
HTC Podcast

Hip Tranquil Chick

Kimberly Wilson



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Sunday, April 30, 2006

yogini gone wild

after spending most of the day hibernating in bed due to one too many cosmos, i have been moving a bit slowly this evening. those neurons just aren't firing so quickly. my beau says it's good to have some down time. i, instead, feel antsy that i didn't get enough done. it IS supposed to be my day off but i didn't even step outside to see the beautiful weather. ahhh, tomorrow's a new day filled with sunshine, productivity, and a clear head.

i wanted to share a fave restorative sequence to help you get through your not-so-fabulous/one-too-many-cosmos days:

(extra doses of tranquility include a silk lavender-filled eyepillow, a scented candle burning nearby, the phone turned off, rosebud salve on your lips, and a yummy essential oil rubbed onto your temples. have a blanket or bolster nearby for #2-5.)

1. a total delight--legs up the wall. begin on your back and extend your legs up a wall. place your bum as close to the wall as possible and for a shoulder opener, bring the arms up over your head and reach for opposite elbows. notice your breath and feel the body soften. for a variation, open your legs to a wide v. for another variation, bend your knees and place the soles of the feet together. stay here as long as feels good.

2. slowly roll over to your right side, rest a few breaths, and roll up to a seated position. take a blanket or bolster and roll it tightly lengthwise. place the blanket vertically behind your tailbone, and lie back over the blanket. let your arms splay out to the sides or up over your head.

3. roll to your right side and sit up, place the blanket horizontally under the shoulderblades (at your bra line) and roll back over the blanket. this one is a huge heart opener and so powerful.

4. roll to your right side and slowly lift up to a child's pose. bring your big toes together and open your knees wide. place the blanket in between the knees and rest over the blanket(s), turn your head to either side.

5. place a rolled blanket under your shoulderblades horizontally and one under your knees. let those arms splay out behind the blanket. yummy mountain brook pose. ahhhhhh . . .

posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:17 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, April 27, 2006

life = service

if i can stop one heart from breaking, i shall not live in vain.
if i can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin unto his nest again, i shall not live in vain.—emily dickinson

how can i be of service today? have you ever stopped to think how different our world would be if we began our day with this simple question?

last night we celebrated the graduation of this year’s 200-hour teacher training group. during our final weekend together, we discussed the importance of viewing teaching as a service. but service goes well beyond teaching yoga, it can become a way of life. imagine this: you awaken to the sound of ocean waves, leap out of bed excited about the fresh day ahead, and ponder what steps you will take today to make a difference.

ok, back to reality. you wake up to an alarm clock buzz when you’re finally in a deep sleep and wonder how you’ll get everything done on your to-do list. yet, as yogis, we can incorporate this concept of service into our daily grind even when we’re feeling a bit discombobulated and sleep deprived.

i just finished the draft of my final book chapter on savvy social consciousness. it opened my eyes to the various ways in which our values translate into everyday habits, along with the ways we contribute to a better society through volunteering, conscious consumption, and small gestures. being of service is why we’re here. you may practice this by raising a family, creating a business, mentoring a child, or helping someone in need across the street.

another way we can be of service is by example. i view certain women as mentors although i’ve never met them (anais nin, oprah). live your life in a way that inspires others. what is your message? are you living life fully or sleep-walking from one to-do to the next? how can you get closer to the imagined state described above?

dedicate your practice to someone who you would like to honor through the energy and effort you put forth. the creative options are limitless.
as the poem above states, if you can make a difference to just one person, your life is not in vain. explore ways to help improve the quality of someone else’s life. below are some easy ideas on how to do so:

* really listen to your mother
* pick up trash on the sidewalk
* volunteer at a nursing home
* foster a kitten
* buy from local farmers
* shop independent designers
* connect with a charity
* recycle
* plant a garden
* wear eco-friendly clothing
* leave a “you rock” post-it on your colleague’s computer
* give a gift just because

every day you are given a fresh canvas on which to paint. what do you want your masterpiece to look like? explore the ways in which your life contributes to your community. what small step can you take today to make a difference in someone else’s life, ultimately affecting yours?

may we all live a life that has a positive effect on others in our own unique way. you have a special gift. explore it and let it shine. thank you for so positively affecting mine over the past seven years through tranquil space and for the past 1.5 years through this blog.

posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:37 AM | 2 comments

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

hip tranquil chick podcast #29: yoga for girls-on-the-go

HTC: April 26, 2006 Shownotes

Welcome to the 29th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the 600 sq. foot Pink Palace in Washington, DC.

Today’s podcast is mid-week bonus segment on yoga for the girl-on-the-go topped of with fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

Poses of the Podcast:
Neck rolls
Wrist and ankle rolls
Tree poseChair twists
3-part yogic breath
Meditation (include Walking)
Seated pigeon

Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

Closing: Be in touch-share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@tranquilspace.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog. New to MySpace, please say bon jour!

Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com. For all you local gals, I’m offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June-July, details at tranquilspace.com.

Heading to Chicago for the Midwest Yoga Conference in June, please come see me!

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting. Today’s selection is Shine On by Dreaming Blue. Check out this week's featured artist at dreaming-blue.com and their page on the Podsafe Music Network.

Thanks for joining me for the 29th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:27 PM | 0 comments

    Monday, April 24, 2006

    get your hands dirty

    yesterday i frolicked about the local nursery and bought three flats of impatiens, some fresh cut tulips, and a new white pot. i was in heaven. poor beau was sooo bored and louis kept trying to eat the flowers. still, i was in heaven! as soon as i had a chance to dig my hands into the dirt, i was all over it. this is the one time each year where my gardening instincts come out to play and i take it very seriously. put on madonna's latest CD, doned some flip flops, and hit my tiny patio in the same outfit i'd worn to a surprise tea at the four seasons. it took less than an hour and my patio is filled with lovely pink and white impatiens that will last me through the first frost. what isn't to love? i recently found a great book, you grow girl. it's like the cool chick's guide to gardening. such fun. she also has a website.

    if you're scared to get your hands dirty, never fear, there are great gloves out there. however, i had no patience to search for my purple pansy gloves and instead dug right in with my hands and tiny tools. no matter what your situation, i'll bet there is a houseplant that needs a bigger home, a window sill where you could plant some tiny pots of herbs, or a fire escape longing for some color. go ahead girls, get those hands dirty.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 6:07 PM | 3 comments

    Sunday, April 23, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #28: hip tranquil traveling

    HTC: April 23, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 28th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. On location at Lauren’s city condo in Washington, DC.

    Today’s podcast is on hip tranquil traveling with Lauren Brownstein, topped of with fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    Lauren Brownstein (on left in photo with Kimberly in Costa Rica) is an entrepreneur, yogi, aunt to two delicious nieces, visual artist, volunteer, and world traveler. She has lived and worked in Washington, DC for 13 years, using our nation's capital as her home base and jumping off point for adventures around the globe.
    Recent trips include Thailand, Israel, Costa Rica (including a month-long sabbatical), and Uganda. When she's not taking trains, planes, and automobiles to familiar haunts or new locales, Lauren is the Director of PITCH: Fundraising and Philanthropy Consulting. Through her business, which she founded in 2003, she helps non-profits to expand their capacity through new funds and new friends, and she helps individuals to commit to philanthropic giving. Lauren has joyfully practiced at Tranquil Space Yoga for several years.

    Hip Tranquil Travel
    • What is hip tranquil travel
    • Why travel matters
    • How to travel in style on a budget
    • What to pack
    • To Plan or Not to Plan
    • Travel tips - SAFETY

    Pose of the Podcast:

    BONUS girl-on-the-go podcast coming mid-week!

    Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
    Skipped this week due to time constraints. Stay tuned for next week's inspirational read!

    Au revoir:
    Be in touch- share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@tranquilspace.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog. Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com.

    For all you local gals, I’m offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June-July, details at tranquilspace.com.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting. Today’s selection is Stranger by Endless Blue. More this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music at endlessbluemusic.com.

    Thanks for joining me for the 28th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Happy travels and namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:12 PM | 1 comments

    Thursday, April 20, 2006

    dear hip tranquil chick . . .

    Q: what poses do you recommend to deal with grief or other intense emotions?

    A: Ahhhh, another fabulous question. I've heard from quite a few of you recently that the new spring season is encouraging all sorts of emotional spring cleaning. I find working with hip poses (my absolute FAVORITE piece of the vinyasa pie) to be sooo therapeutic. All of us have “those” days when we experience a big loss or disappointment and just getting out of bed can be a struggle. Look no further than your yoga mat for emotional release. One of my favorite sequences is below:

    1. Begin in child’s pose (balasana) with big toes together and knees open, drop the belly and chest in between your knees, connect with your breath and soften into this soothing pose.

    2. Slowly rise to table pose, begin making circles with the torso by taking the hips to the right, flowing forward into cobra (bhujangasana), and taking the hips to the left and back to child’s. Repeat a few times and work out all the kinks.

    3. Return to table pose, curl your toes under and lift your hips to downward facing dog (adho muka svanasana), an inverted “V.”

    4. Inhale and lift your right leg to a down dog split.

    5. Exhale and place your right foot in between your hands to a lunge, gently rock back and forth as you awaken the hips.

    6. Drop your left knee, and pull your hips back as you straighten the right leg to half splits (ardha hanumanasana).

    7. Return to your lunge and step back with the right leg to downward facing dog (adho muka svanasana).

    8. Gently place the right knee in between your hands for pigeon pose (eka pada rajakapotasana), fold forward gently and breathe. Slowly bring the hands back to your body as your torso lifts.

    9. Sweep the left leg around, placing the left foot to the outside of the right knee for a seated twist (ardha matsyendrasana). Extend the right arm up and place the right elbow onto your left knee as you gaze lovingly over your left shoulder. Inhale as you extend, and exhale as you twist deeper. Return to the center and feel the difference between both sides.

    10. Place your left shin on top of your right shin, and gently fold forward into double pigeon (dwi pada rajakapotasana).

    11. Return to table pose circles, and repeat the series on your left side.

    12. End in yogic squat (malasana). Close your eyes, tune into your 3-part breath, and savor a sense of release washing over the body.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:43 PM | 1 comments

    Wednesday, April 19, 2006

    the fabulous febreze cd

    um, ok, so i occasionally fall for nice smelling gimmicks--bath products, candles, and anything labeled "aromatherapy." as my beau and i were picking up lightbulbs at the local CVS last week, he pointed out what he coined "ridiculous" and i, of course, immediately loved--a CD player of febreze scents. it's "playing" as i write tonight. i must confess that it is my favorite find since the blueberry green tea i raved about a while back. it was a gift from "the easter bunny" and my condo smells heavenly because of it. try for yourself. you may laugh now, but you'll quickly be wowed as if fills your home with delightful fragrance! ahhh, the simple joys of life.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:36 PM | 0 comments

    Tuesday, April 18, 2006

    caffeine = closet cleaning

    i'm a self-proclaimed caffeine wussy. my already energetic spirit goes into overdrive after a small dose of the drug. on saturday after taking and teaching class, i had a meeting at starbucks. without hesitation, i ordered a grande soy chai latte and i felt the effects for over 12 hours!

    i stayed at the studio for a few hours after the caffeine exposure and hustled home to conquer the closets. i'd spent a lot of the week writing my chapter on "soulful surroundings" and decided that saturday night was my time to get things in order. my beau jokes that my life sometimes lack excitement (you mean other hip tranquil chicks aren't home on saturday nights cleaning out closets due to a caffeine binge?).

    my beau and pup were begging for space on the bed by the time 2am rolled around. i was still going strong but i carved out space on his side of the bed and soon he was fast asleep. louis, however, waited for me to finish before settling in. even after i crawled into bed at 3am, i was so wired i couldn't fall asleep so i did some reading.

    i woke up on easter and laughed. what had happened to me the night before? there were bags of clothes set aside to donate to friends and charity, neatly organized hanging clothes, shoes in labeled boxes (since louis has taken to chewing on heels), and an overall feeling of being lighter. here's to saturday nights at home doing a little spring cleaning . . . but next time, i'll skip the caffeine-indused haze.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:22 PM | 0 comments

    Monday, April 17, 2006

    my space, your space

    after numerous suggestions to join the exciting cyberworld of my space, i got my account all set up. please drop by and say hello at http://www.myspace.com/hiptranquilchick. i look forward to sharing "hip tranquil chickness" and connecting further with hip tranquil chicks from around the globe. thanks for sharing in spreading the message of living life fully and flairfully!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:54 AM | 0 comments

    Sunday, April 16, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #27: financial finesse 101

    HTC: April 16, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 27th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Here in the pink palace, Washington, DC.

    Today’s podcast is on financial finesse 101 for the modern girl, topped of with a pose of the podcast, book suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and fun tunes! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    Explore operating from the mindset that abundance allows you feel more empowered and to do greater good! Gesehe Michael Roach, author of The Diamond Cutter, writes, “There is a belief prevalent in America and other Western countries that being successful, making money, is somehow wrong for people who are trying to lead a spiritual life. In Buddhism though it is not the money which is in itself wrong; in fact, a person with greater resources can do much more good in the world than without.”

    Interview with Sarah Kaplan – a partner at Kaplan Financial Group (kaplanfinancialgroup.com), Kaplan Benefits Group, LLC, and “K” Financial, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Sarah is a graduate of the University of Maryland’s R.H. Smith School of Business, where she received recognition as the top graduate in her major. Sarah is a regular guest speaker at the Smith School where she instructs graduating seniors how to adapt to life after college financially. She has also recently worked on a number of Symposia for students at GW University regarding financial literacy with her partner, Candace Kaplan.


    1. What are the financial basics that all hip tranquil chicks should employ?
    2. How does one begin to set up a budget?
    3. How can a woman living paycheck to paycheck begin to build a savings?
    4. What is the best way to get rid of debt?
    5. Where do women tend to fall short financially?
    6. Can you explain the different investment options?
    7. What are your top 5 tips for today’s woman to embody to ensure mindful money management?
    a. Understand how you spend money.
    b. Be honest with yourself and never be ashamed.
    c. Always set goals for yourself.
    d. Find an advisor you trust.
    e. Always keep learning.

    Pose of the Podcast:

    Side Angle

    Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

    Smart Money Magazine
    Real Simple

    Rich Dad, Poor Dad

    Smart Women Finish Rich

    The Diamond Cutter

    Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:

    “I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely LOVE your podcast. I look forward to it every week. It keeps me centered in between my asana practices. I thought it would be important to email you b/c I believe it is so important to let visionaries know that they are appreciated! Good luck to you, and I hope you keep bringing us inspiration. You've got a long-term fan in me.”


    Let me help you grow. How can I help support you and your hip tranquil chick path? I hope to add workshops, teleclasses, retreats, online forums, and more so please let me know if you have ideas!

    Share your thoughts, needs, and suggestions from your hip tranquil chick path with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog. Visit hiptranquilchick.com for online sources of inspiration. Sign up for the tranquiliT times at hiptranquilchick.com and view the latest spring issuein the archives.

    Share your locale with fellow hip tranquil chicks—we’ve added Frapper to the blog.

    Want to explore your creativity? I'm offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June-July -- details at tranquilspace.com.

    To close out the show, we’re playing music from a fellow hip tranquil chick -- Michelle Payne. Today’s selection is Blue. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of her music, at michellepayne.net or Michelle's cdbaby.com page. Thanks for joining me for the 27th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

    Thanks for joining me for the 27th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:53 PM | 0 comments

    Thursday, April 13, 2006

    dear hip tranquil chick . . .

    Q: How does a hip tranquil chick get balanced? My life feels as if it is spinning out of control at times--I need to focus. Help!

    A: Hip tranquil chicks have lots going on. It is easy to get overwhelmed when you have so many exciting balls in the air. I find that practicing these 5 sure-fire balancing tips can help bring me back into focus:

    1. Breathe deeply and often. Ok, so we all know that breathing is a life force but conscious breathing is a whole other thing. When the going gets tough, when you’re late to a meeting, or when the puppy won’t stop barking, tune into a deep, slow breath.

    2. Carve out alone time each and every day. Your down time may be as simple as taking a much-needed walk around the block, skipping out for some coffeeshop time, or going for a long bike ride!

    3. Do things differently. Adding a little variety into your everyday routine is sure to help you reconnect with who you are and have a little fun along the way. Instead of a sandwich for lunch, order a salad and eat it in the park (alone to multi-task with #2), listen to Madonna rather than classical when getting ready in the morning, or sip green tea throughout the day rather than your usual mocha.

    4. Blend work and play. When you’re living your passion, you will be able to combine your work with your lifestyle. For example, are you a musician-in-the-making but lawyer by day? Why not explore ways to share your music with others by teaching children, singing in coffee shops, or putting together a CD to sell? By bridging the gap between your passions, your life will feel less disjointed.

    5. Nurture yourself regularly. It is critical that you spend time connecting within to refill your well and be your best self for othes. Some simple and easy ways to do so are through massage, journal writing, retreats, meditation, yoga, mani and pedis, blogging, reading, gardening, shopping, organizing, going through your closet, cooking, dancing, hot baths, connecting to like-minded women, and taking long naps.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 10:59 PM | 0 comments

    Wednesday, April 12, 2006

    new york, new york

    ahhh, the city of SUCH excitement. my beau and i were up there this weekend for an oh-too-short excursion. i had an all-day book workshop on saturday so we left late friday night, pulled into the hotel after midnight, and were up bright and early to head off for an action-packed day. i spent 8 hours focusing on my passion for hip tranquil chick. after doing a mock interview for the book, one of the publicists at the event shared that she used to be a student at tranquil space when we were at the church! what a small world.

    after this incredibly informative and mentally exhausting day, my beau and i headed for broadway where we'd gotten tickets to see bridge and tunnel. it was quite chilly and rainy so, of course, we stopped along the way to warm up in a bookstore. as a bibliophile, this can be quite dangerous. i saw daily candy's new book and had to have it. i can never leave a bookstore with empty hands--it's a crazy addiction (but i know there are worse ones!).

    after dining at a not-so-swanky japanese fast food restaurant (my beau loves the fact that i'm the cheapest date in town and sooo high class), we headed to the show. what an AMAZING performance. this woman is INCREDIBLE. tons of accents, personas, and character changing right before our eyes. i highly recommend it. what isn't to love about a chick writing and performing her very own play that just got extended at the helen hayes theatre? then we hopped in our car and headed back to the nation's capitol. wow, that city fills me with creativity, passion, and visions of possibility in so many ways! here's to new york--if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 12:03 PM | 0 comments

    Monday, April 10, 2006

    interview on martha stewart living radio

    40 minutes after sending in three more book chapters last month, i had the opportunity to speak with Joan Durand from Martha Stewart Living Radio for an hour. she hosts the "start up" segment of the show and asked all sorts of insightful questions. we discussed the grassroots start up of tranquil space--from the living room to church days to our current location. the interview will air on sirius radio saturday 4.15 at 7pm and on sunday 4.16 at 11pm.

    since i'm not quite that satellite radio savvy yet, i did some googling and found that you can sign up for a 3-day trial subscription by calling 800.869.5059. maybe now i'll dip my toes into what folks have been raving about these past few years. either way, wanted to share the news in case you're interested in tuning in over easter weekend.

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 11:46 AM | 2 comments

    Sunday, April 09, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #26: meditation 101

    HTC: April 9, 2006 Shownotes

    Welcome to the 26th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the 600 sq. foot Pink Palace in Washington, DC.

    Today’s podcast is on meditating, topped of with a pose of the podcast, hip tranquil chick suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    Meditation 101
    Here are some basic meditation instructions to get you started. If you follow them carefully and practice them regularly, you may start noticing some subtle (or not-so-subtle!) positive changes in your life:

    1.Take your seat.
    2. Breath Deeply.
    3. Let Go.
    4. Dive Deeper.

    Meditation Tools:

    1. Watch Your Breath

    2. Use a Mantra
    3. Object Meditation
    4. Walking Meditation
    5. Empty Mind
    6. Mindfulness Meditation
    7. Meditating On An Idea

    Pose of the Podcast: Seated Meditation

    Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

    meditation secrets for women
    by camille maurine & lorin roche


    Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
    "Wow! Thanks so much for replying. I know you get a ton of emails, so I'm very impressed that you took the time to write back. Just knowing that this is a common problem helped so much. I'm still having trouble making it to a yoga class (part of the problem is just scheduling conflicts), but I've been doing much better at my home practice since I wrote to you. It's actually really small things that I've found helped. One is just lighting a candle and (taking some advice from you) putting on some lipgloss (lavendar-flavored is what I have around). I also started making my own practices with my favorite poses and listening to my own music. But actually, the best thing is that I bought some comfortable dedicated yoga clothes (from tranquiliT) and I love to wear them!

    It seems a little silly, even to me, but just having a little ritual that means I'm starting yoga practice has made all the difference. I've been practicing every day for weeks now and completing everything I've planned. Anyway, thanks so much for your advice and your clothing line, which is truly amazing. I really hope I can make it to a class soon, but until then it's so satisfying to have a strong home practice."


    Let me help you grow. How can I help support you and your hip tranquil chick path? I hope to add workshops, teleclasses, retreats, online forums, and more so please let me know if you have ideas!

    Share your thoughts, needs, and suggestions from your hip tranquil chick path with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog. Visit hiptranquilchick.com for online sources of inspiration. Sign up for the tranquiliT times at hiptranquilchick.com and view the latest spring issue in the archives.

    Share your locale with fellow hip tranquil chicks—we’ve added Frapper to the blog.

    Want to explore your creativity? I'm offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June-July--details at tranquilspace.com.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the podsafe music network. Today’s selection is Delorian by Atomica. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music, at theatomicaproject.com.

    Thanks for joining me for the 26th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

  • You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast! Click here to listen right now (mp3).
  • New to podcasting? Get more info at Yahoo Podcasts.
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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:33 PM | 0 comments

    Wednesday, April 05, 2006

    staying true to self

    this morning i went to speak at the washington dc economic partnership on having a business in dc. as i approached the building after braving the cold and walking 35 minutes in wedge boots to get there, i peeked inside and saw lots of professionally dressed folks in navy. i giggled to myself as i was still wearing the same tranquiliT leggings i practiced in yesterday and slept in last night. what's a girl to do when she has to get up so early? (8am) i know, i know. 8am is sleeping late for some folks but i do my best work late at night and enjoy sleeping past my beau's alarm clock. not today.

    anyway, i share this with you because it made me reflect on the constant struggle that we have with who we are and how to share that with the world. i am no longer a navy-suit-with-crisp-white-shirt-wearing girl. yes, i roll out of bed, freshen up, and add some hot boots, coupled with a long colorful necklace from tobago, to my all black yoga wear look. this is me. i gotta wear it proudly even in a room filled with lovely professionally dressed folks. my speech went well and i saw some familiar faces in the crowd which is always consoling.

    it is so important to stay true to who you are while also fitting in with the crowd. how you present yourself in front of a banker asking for a loan is very different than how you present yourself to your girlfriends while dining at lauriol plaza. however, they are all you--just different facets. explore ways to bring a little more of who you are into every interaction. people deserve to see your creativity AND idiosyncracies shine. that is what makes you unique. here's to a continaul exploration of staying true to yourself (even if you arrive to give a speech in the same leggings you practiced AND slept in)!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 1:16 PM | 0 comments

    Tuesday, April 04, 2006

    dear hip tranquil chick . . .

    Q: i cannot streamline my energy to actually manifest the book I dream of .. or my DVD... or CD... (how do you do it?) how do you usually tackle a project?

    A: what a great question (is there every really a bad question?)! as hip tranquil chicks, you may find yourself struggling with this constantly. you may not lack possibilities and opportunities, just the ability to figure out where to begin and how to get the ball rolling on your numerous ideas! well, this IS a great problem to have.

    here are my favorite ways to prioritize a project:
    1. determine what you want--to start a business, to write a book, to plant a garden
    2. research--join the women's business center, chat with women who have done what you're seeking, read publications catered to your project
    3. write out the baby steps involved in the big vision--write a business plan (note various sections), read a book on writing a book proposal, sign up for a class at your local gardening store
    4. write out a timeline for accomplishing the steps--have first three sections of business plan done by June 1, 2006, begin my container gardening project by memorial day weekend
    5. hold yourself accountable--share plan with a friend, post your plan where you see it daily
    6. reward your efforts!

    looking at the big picture can be daunting and this is where many dreams stop. indulge yourself by taking the time up front to determine how to get from point A to point B, to determine why it is important to you, and go make it happen! hip tranquil chicks are dreamers who do!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 9:30 AM | 2 comments

    Sunday, April 02, 2006

    hip tranquil chick podcast #25: retreating

    HTC: April 2, 2006 Shownotes

    click play to hear this episode... or click here to listen to older shows!

    Welcome to the 25h edition of the hip tranquil chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Recorded while on a yoga retreat in the gorgeous island of Tobago. (photo by the fabulous tobago retreater Amy Mullarkey)

    Today’s podcast is a discussion of how this retreat and yoga has affected our participants’ lives, topped of with a pose of the podcast, retreat resources, hip tranquil chick chat, and great tunes! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

    My top 5 retreat tips:

    1. Schedule down time—one sacred hour to browse a bookstore, an afternoon off to walk through the phillips collection and sip tea in their cafe, a weekend away holed up in a cabin within the shenandoah region, a solo sojourn to a new country, a month-long bike ride through france.
    2. Let loved ones and colleagues know an emergency number, that you’ll be out of touch, and set up an e-mail auto-reply so that any expected (or unexpected) peeps trying to get in touch are made aware of your inaccessibility.
    3. Leave ability to connect to outside world to a minimum.
    4. Take your journal, a pen, creative tools such as sketchbook and colored pencils, comfy clothes, loads of water, reading material, healthy snacks, your yoga mat, and a beginner’s mind.
    5. Let go of expectations and embrace the experience.

    Musings from Tobago Retreaters with podsafe music from Angi B and the Lovespirals

    Pose of the Podcast: Janu Sirsasana

    Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

    Paradise Point Villa

    girl seeks bliss
    girl seeks bliss: zen and the art of modern life maintenance
    Chapter 8 on Zen Escapes

    Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
    “I've been meaning to e-mail you for ages and am finally getting around to it! I’m a fan from Boston, MA who listens to your podcasts and reads your blog every day. I originally found Tranquil Space through a web search on yoga…and loved the site so much I bookmarked it…and then the blog…and then the podcasts!

    Please know that your messages of self-love, nurturing, yoga, and hipness are so inspiring, and I know I’m not the only one writing in to tell you that. I used to be a serious practitioner of yoga, but life kind of got in the way and I stopped practicing (and exercising, for that matter). Now I’m trying to get myself back into shape, and I find your blogs and podcasts helpful in reminding myself to nurture my body, not fight against it.”

    Let me help you grow. How can I help support you and your hip tranquil chick path? I hope to add workshops, teleclasses, retreats, online forums, and more so please let me know if you have ideas!

    Share your thoughts, needs, and suggestions from your hip tranquil chick path with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog. Visit hiptranquilchick.com for online sources of inspiration. Sign up for the tranquiliT times at hiptranquilchick.com and view the latest spring issue in the archives.

    Share your locale with fellow hip tranquil chicks—we’ve added Frapper to the blog.

    Want to explore your creativity? I'm offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June-July--details at tranquilspace.com.

    To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music---by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the podsafe music network. Today’s selection is Under the Calm Influence by Mercury Sol. You can learn more this week's featured artist, including how to get more of their music at mercurysol.net.

    Thanks for joining me for the 25th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Happy retreating and namaste!

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  • posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:43 PM | 0 comments

    Saturday, April 01, 2006

    the rhythm of the beat

    here is a fun photo of nick and me in action on the drums. we were lucky enough to get a lesson during our final soiree the evening before we left tobago. i was a bit rigid on the drums but loved the tribal experience of the instrument. as someone said to me today, it connects you to your core--kinda like a heartbeat. what's not to love?

    if you haven't experienced live drumming or played with one yourself, i highly encourage it as it was a true highlight of our adventure on that very special island!

    posted by kimberly wilson @ 8:51 PM | 0 comments

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