
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Monday, October 31, 2005

happy halloween!

although i was sick in bed with my laptop all day, i had to rally for louis' first halloween, AND because i was a judge at doggie style bakery's dog costume contest. although louis didn't win (that would have been a slight conflict of interest), it was fun to see all the creativity that went into decorating dogs. who would have known that such a fascinating subculture existed?

hope you are having a happy all hallow's eve - a time traditionally touted as offering more connection with the supernatural, where the boundary between the living and dead becomes blurred. do you feel more in touch with magic and mystery?

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:33 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, October 27, 2005

top 10 self-care tips for november

“to work magic is to weave the unseen forces into form; to soar beyond sight; to explore the unchartered dream realm of the hidden reality.” ~starhawk

the weather has chilled, hibernation begins to sound pretty darn desirable, leaves are falling, and the impending holidays are in sight. as one avid listmaker to another (i sleep with post-its and pens by the bed… you never know when something will come to you!), i don’t know what i would do without categorizing life into various to-dos, lists and sections. i presume that that is why last month’s worked so well for numerous yogis. we live in our head. now, let me help you translate this productivity into your bodies through my top 10 list for self-nurturing in november:

1. set boundaries. ok, so i had to begin this list with an area that i continue to remind myself to focus. do you ever have that feeling in your body of tightness when you’ve said “yes” and should have said “no?” this seems to be a common theme surrounding holiday expectations. we all have limits, and the challenge of compromising one’s current beliefs or desires to make another happy is worth exploring. for example, do you always go home for thanksgiving when you’d really rather sleep in, cook a pot pie, and watch the macy’s thanksgiving day parade with your kitty? well, maybe this year can be different. notice how many of your actions are based on “shoulds” rather than your own voice. life is full of compromises but if you constantly comprise yourself, you’re not living in your body.

2. when in doubt, draw a hot bubble bath. yes, i truly do feel that calgon can take me away (although i now rely on lush bath bombs). every night this time of the year, you’ll find me drawing a bath to warm my cold bones, and just let go into a tub of tranquility. growing up in the christian faith, baptism was a way to cleanse transgressions and be “reborn.” i believe i do this nightly, on a totally different level, not out of sin but out of desire to surrender, self-nurture, and escape e-mail, cell phones and life for 30 minutes. indulge in this full body state of mindfulness magic.

3. cultivate an attitude of gratitude. considering this season of giving thanks, how could i leave this out? don’t you find that this time of year brings on a bit of “woe is me?” i certainly do, however, it is hard to stay there long if you spend time honoring others for their contributions to your life - a letter to a high school teacher, an e-mail to an old friend, volunteer time at a local soup kitchen. throughout this month, think of one new thing daily that helps instill within you an attitude of gratitude, and write it in your journal.

4. sleep in. i think this and journal writing are two of the best forms of free therapy. if you’re an avid planner, put “sleep in until 11” on your list and then you can mark it off when you decide to get out of bed.

5. touch. when taking yoga classes, my fave part is getting assisted by the teacher (ok, and pigeon pose!). the power of touch is soooo powerful. massage, reflexology, yoga classes at tranquil space, talking to a dear friend that “talks” with her hands, reconnecting with old friends, hugging aunt helga over turkey, or caressing a tired friend’s head, are all ways to experience the magic of touch.

6. pay attention to sensations. recognize how approaching a challenging conversation feels in your body, notice if talking to someone leaves your heart center feeling closed, pay attention to what waiting in lines does to your pulse. it’s amazing how easily affected we are by all the stimuli around us. breathing helps but so does noticing if you continually have negative reactions to someone or something. chances are that it may be time to make changes.

7. be less reactionary. during this weekend’s classes on yoga and buddhism, the teacher mentioned that meditation was about creating space between the stimuli and the reaction. ah ha, so if i learn to sit still, i’ll become less reactionary? well, my question to him was what to do with the energy after stimuli before reaction because that stuff is powerful! do you notice that after a not-so-lovely e-mail, the initial reaction is the write back an equally not-so-lovely response? well, i’ve found that sitting on it (visualize a meditation cushion) makes a world of difference. taking the action out, sitting with the sensation, and reacting from a place of mindfulness will allow you to be more in control, especially when dealing with aunt helga over the holidays – “now tell me again why you’re not married?”

8. begin your holiday shopping now. need i say more? taking care of holiday cards, gifts, party planning, and outfits now saves you tons of stress later. and, you’ll get better options, less crowds, better prices (day after thanksgiving sales), and can easily show online without paying more for shipping.

9. practice yoga daily. of course i had to insert this one. even one sun salutation here is gonna make your world more serene. you can do it subtly during meetings, waiting in lines, at the office, and while running around town. for ideas, listen here.

10. release expectations. one of my biggest sources of disappointment in life is due to expectations. if i could only let go of these and be less tit for tat. ahhh. while i continue to work on this (and presume i’m not totally alone in this department), i encourage you to congratulate, give, honor, and support others simply because you want to. expecting a “thank you,” “congrats,” or otherwise in return, only serves to disappoint and discourage. just because i had to write thank yous the day i received a gift growing up, doesn’t mean everyone else did.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:11 AM | 2 comments

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

hip tranquil chick featured on podfinder!

You may remember Adam Curry from his days as an MTV VJ... more recently he's taken podcasting into the mainstream, and is also known as "the Podfather." In the most recent Podfinder Podcast, the podcast for iTunes users, Adam featured Hip Tranquil Chick and played a bit from htc #3. Want to listen? Subscribe to the Podfinder Podcast here. Thanks, Adam!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:40 PM | 0 comments

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

hip tranquil chick podcast #5

Intro: Welcome to the fifth edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on & off the mat. In studio "Pink Palace," Washington, DC.

Today’s podcast focus is yoga-on-the-go for today’s busy girl, which consists of numerous yoga poses of the podcast, and, as always, we’re closing it off with some fabulous podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com .

Enjoy this simple 15-minute yoga sequence that can be incorporated daily for a “mental health break." Begin by sitting on the edge of your seat with feet hip width apart and flat on the ground. Extend the crown of the head toward the ceiling, create an elongated spine and connect to your breath.

Poses of the Podcast:

Neck and Shoulder Rolls With Closed Eyes

Seated Cat and Cow

Chair Twists

Eagle Arms

Seated Child’s Pose

Ankle and Wrist Rolls

Walking Meditation

3-Part Yogic Breath

Closing: Visit tranquiliTboutique.com/podcast to save 15% off the tranquiliT line through october 31. Share your thoughts with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com. I LOVE hearing from you! Visit www.tranquilspace.com and www.hiptranquilchick.com for additional sources of inspiration. To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe tunes – music by new, unsigned artists to help share their art. Today’s selection, perfect for your down dog practicing, is Love me, Leave me by Anji Bee from the podsafe music network.

Thanks for sharing your time by joining me for the fifth edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podast.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:14 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, October 23, 2005

happy 6 years!

last night was a celebration of tranquil space's sixth year. considering 80% of businesses fail within three-five years, i feel so honored to have birthed tranquil space and raised it beyond infancy. i use these terms because building a business truly is like having a baby - sans the physical pain. i think about it 24/7; take it with me on vacations; eat, sleep and breathe it; and protect it as only a mother would.

i included this photo of me in a forearm stand from last night's yoga demo as a symbol of my growth both on and off the yoga mat. when i began yoga, tree pose was SO challenging. i thought, "how in the world do they expect me to stand on one foot and place the other at my ANKLE?" yet, with more and more practice, i began to grow on the yoga mat and my practice reflected the effort put forth. i worked on forearm stand for one whole year before i was able to support myself with confidence. i raise this as a reminder of the importance of constantly moving forward. i once read that if you are in the same spiritual place as you were yesterday, you have fallen. that really hit home on the importance of seeking opportunities, challenging myself, innovating, and moving beyond the comfort zone. as a type A gal, that isn't my biggest problem. instead, i have to be reminded to slow down, take more breaths, linger in bed longer (as i'm doing now while writing), sip more herbal tea, and practice yin or restorative yoga. it's all about balance, isn't it? ahhh, the "b" word!

i dedicate my practice today to my readers, my students at tranquil space (long-timers from my living room and newbies who are just beginning at the studio), and to all of you along the way who i have been lucky enough to meet. the journey has been long, bumpy, challenging, exhausting, exhilirating, and rewarding all at the same time. remember that planting small seeds can lead to incredible growth and that is my encouragement to you - both on and off the yoga mat! happy birthday tranquil space.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 2:09 PM | 0 comments

Monday, October 17, 2005

hip tranquil chick podcast #4

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on & off the mat. Back in the Pink Palace, Washington, DC.

Create a signature style, how to pull your wardrobe together to reflect your most fabulous self, along with the yoga pose of the podcast, and we’re closing it off with some fabulous podsafe music!

1. Determine your style: Collect images that appeal to you from various magazines and put together a style collage. Is it trendy, bohemian or more classic? Bold colors and styles or more subdued? Jackie O, Betsey Johnson, or Audrey H?
2. Assess your situation. Clothing, shoes or accessories that have not been worn in over 2 years, the trend has faded, or you just don’t love the item anymore should be donated to a local women’s shelter or offered up during a girl’s night in swap you host.

Must-haves for the Hip Tranquil Chick closet:
  • Black yoga pants – velvet, cotton, poly, cotton blend, terry
  • Fitted wrap tops and tees that stretch and can dress up or down. great for layering.
  • Fitted black velvet blazer. Cropped one.
  • A cashmere wrap or cardigan
  • Long duster sweater. Transition weather.
  • A slip and wrap dress that can be worn over yoga pants or alone
  • Long, dark, dressy jeans to wear with heels
  • Shorter, casual jeans to wear with your fave flip flops
  • Black slip on shoes that are comfortable yet funky for wearing to the studio and then to the café
  • Multiple black skirts – asymmetrical, below the knee, mini; all in assorted fabrics to throw on with the after practice yoga glow
  • Accessories: Invest in accessories that can wow even the most basic black leggings and white tee
    • head scarves for the post-practice hair fix
    • a strand of long black glass beads or pearls that can be wrapped around the neck a few times
    • long skinny scarf that double as head and hip scarves too
    • chandelier and hoop earrings
    • a great bag, large enough to hold all your goodies, yet funky enough to feel hip AND practical
Pose of the Podcast: Downward facing dog

Closing: Get your signature style started with savings on my tranquiliT collection. Click here to shop and save 15% off through October 31. Share your thoughts with me at kimberly@tranquilspace.com. Visit tranquilspace.com and hiptranquilchick.com for additional sources of inspiration. Chill with the included podsafe tunes – Polar Personified Hengi by DJ Come of Age from the podsafe music network.

Thanks for joining me for the fourth edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podast. Namaste.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:56 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, October 16, 2005

fun ideas on self-romance

i was given a fun, sassy book by mama gena from a fellow tranquil space teacher last year. the book, which i like to describe as blending sensuality and self help, holds a special place because i got my book agent from this simple gift giving gesture. i loved the book concept and packaging, and the author raved about her agent so i thought "why not share my concept with this symbiotic soul?" the fabulous agent got me and hip tranquil chick from the start. as i was perusing mama gena's website tonight, i can across some suggestions on "how to fall in love with yourself" that i wanted to share:

Selections from 50 suggestions: "How to Fall in Love with Yourself"

Created by Mama Gena’s Sister Goddesses Spring 2003

Put lavender oil in your humidifier – let your bedroom be an oasis of scented pleasure
Make a date with yourself, like you would with someone you are really into. Dress for it, get the right food, set the ambiance, etc. Make it a top priority.
Buy yourself flowers. Make sure you really love them and don’t skimp.
Soak in a bubble bath with your favorite aromatherapy scents – candles, bath salts, essential oils, etc.
Pour yourself a glass of champagne and toast your day and your life.
Buy yourself the most perfect, sexy lip gloss you can find. Dare yourself to buy your shade of red lipstick. Never underestimate the power of red lips.
Write a romantic story, starring you as the erotic heroine.
Listen to great music and sing.
Stay with friends or family for a day or two and let them spoil you.
Let yourself fully feel something – cry, binge, mourn, whatever… then move on.
Notice the Pleasure Pockets … e.g., the glow of the flickering candle through the ice cube.
Invite a friend over for a glorious picnic on your floor.
Wear sexy lingerie under your everyday clothing.
Use words like these in describing yourself: succulent, luscious, proudly, sassiest, fabulousness, brilliant, saucy, loving and living with passion, in pleasure despite all else, gleaming, glorious, booty-huggin’, radiant, temple, possibilities, exuberant, juicy, naughty…
Take a nap.
Get up early and enjoy a beauty ritual before work. Carefully apply makeup, place a few special hair ornaments in your strands and pretend they are a crown, paint your nails, spray perfume in special places, curl your hair, etc.
Get up early and prepare a breakfast fit for a Goddess, for yourself.
Carry Mama Gena’s book proudly, with the cover facing out and see if a Big Sister will magically appear.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:33 PM | 0 comments

Saturday, October 15, 2005

a milestone occasion

continuing along the theme of "savvy soirees" per last week's podcast, my beau and i threw a soiree for our fabulous one-year-old... pug! yes, all critters are deserving of celebration complete with candles, comfy food, bubbly beverages, takeaway treats (caramel apple pops in honor of the season and all natural dog treats with "louis" written on them in blue), dim lighting to hide neglected cleaning, and festive tunes. oh, and i must mention louis' fabulous attire - black tee with tiger print edging and "birthday boy" in rhinestones. my incredibly talented sewer of tranquiliT sent it to louis for his special day and i couldn't have chosen a more perfect look. never doubt, soiree throwing is not just for humans.

use your creativity, invite friends over, and celebrate life (or the first year of your puppy). happy soiree-throwing to you.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:49 PM | 0 comments

Monday, October 10, 2005

“To love yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” – Oscar Wilde

As the Wilde quote signifies, the relationship you have with yourself (how you feel about and treat yourself) is a VERY important relationship. Actually, this is the only relationship in life that is 100% guaranteed. You are sure to wake up and go to bed with yourself every day. We all know the importance of taking care of ourselves, but is this inner-reflective love story celebrated with regular practice?

During airplane departures, emphasis is placed on putting on your own life mask before a dependent’s. This theory translates into modern life. In order to be fully fabulous, you must be full, not running on “E.” The active yoga-lover can get caught on the hamster wheel with the best of them, but it is important to realize when it is time to leap off, reassess, and spend some time recharging. With the crisp air hovering and nature's shift to stillness, this is the perfect time to add some self-nurturing into your own life.

Build a solid relationship with you. Get back in touch with the unadulterated delights that you crave. Implement small changes into your routine that guarantee you some time to spend savoring the abundance of simple pleasures that surround you. Life is full of hidden treasures. Below are some simple tips to translate self-nurturing into reality.

Off the mat self-nurturing tips:
• Indulge in weekly solo creative excursions. Ex., visits to museums, wineries, 5 and dimes, city parks, bookstores.
• Spend $5 a week on a “luxury.” Ex., lavender scented bath bombs (LUSH bombs are highly recommended), drugstore hot oil hair treatments, scented colored pencils, colorful notecards.
• Practice the 3-part yogic breath at the office, while stuck in traffic, and during your luxurious evening home alone reading.

On the mat self-nurturing tip:
One of my favorite self-nurturing poses is legs up the wall (described in yesterday's podcast). This pose is a sure-fire way to restore and renew after a challenging day, jet lag exhaustion, or the simple everyday need to quiet the mind. Find adequate wall and floor space so that you can lie on your back and extend your legs up onto the wall (or use a chair as a substitute). Getting your hips up to the wall is the trickiest part. If your hamstrings are tight, pull your hips away from the wall a few inches so that they are more at an angle than straight up the wall. Once the legs are up and comfortable, you can take two of my favorite variations – 1) open the legs to a wide V, 2) bend the knees and place the soles of the feet together. Both variations help open the hips, awaken the inner thighs, and alleviate discomfort due to tight hamstrings. Enjoy!

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:48 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, October 09, 2005

hip tranquil chick podcast #3

Welcome to the third edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on & off the mat. In studio "Pink Palace," Washington, DC.

Today’s podcast is on hosting a savvy soiree with ideas on how to pull the pieces together, along with the newly added pose of the podcast, and we’re closing it off with some fabulous podsafe music!

Pose of the Podcast:
Legs up the Wall/Viparita Karani

Closing: Share your thoughts with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com and visit www.tranquilspace.com and www.hiptranquilchick.com for additional sources of inspiration. Today’s podsafe music selection, perfect for your next femme fete, is "Walk Away" by Lovespirals from the Podsafe Music Network. Note the yogic breathing.

Thanks for joining me for the third edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podast.

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posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:24 PM | 0 comments

Monday, October 03, 2005

hip tranquil chick podcast #2

Intro: Back in the Pink Palace, Washington, DC. Welcome to the second edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on & off the mat.

An interview with Darren Main (visit his website at darrenmain.com). A fabulous Hip Tranquil Dude who lives in San Francisco, is the author of a few books including Yoga and the Path of the Urban Mystic, teaches yoga internationally, and is a popular guest teacher at Tranquil Space.

Recommeded Texts Discussed in Podcast:
yoga and the path of the urban mysticyoga and the path of the urban mystic by darren john main
the wisdom of no escape: and the path of loving-kindnessthe wisdom of no escape: and the path of loving-kindness by pema chodron

Closing: Share your thoughts with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com and visit www.tranquilspace.com for additional sources of inspiration.

Thanks for joining me for the second edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podast.

New to podcasting? Get more info at Podcast411.
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posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:37 PM | 0 comments

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