hungry Lucy's MySpace page.

Thanks for joining me for the 34th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:00 PM | 3 comments

    Friday, May 26, 2006

    finding your edge

    you know that point when you're outside of your comfort zone, but not in actual pain? that's what finding your edge is all about. truly experiencing that point of uneasiness coupled with excitement, yet devoid of injury.

    in yoga class we talk a lot about finding your edge, and i think it is a great topic to ponder. how do you find your edge? i think of staying in the comfort zone as death. death to growth, death to challenge, death to new experiences. sure, moving outside of the safety box is uncomfortable, but it will sure give you a kick in the pants.

    as we move into a fun holiday weekend, how can you move closer to your edge? take a class you don't normally take. play in the garden when you're not really a "get your hands dirty" gal. mingle with folks you don't know well. sign up for something you've been considering for years. buy a bike when you're normally a "play it safe and metro" girl. go for a run. grill corn in the husk. make a date with an acquaintance you've been wanting to get to know better. sit at a cafe and people watch, rather than reading the sunday paper at home.

    each of us find our edge in different ways. remember your path is uniquely yours. but get your bum out there and make things happen. make friends with your edge and live on it! have a FABULOUS, edge-filled holiday weekend.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:26 AM | 1 comments

    Wednesday, May 24, 2006

    dear hip tranquil chick . . .

    Q: How do you wind down and quieten the mind for sleep? I am a major overactive thinker when I am trying to go asleep, I just go over and over things that have happened at work. Thinking what was said, what I should have said, etc. I find it incredibly difficult to switch off and relax, and as I result don't often get a good nights sleep unless I have had several glasses of wine to knock me out!

    A: Ahhh, my dear, that's what we call the monkey mind in yoga! There is a great article that I came across that may also offer some assistance to taming the overactive mind/body. Basically, it isn't easy to quiet and that is the whole point of yoga--to quiet the fluctuations of the mind--or so Patanajali says. Unfortunately, I, too, have a very active mind and find myself creating to-do lists while practicing yoga, keep a post-it pad by my bed for those oh-so-important thoughts that come to me late at night, and am constantly working to strengthen the tranquility in my life. Thank Gawd we do yoga!

    My top tips for creating a tranquil night's sleep:

    1. Talk out what is on your mind--journal, blog, share with your trusted pal.
    2. Keep paper and a pen by your bed and in your handbag to note all spur-of-the-moment thoughts that may never return if not captured.
    3. When you find yourself battling a feeling of "I should have done better" or "so-and-so's e-mail bothered me," get to the bottom of it. What really is upsetting you? Was it really the e-mail or the message behind it that is leaving you feeling hurt? This has been a very helpful tool when I have that uneasy feeling.
    4. Take time to unwind through meditation, a chill yoga practice, writing out tomorrow's agenda, recapping the day, putting on relaxing pulse point cream or music, lighting a candle--basically create a ritual to let your day go!
    5. Creating a sacred haven in your bedroom definitely helps -- devoid of TV, computers, too many books (I have heaps of them by my bed . . . ugh!).

    Click here for additional tips. Sending you tranquil thoughts and happy zzzzzs!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:02 AM | 2 comments

    Monday, May 22, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #33: book writing 101

    HTC: May 22, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 33rd edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the Pink Palace in Washington, DC.

    Today’s podcast is on book writing 101, topped of with a pose of the podcast, hip tranquil chick suggestions, and fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    1. Create a concept
    2. Query letter
    3. Write the proposal
    4. Search for an agent
    5. Get picked up by a publisher
    6. Write the book
    7. Promote the book

    Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:
    Nonfiction Book Proposals Anybody Can Write by Elizabeth Lyon
    How to Write a Book Proposal by Michael Larsen
    Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg
    Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
    If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland
    The Journey from the Center to the Page by Jeff Davis
    Publicize Your Book by Jacqueline Deval

    Pose of the Podcast: Eagle arms in Warrior 1

    We’ve expanded the community to MySpace, please connect with me virtually there, too!

    Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com.

    For all you local gals, I’m offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June-July, details at tranquilspace.com.

    Heading to Chicago for the Midwest Yoga Conference in June, please come see me!

    Be in touch—share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is Gut Feeling by DJ Eric Ill. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of his music, at DJ Eric Ill's MySpace page.

    Thanks for joining me for the 33rd edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:57 PM | 2 comments

    Saturday, May 20, 2006

    gettin' needled

    since i'm in dire need of a massage and couldn't squeeze on in until next tuesday (taking advantage of a forced mother's day gift from my beau), i returned to my favorite acupuncturist kate yonkers on thursday. she's a true therapist. so gentle, intuitive, and cute as a button. if you haven't experienced acupuncture, i encourage you to give it a whirl.

    i know, i know. needles aren't fun. i, too, am not a fan of needles (getting blood drawn makes me squimish), but the needles used in acupuncture are tiny and not at all intrusive. you can go for help with so many things. i've always gone with a simple "balance me" request (who doesn't want that?). this time, however, i had a slight tweak in my ankle that i asked her to coddle. think i turned it one too many times in my younger years, and over the past few months i've been feeling a tightness in the area. she put needles all over and i laid in quiet with a heat lamp on my belly for about 30-40 minutes.

    when she returned to remove them, the one at my ankle needed some extra attention. i stumbled out of the room as if i'd been drinking, somewhat dizzy with good feelings. when checking out, i mentioned the ankle area tingling. she said that when she removed the needle, she observed what usually happens in an area that has built up stagnation. interesting. it feels a lot better and has more mobility. i think there's something to this gettin' needled stuff beyond it just feeling great! go ahead girls, see for yourselves.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 6:02 PM | 0 comments

    Thursday, May 18, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #32: be your authentic brand

    HTC: May 18, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 32nd edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from theTranquil Space Yoga Studio in Washington, DC.

    Today’s podcast is an interview with Lauren Cerand of LuxLotus.com on creating and communicating a personal brand, topped of with a pose of the podcast, hip tranquil chick suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    Lauren Cerand is an independent public relations representative, consultant and writer based in New York.

    Her clients are a mix of creative professionals such as authors, filmmakers, artists and others that includes a bestselling nonfiction author, award-winning novelists, an acclaimed contemporary art gallery, and a director featured at the Sundance film festival.

    Lauren specializes in generating initial buzz and building sustained attention for projects and individuals. She has extensive experience in generating online coverage and producing events, and has placed her clients in major print and broadcast outlets including National Public Radio, The New York Times and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

    She writes about art, politics and style at LuxLotus.com.

    Pose of the Podcast:
    Destressing at Your Desk!

    Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

    Make a Name for Yourself

    by Robin Fisher Roffer

    Emotional Branding
    by Marc Gobe

    The Power of Purpose
    by Peter S. Temes

    Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
    “I just wanted to take a quick moment to thank you for this incredible blog and for everything you share. I discovered your little spot several months ago by accident. I remember googling something completely unrelated to yoga and somehow your site came up. The short blurb was enough to prompt me to click on the link, and I've been hooked ever since. As I was milling through your previous posts and podcasts (I never knew there was such a thing before your site), I became so engrossed by your journey and your unique take on life. I also saw many things I could relate to - a love of yoga, a desire to make an impact on people and help them better their lives, a love of animals, and even a stint in the legal world.

    I think what really connected me to your site was my own personal situation. As a young attorney, I encountered a first job that really tore me apart. The inevitable happened, and I found myself jobless and full of self-doubt. As I discern my next step (do I even want to stay in law?), I know without a doubt that taking care of myself mentally, spiritually, and physically should never be sacrificed for a job - something I learned the hard way. I found your site at an ideal time when I was (am) looking for a little direction, and, though I am not one to normally make myself known (yes, I really am an attorney), I just want to say thanks for all that you do. Good luck with your new book, and I can't wait to give it a read.”

    We’ve expanded the community to MySpace, please connect with me virtually there, too!

    Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com.

    For all you local gals, I’m offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June-July, details at tranquilspace.com.

    Heading to Chicago for the Midwest Yoga Conference in June, please come see me!

    Be in touch—share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is Down by Endless Blue. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music, at endlessblue.com.

    Thanks for joining me for the 32nd edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 7:58 PM | 0 comments

    Wednesday, May 17, 2006

    dear hip tranquil chick . . .

    Q: what poses can i do while hovered over my computer to help those aching shoulders?

    A: i LOVE this question because i, too, suffer from "achy computer shoulder syndrome." here are a few of my fave tips:

    1. bring your arms behind your back, interlace your hands, and lift up. sway from side to side. brilliant!

    2. extend your right arm along your right ear, bend your arm and place your right hand onto your upper back with the fingers facing down. bend your left arm and bring the left hand up to connect with the right. viola, cow face arms. repeat on other side.

    3. bring your right arm under your left, bend at the elbows, bring the hands in toward your body and connect the palms of the hands together, lift the elbows up to shoulder height to eagle arms.

    4. lower your right ear to your right shoulder, chin to your chest, and left ear to your left shoulder, chin back to your chest and continue the pattern. ahhhhhh.

    hope this helps bring some serenity to your shoulders!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 3:37 PM | 0 comments

    Tuesday, May 16, 2006

    delirium musing

    my sincerest apologizes for the podcast delay. i edited for 16 hours STRAIGHT yesterday, fell into bed at 2am, and then up this morning to do final edits before e-mailing it off to start a 15-hour day. it's ironic that i put so many meetings on hold until after the book deadline, and now they are piled up with little blank space in sight. well, never fear, the tranquility will emerge after a good night's sleep and some hard core yoga. my poor body is aching after hovering over this iBook for soooo long!

    i'm always amazed how life takes so many turns filled with fluctuating emotion. excitement, exhaustion, frustration, anticipation, glee, anger. all these pieces are so crucial to who we are and what makes us tick. i'm working on becoming less reactionary and trying to ride out emotions rather than act on them. you know that feeling when you receive a not-so-pleasant e-mail? rather than responding in an equally unpleasant manner, why not sit on it, ponder, breathe and give it space? proactive, not reactive. trying to find win/wins. they're out there!

    similar to tonight. home and off a call at 11pm, ate some fat free pudding for dinner (i know, i know!), took my e-mail box down 40 e-mails, and my body is begging for bed. i call this a state of delirium, but i also enjoy the feeling of completion that corresponds with exhaustion. the bulk of the book is done. sure i get to do a couple more editing phases, but for now, it sits with a copy editer, and i have some space to reconnect with projects i've had to postpone due to the impending deadline.

    the world truly is our oyster. come on girls, let's show it what we've got! (after a good night's sleep)

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:59 PM | 0 comments

    Monday, May 15, 2006

    today's the day!

    alrightie all, i'm off to bed before getting back up to conquer the rest of the manuscript. please send lots of good writing thoughts today as i tighten the 40,000+ word content and work to really make it sparkle. thanks for all your well wishes and support during this journey on sharing tranquility in an oh-so-modern-gal kind of style.

    this week's podcast is coming monday (if i still have any steam left) or tuesday. sorry for the delay but the clocks a tickin'!

    best wishes for a beautiful start to your week. may you begin to see the fruits of your labor play out as i know many girls are graduating, finishing up semesters, gearing up for summer time vacay, planning events, and making efforts to live more creatively. here's to each of you and the power of living in hip AND tranquil fashion!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:01 AM | 3 comments

    Sunday, May 14, 2006

    on deadline/mother's day musing

    tomorrow is the final submission of the manuscript with edits. ahhh, may 15 has been like a little clock ticking away since my editor and i set the dates late 2005. it seems to me that authors take nine months to write a non-fiction book once it is picked up by a publisher, but we wanted to get the little gem out in time for the holidays so i had six months. it's been an incredible journey and i've thoroughly enjoyed the process. working to put concepts into clear and concise statements is a challenge. i get what a hip tranquil chick is, but how to best relay the message to readers? doing so in an entertaining and insightful way is critical to a book's success. i can't wait to share this work with you!

    on another note, in celebration of mother's day, my beau and i took louis to a pug meet-up in maryland (yes, they really have such things. owners show up in pug t-shirts, carrying pug handbags, etc). louis was a total rock star and when they announced a race, we jumped at the opportunity to let little louis shine. tim held onto him and when they said "go," little louis was off. he won hands down and got another little red lobster (his fave toy) as a prize. we both laughed that we were way more proud than "normal" people should be over their dog winning a 100-foot race. it's the little things . . .

    ok, back to writing, gotta stop procrastinating. wishing all a happy mother's day as we are all mothers in some way! i hope you'll take a moment to honor the many women who have gone before us to help make our lives so full of opportunities.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 6:49 PM | 0 comments

    yogis doing good

    today tranquil space hosted two special events to benefit two of our four ongoing charities-my sister's place and the humane society.

    we began with our 2nd annual doga in the park to surprisingly sunny skies after loads of rain. we raised money and awareness for this special organization's ongoing efforts to assist our four-legged pals. note louis helping me teach yoga.

    the day culminated with girls' night in at the studio. it was a kick-off for our tranquiliT treatments filled with two hours of complimentary spa treatments, wine, cheese, sparkling h20, and raffles for all sorts of fun prizes. note louis helping gina sign in (before he was removed for being a boy at girls' night in). we raised money and awareness to assist with eradicating domestic violence in dc.

    thanks to all who supported these two events! may we continue sprinkling tranquility both on and off the yoga mat.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:40 AM | 2 comments

    Saturday, May 13, 2006

    hippin' and hoppin' with yoga

    last night was my quarterly hip hop yoga workshop at tranquil space. the electrifying music creates such a fun, playful, rhythmic mood as students flowed through sun saluations, standing poses, and LOADS of hip openers (figured i should carry the hip theme throughout). i took my first class to hip hop tunes out in LA (of course!) a few years ago and i was smitten. moving beyond krisha das and sounds of the ocean truly made a difference in the energy of my practice. sure my bum moved a bit more in down dog and i liked to sing along to tunes i knew, but it was more than that. it was an overall connection to the beat and the feeling that "this shouldn't be so much fun," that made it even more powerful. sometimes doing something that doesn't fit convention or isn't viewed as the "right way" (hip hop vs. new age) can make your practice of yoga and life even more sexy.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:59 AM | 0 comments

    Thursday, May 11, 2006

    doga this weekend

    join us this saturday for DOGA from 3-4:30 at rose park (p & 25th--across the bridge down from the studio). bring your canine companion, borrow one, or come alone for some fun in the park. i'll lead a 1-hour all-levels class and we'll let the pups run around and mingle in their own special way.

    this is a benefit for the humane society who will be on hand passing out materials and tasty beverages. doggie style bakery will be there will doggie treats for you to decorate. event is $5 for the humane society. please come support our passion for pups and the humane society!

    note little louis last year to my right looking on!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:35 PM | 2 comments

    Tuesday, May 09, 2006

    women's entrepreneurial leadership extravaganza

    i'm just home from an action-packed day that ended with me speaking on a panel about business at a GWU women's leadership dinner. the beautiful room, on GWU's lovely mount vernon campus in upper georgetown, was filled with mentors and their student mentees, faculty and others involved with this women's program.

    while getting my MA from GWU in women's studies a few years ago, i was blessed to work on an independent study with the woman who runs this program. the topic of women, leadership, and business was love at first sight. empowering women to lead and create is truly what this program is all about in my eyes. business is about creating and serving.

    as someone with NO business background, i never thought business was a possibility and it sure wasn't an interest. it is amazing how my love for psychology blended with yoga and women's issues helped me create tranquil space--a world that continues to evolve with my creative interests with the ultimate goal of helping others find tranquility.

    my top 3 tips from tonight's presentation:

    1. create community: honor your clients and team with specials, events, and recognition
    2. fuse your passion with growth opportunities: let your initial passion grow and evolve creatively as you do the same (i.e., yoga is the catalyst for my book, blog, podcast, clothing line, and, of course, studio)
    3. share your success: mentor, consult, volunteer, give back, get involved with charities, create a movement

    this little yogini has once again gone tired, but had to share one last bit of inspiration before replenishing with a good night's sleep! 'night xo

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:16 PM | 0 comments

    Monday, May 08, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #31: creativity toolkit

    HTC: May 8, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 31st edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the 600 sq. foot Pink Palace in Washington, DC.

    Today’s podcast is on your creativity toolkit--designing your hip tranquil chick collage, topped of with a pose of the podcast, hip tranquil chick suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    stack of glossy magazines and mail-order catalogs, postcards, photos, scissors, glue sticks, stickers, rubber stamps, colored pencils, watercolors, paints, tape.

    Pose of the Podcast: Half Sun Salute

    Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

    Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing Your Dreams
    by Lucia Capacchione

    The Joy of Doing Things Badly: A Girl's Guide to Love, Life, and Foolish Bravery
    by Veronica Chambers

    Hip Tranquil Chick Chat: “after listening to your podcast, i want to make a list (because i love lists...) of all the places i would like to travel in my life. i'll probably start small (like in the US - i'm thinking New Mexico, San Francisco, Austin, Joshua Tree National Park, Boston, and Seattle...) and work my way out into the world. your podcast empowered and motivated me to want to travel either by myself or my friends or with my boyfriend. i know i can make it happen and that there's no better time to start then now while i'm young :-)

    i also wanted to thank you for the sequence you posted on your blog to help with "emotional spring cleaning." right now i've really been struggling with staying balanced considering all the changes going on in my life - graduating college, finding a job, moving into an apartment, making sure i have enough money to finance everything etc. it's definitely stressful. i don't know if you have any extra tips or advice regarding how a recent college grad can adjust financially in the "real world." i loved the finance podcast a couple weeks ago and found it helpful.”

    Update... here are the two books for financial tips in the real world:

    The Go-Girl Guide : Surviving Your 20s with Savvy, Soul, and Style
    by Julia Bourland

    City Chic: An Urban Girl's Guide to Livin' Large on Less
    by Nina Willdorf

    We’ve expanded the community to MySpace, please connect with me virtually there, too!

    Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com.

    For all you local gals, I’m offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June-July, details at tranquilspace.com.

    Heading to Chicago for the Midwest Yoga Conference in June, please come see me!

    Be in touch—share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from GarageBand.com. Today’s selection is Flow by The Peak Show. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music, at thepeakshow.com.

    Thanks for joining me for the 31st edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:43 PM | 1 comments

    happy rainy (and creative) monday!

    i can't think of a better way to start the week! what's not to love about the pitter patter of rain and the chilly crisp air? in preparation for may 15's deadline, i'm home editing away on my manuscript--165 pages of a spiritually fun fusion.

    while beginning to read a cute book this weekend titled the joy of doing things badly by veronica chambers, she talks about creating an illustrated journal with images and thoughts on the woman she wants to be. i LOVE doing stuff like this and find the process very empowering. today's podcast is going to be on the art of creating a collage. it's a fun, creative process on defining who you aspire to be in a visual form.

    who says you're not creative? you begin creating as soon as you wake up every day, and even while you sleep (dreaming). stay tuned for the visual journal creativity toolkit, and let your inner child come out to play. happy monday, girls! may this be a FABULOUSLY creative week!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:19 AM | 2 comments

    Friday, May 05, 2006

    yogini gone tired

    happy cinco de mayo! has the week felt longer than normal to you or is it just me? whew, what a week. non-stop meetings, JUST home from today's final one and it is 11:30pm. another 12-hour day full 'o fun tomorrow, and my sunday "day off" only has 3 meetings! life is busier and more exciting than ever, but when i'm grateful to have the time to wash my hair, i know something must be awry.

    sure i choose my yoga practice over hair-washing (what's not to love about a bun and headscarf), but i'm beginning to see a pattern (ok, i'm a slow learner), and life only seems to get busier. as i was doing a load of laundry before my delayed morning meeting (thank gawd she was running late), i thought about how all these modern amenities have really made our lives so much more complicated. think about it, years ago doing laundy was an all day adventure. now we're squeezing basic hygeine and clothing care into an over-booked schedule while also e-mailing on our phones.

    honestly though, i wouldn't change my overall lifestyle. however, i would just LOVE to find a few hours to call my own. so, once i get done blogging and put my iBook down for a few, i'm going to pull out my planner pad and schedule it in. why not carve out some "meeting" time for you, a good book, a lovely scented candle, a cup of tea, and a few hours in bed? you deserve it. signed, yogini gone tired

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:32 PM | 0 comments

    Wednesday, May 03, 2006

    from keri smith's blog: girl's night alone

    how fabulous is this? find more at kerismith.com.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:53 AM | 0 comments

    Monday, May 01, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #30: hip + tranquil + chick

    HTC: May 1, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 30th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the 600 sq. foot Pink Palace in Washington, DC.

    Today’s podcast is a muse on being hip AND tranquil, topped of with a pose of the podcast, hip tranquil chick suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    Hip= external.
    Tranquil= internal/substance behind style.
    Chick= youthful spirit.

    Hip Tranquil Chickness = a philosophy of living. Create a signature style. Let challenging yoga poses help you gain confidence and take risks off the mat. Get smart about your finances. Let your environment at home and work be soothing. Be a conscious citizen—volunteer, give back, connect with a charity, help others. Let creativity infuse your world. Do things differently. Find your professional passion and let it grow. Determine what your vision is and take steps daily toward it. Find relationships that feed your spirit. Make self-care a part of your daily routine.

    Pose of the Podcast:
    Seated Wide legged forward fold

    Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
    “I listened to your post-Tobago podcast while on my Sunday run this morning, and the mention of Australians on your Frapper has shamed me into doing something I’ve been meaning to do for ages – write you an email to say thanks for being so inspiring and keep up the good work!

    I stumbled upon your podcast earlier this year when browsing through iTunes for something to help get me back on the mat after a time away. The first Hip Tranquil Chick podcast I listened to was “get your yoga on” and it was love at first listen! Since then, I have found a studio just down the road from me which I attend regularly and I am beginning to develop my own home practice, something I have always wanted to do.

    But it’s not just on the mat that you’ve provided me with inspiration and motivation. This is a big year for me, because I’ve finally decided to take a leap and pursue further studies in my true passion, mathematics. In September, my beautiful boyfriend and I will be moving halfway across the world to Canada where I’ve been given the opportunity to study under my mathematical hero. We’re so excited to be embarking on such a wonderful journey. Your musings on taking risks and leaps have helped me to remain open, optimistic and fearless in the face of this major life change.

    I’ve also found value in your insights into creativity. I’m looking forward to reading The Artists’s Way (next on my reading list) and applying its teachings to my life and work. Contrary to what some may believe, creativity is fundamentally important in mathematics!

    Thanks again, Kimberly, for your inspirational work. It’s had quite an effect on my life, in more ways than just what I’ve mentioned here.”

    Point d'orgue: We’ve expanded the community to MySpace, please connect with me virtually there, too!

    Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com.

    For all you local gals, I’m offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June-July, details at tranquilspace.com.

    Heading to Chicago for the Midwest Yoga Conference in June, please come see me!

    Be in touch—share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from podsafe music network. Today’s selection is Inertia by Bit Stream Dream. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music, at bitstreamdream.com and their page on the podsafe music network.

    Thanks for joining me for the 30th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
  • Do you have iTunes? Click here and subscribe to the podcast. You'll automatically get the latest edition as soon as it's available.
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:18 PM | 0 comments

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